Where were you on 9/11


Dream Weaver
Premium Member
Jul 26, 2009
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Where were you and what were you doing when you heard the news?
I was at college. Had slept late b/c I had a 12:oo class. Woke up to the attack...and to the news that classes were cancelled. My sister was in NYC at the time. Her roomie saw the towers collaspe!
I was middle school student, in 8th grade and my teacher started hear about 9/11 attack so turned tv on and all instruction and assignments have been cancelled and we have eat lunch in class.
My second year of college. I was waking up (Lived on West Coast) and my radio was on. I used the radio to wake up because I could still hear music on it, but not really understand talk shows or anything. So I woke up and caught brief words and snippets of information, enough to gather that something terrible had happened.

I went into living room and turned on TV and saw it all.
I was awoken by my brother before high school started... told me that the first plane went in...saw the 2nd on TV...knew it was deliberate...heard about the Pentagon on the way to school. Shocked. It's my sisters b-day too.
I forgot about 9/11 this year! :eek3:

Anyway, I remember I was in bed asleep at that time the reign of terrorism began. Woke up the next morning and was told by mum about what happened.

Went on train with some shellshocked deafies to school. School was quiet that day.
I was at home, and I saw the 9/11 coverage from the very first news bulletin about the first plane hitting the WTC. When I saw the second plane hit on live TV, I knew it wasn't any accident. I knew that it meant war. :(
What is the point of this thread? I am a sadder and wiser man since that day.
i was reading the newspaper and watching tv so i caught the first broadcast and saw the second plane hit. it took me a while to believe it actually happened it was so surreal , then had to call family like a lot of people did that day.
asleep in my room in Carlin Hall 8th floor. My roommate kept banging on my door till I woke up. I could see the Pentagon from my window.
I was working in my federal building. On my floor, I was puzzled seeing lot of coworkers who were upset looking, crying, and walking around like confusion. a second later, someone came to me and explained it to me. First thing was on my mind, was to call my two siblings to see if they are OKAY! They both work in the nyc. unbelievably, The phone lines were SO busy! I was worried real bad. My mom contacted me and told me that she heard my two siblings that they both were fine. I was so relieved. Then My federal building ordered everyone to go home so I went down to the first floor to pick up my daughter from the daycare and waited for my hubby to come to pick us up and went home. We all watched TV news all day, and contacted my siblings later to know that they were ok. My brother had a day off that day but was ordered to be there in NYC because the second building collasped as they needed lot of staffs to be there. My brother is a nypd. So he went there and worked there for 40 hours in a row without taking a break after the horrid tragedy. My sister was lucky to get on the LAST train to home that she did not have to deal with walking over the bridge since she was pregnant.
I was in a graphic design class when someone came to the door and said soemthing. My terp suddenly ran out the door mentioning her daughter and she had a look of concern on her face. I decided to wait a few minutes but she didn't come back so I asked my teacher to be excused. I was let go and I went back home. I took a nap and later that day I decided to log on to a online game and the first thing that I saw on the scream was something about terror and deaths in Washington D.C. and NYC.

I decided to check the news and that's when I first heard of 911. I realized why my terp ran out of the class room as she had mentioned her daughter lived in DC. I didn't know at the time her daughter worked at the Pentagon. You can bet I spent most of the night trying to update myself on these news.
I was living in NY at the time (upstate NY), for undergrad school. I just got out of a 8:00 class, which ended at 9:30, heading towards the dining hall for breakfast when my friend ran up to me and asked me if I heard about the plane crashing into the WTC. I ran all over to look for my 2 friends who I knew had family that lived in NYC. Luckily they were okay but one of their fathers actually goes to WTC for business several times a week. He just happened not to be there on that day.. wow...
I remember waking up that morning and was leaving my bedroom to go thru the living room where my dad was watching tv... as I was walking by, I saw on tv about the building burning and thought oh boy major fire there.. and after I was done with my business, I went back into the living room to see what was on tv.. and sat down to see the other building hit by an airplane.. I was like holy cow... couldnt believe my eyes at that happening.. that was when I was living on the farm at the time and me and my folks later went out to do shopping.. then came home to all day news coverage of the WTC tragedy...funny enough, one of my sis-in-laws, her younger sister had gotten married a month before and was doing the honeymoon in NYC with her hubby and they were on that WTC building as well...also I had an online friend who was living in NYC and tried to get in contact with her for a while, having some difficult times till I managed to get a hold of her and she told me she was okay... and etc.. so that is how I remembered the 9/11 tragedy and etc... 9 years now wow.. still the effect is strong all over from that 9/11 tragedy...
was at Rochester, NY..(RIT)

