What's your lunch tonight?

Black bean soup over rice.
We were out for a combination lunch/dinner today with a very large family group. I had bowtie pasta with breadsticks.
And the on to Baskin Robbins for ice cream where I had blueberry/raspberry sorbet.
I lunch hot dog!

Hi Travis, I mentioned this before, hot dogs are a trigger for migraines for a lot of people. My daughter gets migraines now, I passed them on unfortunately. The specialist has her keeping a food journal. Write down what you eat and drink every day for a few weeks. You might see a connection, between what you eat and your migraines. It sure is worth a try. It helped me a lot. Obviously stress does not help. I wish you the best, migraines are very difficult to deal with.
I forgot to eat lunch. I guess I will wait for hubby and have a nice dinner. After Friday our kitchen will be torn up, so I need to cook some extra dinners this week.
We had Hebrew National Kosher Reduced Fat hot dogs and vegetarian baked beans.