Which AD'er are you wondering about?

Ms. Bucket...!....Believe she had twins....
Ms. Bucket...!....Believe she had twins....

Yes that's right.. if I recall right, Mrs B didnt want to share some of her life's things like her twins and etc but was upset at how the info had been leaked out so she decided to leave this forum and also other sites for a while.. I do understand why and have spoken to her since then a few times.. but it has been a long time now...
This is a totally different AD than from when I first joined in 2006. It was fun then with all the hot topics. Sure, several threads got locked but it made this forum very spicy with flavor! :)
Wirelessly posted

shel90 said:
This is a totally different AD than from when I first joined in 2006. It was fun then with all the hot topics. Sure, several threads got locked but it made this forum very spicy with flavor! :)

Yup, I leave AD for a short time and everything is different when I come back. I noticed the debate thread is gone.
Wirelessly posted

Yup, I leave AD for a short time and everything is different when I come back. I noticed the debate thread is gone.

I miss it in some ways but then again I dont miss the PMs with the implied threats. Ha!
Really? You got those? Wow....

Oh yea, I did. No threats to hurt me physically, though. I never sent threats to anyone on AD so I didnt appreciate that. If someone doesnt like me or what I have to say, say it on AD or just leave me the f** alone.
Wirelessly posted

shel90 said:
Wirelessly posted

Yup, I leave AD for a short time and everything is different when I come back. I noticed the debate thread is gone.

I miss it in some ways but then again I dont miss the PMs with the implied threats. Ha!

I have recieved some nasty PM in the past but never a threat.
Good good on Souggy. I was not banned -it is all water under the bridge. I left during the dog days of koko and other things going on. I am alone as far as any kind of Deaf culture. I missed this place for that. I am at the end of a 30 yr. career that had me struggling to hear and scrambling to stay in the game from the very start up until now. I am having trouble now with not wanting to be around people at all. It is a huge relief to hear what others here say and how they deal with life. Me I am inspired by the success of others. Soon I will be out and about scrambling again. Right now I am tired. I was nobody here before just an interested hoh guy.

Do you want to inform the mods of this or restore your old account?
It's against the rules to have more than one account, so we go through dupe accounts routinely when they pop up, we remove them.

If your old account is still around you might end up getting some action on the receiving end unless you come up and let us know.

I don't mean to scare you or sound strict, but the rules are policy.
I hate to say this, but to the best of our knowledge, Sxyporkie may be deceased.

She had terminal cancer when she last posted here. Those who have her real name have been unable to get a response. I think the mods tried too.

oh no :(
Good good on Souggy. I was not banned -it is all water under the bridge. I left during the dog days of koko and other things going on. I am alone as far as any kind of Deaf culture. I missed this place for that. I am at the end of a 30 yr. career that had me struggling to hear and scrambling to stay in the game from the very start up until now. I am having trouble now with not wanting to be around people at all. It is a huge relief to hear what others here say and how they deal with life. Me I am inspired by the success of others. Soon I will be out and about scrambling again. Right now I am tired. I was nobody here before just an interested hoh guy.

who were you in the past?
Jillio, of course. It sucks to her being banned forever. Ha. Who else do I wonder about...umm oh Banjo. He s around on FB he owns deaf events in Ontario area, Canada on FB page. Expelled? does that mean banned permeantly?