I was walking to cafeteria, a lot of students was running WILD and i was like, "whats up with that?!"

then i decided to run to building 7, check up with my professor- a note said, "Please watch news and emergency, the class is cancelled" So, i went back to dorm (TA) and saw tv in staff's lounge and i took the chair and stood on it. (awe) DAYUM! Twin Towers was wrecked, Pennsylvania, and Pentagon wrecked..

i have seen too much emotional in NYC natives who got hurt, crying, and scared...Turn out, all of the day classes are cancelled..

my family, cousins, relatives, and friends KEPT wyndtell me ALL THE DAY to see if im all right, if i need help, if i need clothes, if i need money or whatever. I told them, I'm FINE!! Its only 5 hours apart!! My famly and relatives still stubborn pagin' me all the day to keep eye on me..they have been bothering me for almost few days!! Webcammin' them to told that im FINE!!! few aint believe me because they thinks im filling with emotional. I love them for being overprotected, care, and scared, i understood.

My dad wyndtell me, "Son, what if this is actual war, what will you do?". I told him, "Pop, you know me, what i gotta to do, then i have to do- join up to give my hands to America and serve. I dont care if Im hard of hearing, [bleep] this and i can find guerrillas to join and war with America". My dad told me, "Ok, Just want you to know that we'll waiting for you at home. Do us a favor, come back in one piece in alive or dead.We love you"
I was at work and my supervisor called us to go to watch CNN in the lounge. Our initial reaction was very numbing gasp when the 2nd building collapsed. Some of us swore at Muslims for doing it and the rest of us were upset. Our boss told us to go home early.
I was at home just getting my kids ready for their day. I had already laid out our school books and supplies needed and my mother heard it on the radio. We cancelled school and watched the TV all day. Next day, I required the kids to write an open letter to all victims and another to the accusers. I still have those letters. My kids were 6 & 7 at the time, so the letters were very elementary, but still very moving. Son decided to also write a letter to G*D asking why. That was the 6 y/o asking.
I had just reported for work at my job at Gallaudet as a grad assistant. It was 9 am so I sat down on my desk to get ready for the day. Turned the computer on and signed onto aol aim and the AOL news ticker flashed "Plane crashes into one of the Twin Towers"..it was 9:04 or something like that. Didn't think too much of it and then someone came running into my office saying that the TV in the Atrium of the building was showing coverage of the plane crash. Out of curiousity, I left my desk to go see what was up and while watching it live, the 2nd plane crashed into the other Tower. Everyone watching gasped and just looked at each other as if we were thinking, "What is going on?" then I went back to my desk and got several aim messages from my family asking me if I was ok. I replied saying that I was fine and why. They said that DC was attacked and then all hell broke loose. I looked out of my office window and saw all the black smoke covering the south part of DC and people were spreading rumors of another plane coming to DC to attack us and that car bombs were going off. Right then, everyone from the office left to go watch TV in the atrium. By then, there was a large crowd of Gally students, staff and etc just in tears or with shocked expressions. Then we heard that Gallaudet closed the gates and I was getting all upset because I couldn't leave to go get my daughter who was 3 at the time. I had no way of communicating with my ex huby whom I was separated from due to not having a pager. Then, Jane Fernandez who was provost at the time stood on 2 levels above us to make an announcement. The picture of us (the crowd watching Jane) was put in the Buff and Blue newsletter. Finally, the gates were opened and we could leave. I went to get my daughter and spent all day and night watching TV about the attacks. Iam just thankful for the heros of flight 93 because that plane was intended for either the White House or the Capitol Building which was near Gallaudet. Scary to think what could have happened. My poor family in AZ were so worried about my brother and I because we were both in DC during the attacks.