When was the last time you were drunk and what did you do?

But it was worth it, no? And I bet it's fun to get drunk again. I know you will and so do I.

True... it was fun, I was laughing all night long with her.... :giggle:

The last time i got totally drunk was back in October at my brother's 21st in his uni hometown!! LOL, I was drinking lots and my sister kept being pitchers and doubles. The whole night and the following day was followed by vomiting and hangover!

Even worse I had to get an hour long train back home then the bus. Lets say i didnt do too goood on the train.......

The time before that was in March 2008, my 18th birthday, went out with my sister(as its her bday too) and our friend whose 18th birthday was 2 days before ours so we was all celebrating together. I got totally wrecked I cant even really remember what I drank and stuff!! My mum came to pick us up at 10.30pm. (reason will be explained in a min) and my friend gave me a huge bottle of Smirnoff Ice for birthday present. Apparently on the way to the car, I dropped it and it smashed and I stood on it with my foot.... :( I was devasted and confused the next day cos I wanted it!!

ANyway all through the night I couldnt sleep at all because I was so sick all through the night!!!
The next morning I had to be up bright and early as my sis, my ex bf and my sis's ex bf went to London for our bday present. I could hardly eat or keep awake all through the day.... it was HORRIBLE i couldnt wait till I got home.... hehehehe
My mum told me a few days later that I was so emotional and keep crying for nothing LOL

that's why i only have gotten drunk twice since I turned 18 LOL

Another time.......aged 15 auntie's 40th party

got really drunk again, this time was plain vodka's naughty me LOL!!
got totally drunk that I got burned with a lighter just a bit and didnt notice or care!!
Later that evening I was going to walk the 5 miles home at 1am. I was SO annyoe, angry and frustrated by then cos everyone was talking and I couldnt keep up with the conservations and I was quite fed up of asking my mum what was going out I just decided to remove my HA and CI and decided if anyone wanted to talk to me they had to come to me and look at me and actually talk to me properly. i also got really upset and kept saying to my mum I wanted new ears(i know i know it's lame but I was 15 and so drunk) of course it set her off, my brother and sister LOL. Around 2am got a taxi on the way home, we got out of taxi at the end of our street I got out and dropped my phone. I thought i dropped it in taxi so my brother ran after the taxi but I found it and ran to him telling him that I found it( was still without ha and ci', my mum had it for safekeeping so i didnt lose them)
i also revealed a dark secret which i totally regret
The last time I was drunk (really wasted) was in 1995 while on vacation in Spain with my high school mates. I have no clue how I managed a 2 miles way back to the hotel on foot only to wake up in the morning with two guys lying next to me in bed and another two couples on either side on the floor.

You can imagine how happy I was when I realised that I was still dressed!

First time and last time I got wasted! Believe me!

Hmm the last time I seriously got drunk was I think 2 Halloweens ago. I went to a friend's party and they had a ton of coke and rum (I had never tried before). I'm still a bit of a virgin when it comes to different alcoholic beverages. Anyhow I had no idea the ratio of alcohol to coke to I tried think as a barista...

Don't do that LOL

So I had shot glasses and started out with one shot per can right? Well didn't seem strong enough so I kept on going with it, one shot, one shot, 2 shots, 2 shots, 3 shots... By the end of the night... I had had 21 shots of rum with coke.

OMG!! LOL I was nearly passed out on the floor and some of my friends were like dude you had WAY too much girl! I told them I was fine! lol So then later on I went to go throw up in the bathroom. Any time before I had gotten sick, I didn't feel drunk afterwords. This time, I threw up and STILL felt drunk. I was so confused! Like as if throwing up meant you no longer had the alcohol in you!

I was driven back home by a friend where I then spent the night and you would not believe this but I seriously did not have a hang over the next day. I guess my smart side kicked in and took some Ibuprofen and water before bed.

