Which is the best government system for America?

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Well, it might hard to change the government system for the United States of America because no one go above the United States Constitution.

Oh, Jiro, it was me. :D
you need to brush up on your history lesson... and political science as well...
1. Russia is a communist country... and so are handful of other countries
2. Sweden is a Constitutional Monarchy (same as UK)... not socialist
3. China is not leaning to socialism.. It's a communist state but integrating capitalism into its communist state
4. Turkey is Republican Parliamentary Democracy... and yes it's undergoing thru volatile political change to become a secular nation

more and more nations are integrating the concept of capitalism (or free market) but it does not affect their government structure. I think you're confusing government structure with system of economy.

It's more accurate to say - European countries in general are MUCH MUCH more liberal than USA.

Please educate yourself on socialism. It is NOT something like welfare state, universal health care, etc. NO!

For Russia, you means during USSR time? I don't see because you don't use "was" on Russia about being communist country, USSR were collapsed in 1991 and Russia become semi-presidential republic, it means similar freedom as USA does and offers capitalism as well, I believe that Russia still have some side for socialism, such as universal health care.

China is socialist republic with capitalism support, according on wikipedia.
For Russia, you means during USSR time? I don't see because you don't use "was" on Russia about being communist country, USSR were collapsed in 1991 and Russia become semi-presidential republic, it means similar freedom as USA does and offers capitalism as well, I believe that Russia still have some side for socialism, such as universal health care.

China is socialist republic with capitalism support, according on wikipedia.

oh.... wikipedia... c'mon... wikipedia vs. CIA Factbook.... :aw:

yes USSR collapsed.... which means it lost its satellite countries but it does not lose its government structure. It's still a communist. so is China. I think it's disappointing that people do not fully understand what "socialism" means. oh well.....
oh.... wikipedia... c'mon... wikipedia vs. CIA Factbook.... :aw:

yes USSR collapsed.... which means it lost its satellite countries but it does not lose its government structure. It's still a communist. so is China. I think it's disappointing that people do not fully understand what "socialism" means. oh well.....

CIA said Russia is federation in government type and it doesn't statement about communist.
CIA said Russia is federation in government type and it doesn't statement about communist.

yes... since 1991 by Yelstein, I believe... aahhh the good ole' Boris! and again by Putin.... and again by Medvedev (worthless anyway since he's Putin's puppet). Even though... officially - the Communist Party was disbanded in 1991... along with KGB and some other agencies... Russia's still a communist in blood. funny thing and confusing thing about political science is they love to mess with your head with names and make-believe names just for the sake of public image :cool2:
I think America should have a monarchy, and I should be the queen. No, no, not drag queen... the Queen of United States. :D

Bow and pay yer homage, ya plebians!
I think America should have a monarchy, and I should be the queen. No, no, not drag queen... the Queen of United States. :D

Bow and pay yer homage, ya plebians!

can I be your king?
can I be your king?

No, peasant, but you may join my all-American royal harem. :giggle:
What? As a queen, I work very hard at looking good and ordering everyone around that is well below my station. All work and no play makes Her Highness a dull queen. :aw:
No, peasant, but you may join my all-American royal harem. :giggle:
What? As a queen, I work very hard at looking good and ordering everyone around that is well below my station. All work and no play makes Her Highness a dull queen. :aw:

Yes your highness <walk away while bowing>
I think America should have a monarchy, and I should be the queen. No, no, not drag queen... the Queen of United States. :D

Bow and pay yer homage, ya plebians!

I think America should have a monarchy, and I should be the queen. No, no, not drag queen... the Queen of United States. :D

Bow and pay yer homage, ya plebians!

lol, it would cool in my opinion but it had turned many citizens off due history with UK in 1700's.

Do you used live in Norway? If I can remember about old post in long time ago.
Ah, thanks to my very loyal subjects for humoring me, Jiro and Reba! :laugh2:

Fox, yeah, I lived in Norway - while it has a monarchy, it is primarily a socialist state. It wasn't a bad place to live and I do keep an open mind about what really does work for a country. You did know I was kidding about America needing a monarchy, right?

I do have a proposal about America - perhaps the problem is not with our democratic government, but there is too much drama and personal investment in the presidency. We simply should make it a law that the candidates should have no bias or be affiliated with any party. Kinda like what they are talking about with them Supreme Court judges.
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