which is better ogo or sidekick?


New Member
Sep 30, 2004
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I am a hearing person who wants to be able to comunicate with my deaf friends. so which is better? also i do not have a lot of money so if one is a lot cheaper then i would have to go with that. one more thing if i have ogo can i talk to someone who is useing a sidekick? Thanks,
ofc u can talk on ogo to sidekick alike AIM... cuz of my friend has ogo and i have sidekick and still talk on AIM.. :)
OGO allows you to use only one email program and one instant messaging program. You can use more, but it costs extra money. Sidekick allows you to use multiple email programs and multiple instant messaging programs. Sidekick also gives you internet access as well.
I like Wyndtell.

Cause people complains about skll and ogo problems, rather to have wyndtell for no problems ;)
can anyone tell me prices for ogo,sidekick,ect? and what are monthly prices?
If you want cheaper, then choose OGO and
use only one IM account then it cost about
$17.99 a month
If you want better quality, then choose Sidekick
and you pay approx $30 a month for data plan only.

NOTICE on OGO: If you want to have 2 accounts
including both existing AOL and/or MSN and/or Yahoo,
then you pay $20.99 a month... If you want to use
all 3 accounts, then you pay $23.99 a month.

One of these things I do NOT like about OGO's
requirement: Your Major Credit card is required
for these monthly payment.
I do NOT like to be
forced to use my own credit card for any
kind of monthly payment...

I cannot recommend which one is better for you
because it's more of personal preferences You need
to do more research on this.
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i do not have a credit card so sidekick would be better? how much does the sidekick cost?
asl_learner said:
i do not have a credit card so sidekick would be better? how much does the sidekick cost?

if you don't have a credit card, you can go to T-Mobile store to make payments for your pager bills.
asl_learner said:
i do not have a credit card so sidekick would be better? how much does the sidekick cost?

You could use debit card for your checking account automatically withdrawal if you do have it.
I had SK for two years.. monthly payments were horrible. not enuff coverage. I just recently got two ogos for me and my dh. my dh have no problem with his ogo.

I had my ogo for two months, and having problems with ogo. first it was sim card that was defective and now my ogo is acting up and called techican, now they tell me it is defective. have to take my ogo back to get it replaced for another unit. oh brother.

my dh is aiming for blackberry but they cost so much money, need those money to support our two little boys that eats up our money away!!!!! :)
I have Ogo and have no problems since 2 months now. I love it so much. Just cheap monthly on my bill and no contract. BUT yes--use credit card but can be DEBIT ATM CARD as long you have visa, mastercard, etc logo on your ATM card it will work. :) But it's CHEAPER than sidekick and sidekick have to do credit check and stuff, it's wasting time but Ogo dont! :) Less worries. Most people get bad credit then have to search someone to borrow the credit to be under the sidekick only to get it. *smh* *shrugs* oh well! I just lucky have my own Ogo on my own name and my own account than using someone's name on my sidekick. Too much of hestiates. :)
Misinformation all about.

VamPyroX said:
OGO allows you to use only one email program and one instant messaging program. You can use more, but it costs extra money. Sidekick allows you to use multiple email programs and multiple instant messaging programs. Sidekick also gives you internet access as well.

Okay, I'm sorry for replying to old messages but I really hate to see bad ogo information out there and want to correct it before the re-release:

ogo allows 1 portal free - you can have up to FIVE emails for free and there are a number of free ones out there.

additional portals (AOL MSN Yahoo) are only 3.00 each so you can have all three and still only be paying like 25.00 per month unlimited.

for more information please visit:

I heard that Ogo was going out of business. True? In that case, what happens to your warrantee?
Yes, and that Cingular will NOT create any new account with OGO!
It was Cingular's decision to abandon OGO.

Lantana said:
I heard that Ogo was going out of business. True? In that case, what happens to your warrantee?
The sidekick is better than ogo because it has better range and more features.
Lantana said:
I heard that Ogo was going out of business. True? In that case, what happens to your warrantee?

Not quite true.

Cingular is no longer carrying the Ogo. The Ogo will still exist and your warranty, service plan, etc. will still work. No new customers can get the Ogo going forth AT THIS TIME.

That still means that other companies or even Cingular themselves can offer the Ogo again in the future. The Ogo is NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Out of business means they're gone, they don't exist anymore. They will continue to exist, but no U.S. company is offering them on the market at this time.
That is exact what Cingular reps told us last week. So, your right on this one.

Dennis said:
Not quite true.

Cingular is no longer carrying the Ogo. The Ogo will still exist and your warranty, service plan, etc. will still work. No new customers can get the Ogo going forth AT THIS TIME.

That still means that other companies or even Cingular themselves can offer the Ogo again in the future. The Ogo is NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Out of business means they're gone, they don't exist anymore. They will continue to exist, but no U.S. company is offering them on the market at this time.
ogo will live on

Also - IXI the maker of ogo is re-focusing all it's business efforts on the ogo and yes they are marketing overseas but are also finalizing plans to move forward with ogo again in the U.S. visit the cingular forums or my site for more info -but ogo will still exist and have a future for those who want it.

In the meantime - it's moving rather slowly but I have started a service called ActiveSwap in which you can try to take over exisiting ogo accounts - again, more info is available at my site or cingular forums.