What's the worse thing about your hometown

The worst thing is this area is the TRAFFIC!
In DC, few whores in my home area, few drugs seller in my home area, alot homeless people begging $$$ around DC...

In PA, I dont see any plm in my home area since I live in very nice and very quiet area...
The worst thing about my hometown is no public transportation, loads of stuck up VERY prejudicated people, not much to do,lots of drugs,people shooting people all time...and after dark,it's worse.

I want to move but not enough money. :(
San Antonio? Six months of HOT weather every year; traffic that keeps getting worse; few jobs with living wages; and so many folks that are homeless, high school dropouts, teen moms or gang members. More people are living check to check than well off.
Right now, not enough cops to catch those horses theives which we believe they steal horses and shipping them to Mexico. We have too many illegals aliens living here. Oh well what a great country we live in.
Oddieballie, I thought the worst feature of your hometown was that the greatest human being on earth DOES NOT live there. Lol!

Hahaha!! Where is our beloved BBNT? :giggle:
Rochester, NY- I been reading quite a bit about murders on street here... I read somewhere that Rochester NY ranked somewhere in terms of murders.. I forget what rank Rochester NY was on as it was quite a while ago since I had read that information.

I, myself, did not grow up in Rochester, NY.