Because of all this, I no longer drink Coke and Rum :laugh2:
Oh and my first time drinking:

I was at my friend's university, we were both underage drinkers at the time too, we first went to a frat party where as they called it, a vagina parade (no men let in! bummer!) so we skipped that because all they had were luke-warm crappy bear served in Styrofoam cups! eww!

Then we went to another frat party where a girl said she knew a guy to get in for us. The guy denied knowing her so we didn't get in.

Then we went to a house party. Full of complete nerds. It was horrible! No cute guys in sight! But they had a keg lol. You had to pay for your drink but we didn't bring any money or purses with us as our original plan was the frat party. Luckily we were all pretty hot by their standards so we flirted our way to drinks. I did a keg stand for 21 seconds, the second highest female in the competition who had 25 seconds.

I would flirt with the guys and even asked one guy if he would pleeeeeeease get my best friend a drink. He didn't want to but my beautiful blue eyes worked their charm! He got her a drink reluctantly lol.

So the first thing I learned there was: If wearing gauchos, men will get hand friendly while you do a keg stand.

Second thing: Never stick a drunk person in a rocking chair. Omg my best friend sat me in one, I rocked forward to put my drink on the table, rocked back and promptly smacked my head rather hard on the wall, owww!

Third thing: When your friend tells you to kindly shut it, do so.

We came out of the party and there was a cop sitting right outside (we're both underage remember?!) My friend has to all but keep me up and I look at her and say, kinda loudly, is that a cop?! She said, "Yes! Now shut up!!!" "Are we gonna get in trouble?!" "Not if you don't shut up!!!" :lol:

Finally what I learned was: If someone suggests you use the bathroom, use it.

I used the bathroom before I left but my friend had to usher me into there, she had turned her back and I called her a pervert :laugh2: Then when we got back to her dorm, she said "You wanna go use the toilet again real quick?" "No I'm fine" "No let's go use the bathroom again just to be sure" I pissed like Seabiscuit and said "Thank you for telling me to go to the bathroom"

Yea, it was an interesting first time hehehe.
For dislocated shoulders, just grab a pole, doorway, or something heavy and just throw yourself backwards, scream some obscenities and go on about your merry way. ;)

I've had a dislocated shoulder once. not pretty...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5v8Tb2-l1Y]YouTube - Reducing A Dislocated Shoulder[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3OlFgr4SKA]YouTube - Lethal Weapon 2 - Shoulder[/ame]
Lst time I was drunk was about 6 months ago, and I danced my azz off that night!:P

like this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY_DF2Af3LM]YouTube - Seinfeld - The Elaine Dance[/ame]
I remember throwing a lit match into the trash after lighting up a cigerette when I was very drunk many years ago. I'm lucky that I snuffed out the fire before I burned down the hourse. :P
I've been tipsy every once in a while, but the last time I got REALLY drunk was a year ago in Miami. I know my limits, but I lost 20 lbs, and I totally forgot to take account of this fact while drinking. Somehow this made me a lightweight. After a night out with friends in bars, clubs, and a pizza place (where I don't even remember eating a few slices of pizza!), my friend dropped my drunk ass at home around 3am. I had a flight back to Alabama at 7am and had to leave the house by 5am. I don't remember much coming home, only that I crashed on the couch and my mom woke me up and forced me to take a shower to "wake up".

A day later, my mom tells me "I was really disappointed to see you drunk that night. You said things that I didn't like." I freaked out and I was like "Ummm what did I say?? Was I mean?" and she said "No, you weren't mean to me, but you just said things that were.... I dont know. I just didn't like it. I don't want to talk about it."

To this day, I have NO idea what I said to my mother........ Believe me, it's very unsettling!!!!!
I was drunk last night. I went out driving while texting my phone and looking for little kids to run over
Calling Officer Jiro, Calling Officer Jiro.....
I was drunk last night. I went out driving while texting my phone and looking for little kids to run over

- Step out of the vehicle, sir.