What's surprised?

OMG! That bus driver should not have that job as a driver. No kids should be harmed, no matter how bad they can be. I hope the kids take action against him and have him charged with assaults. The evidence is there for them.
my goodness.. But glad the boy is okay, nothing like broken or bled. That driver is bastard for doing it.
I bet he is in the jail and got the fine since all of bus require to having the video tape in the bus because of one girl got raped by the bus driver before... It was so long to resolve because there's no prove until they found the match of semen on the seat of that driver, so that's how they started set the video tape on all the bus for in case if it happen again but they already bust that driver hit a boy, it's big serious...
Oh GOD! The children are very INNOCENT!!! It is against the law to abuse the CHILDREN!!!! God gave us a gift to have a children to rasie in this earth.. It is very nasty to watch that video and harm the children.... God will punish the guy for what he had done to the boy.. :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

The children are very PRECIOUS!!!
that guys lucky it isn't one of my kids, everyone in my family would be hunting him down.
I hope he get into trouble and fired from the job. He doesnt deserve to be a driver. If it was my kid then he better watch out for me cuz I will be going after him.
Why did the bus driver do that knowing there is a camera recording? Doesnt make sense...
I've seen this video before, and it made me so mad to the point where I wish I was there to protect these children, that bus driver did was wrong, and I hope to God, he got what he deserves....no child should have been beaten like this I don't care what made him that angry....

I hope that the school be more careful when hiring bus drivers cause us parents want to be sure our children are safe on the bus and at school....
Look at stupid driver on bus :eek3:
BAD BUS DRIVER :) ! - Google Video

It seem like happen in Jolie's area. :D

Ha, That is your wishful thinking.

Anyhoo, It is unfortunate that it had to come to the point where the bus driver had to end up in a physical alteration with a child when he very well knew that the security camera was right there to see the actual thing happening. It's sad enough when that bus driver had to do something so dumb in order to hurt a child.
That's flippin messed up! I hope that driver gets a lot of jail time for that.:rl:
Ha, That is your wishful thinking.

Anyhoo, It is unfortunate that it had to come to the point where the bus driver had to end up in a physical alteration with a child when he very well knew that the security camera was right there to see the actual thing happening. It's sad enough when that bus driver had to do something so dumb in order to hurt a child.

Yea, I just playing with you. :D

Of course, it's stupid to beat children and bus driver can go to court when children's parent are going sue on him and sentence to prison.
It is sad that the bus driver did that, but what is also worst, it sounded and looked like the kids didn't give a shit abt what the bus driver was trying to tell them to do. The kids where not listening to the bus driver and where in control of the bus to start with. That bus driver should have waited right there till the cops he called for before he hit the kids. I blame both the bus driver for that and the parents of those kids!!! Those kids are not 100% inocent too. They act like they are not scared of adults and don't listen to them.
I couldn't find anything in the internet about what consequence that bus driver faced or if that boy faced consequence. I agree that the bus driver went overboard in discipling that boy...that's way too much.
Dude, what the bus driver did was wrong and very unprofessional. That's freakin' dumb. It's definitely really sad to see the driver abuse these kids. Adults know better than to do anything like that, let alone touching kids at all. He should have kept his cool, turn around and send the kids to the principal like my bus driver would have done back in my yonder days. He'll probably be charged with assault, no question.

On the other hand, it's also really sad enough that we're living in kids' generation where they have learned to not respect adult or higher authority. We have to blame that parents for that and at the same time, it's scary to think they might have a gun or knife and will jump on anyone with it without thinking of any consquences. Look at the school shootings lately, that's unthinkable.

I hope he get into trouble and fired from the job. He doesnt deserve to be a driver. If it was my kid then he better watch out for me cuz I will be going after him.

Thank the Lord for myself for not victim of mine.
I glad I am not victim of a bus driver.

Anyways, I always hope he get
into the trouble, fired from his job and go to jail!! :mad:

Yet, it is sad to see that bus driver abuse the kids. :(
:rifle: OMG! why in the world would he do that! he definatly should have waited for the cops to comeI shure hope he got charged with assault maximum sentace:rl: :deal: