Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VI

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I am off from work due to Good Friday and starting my Spring Break. Cant wait until Monday when all 4 of us fly to AZ! :)
I am off from work due to Good Friday and starting my Spring Break. Cant wait until Monday when all 4 of us fly to AZ! :)

Have fun! Let me know what planes you fly on. :giggle:

(I love airplanes, especially Boeing planes.)
I am back home!!!!! but grrr at my sweetie. I spent the night at Super 8 motel last night. he is not much of a helper nor make sure i m ok and didnt leave me with foods. he act like i have a car but i dont have my car and i cant drive for 2 weeks? he left to go back home this morning. I had to call TJ's father and he came and picked me up and took me back to my moms. I cant be alone as I had a major surgery? jeez what a joke! this really sucks.
Jeez that is not nice! But I am glad you are doing ok!
I am back home!!!!! but grrr at my sweetie. I spent the night at Super 8 motel last night. he is not much of a helper nor make sure i m ok and didnt leave me with foods. he act like i have a car but i dont have my car and i cant drive for 2 weeks? he left to go back home this morning. I had to call TJ's father and he came and picked me up and took me back to my moms. I cant be alone as I had a major surgery? jeez what a joke! this really sucks.
Have fun! Let me know what planes you fly on. :giggle:

(I love airplanes, especially Boeing planes.)

We are flying on Southwest from BWI airport. I guess it would be a Boeing plane.
it was raining here today.. cloudy feelings.. hope you are all well :grouphug:
Just chillin' today but gotta to get house clean up for the weekend :)
FC - he ain't your sweetie since he left you there without a way home. I mean come on! You deserve more than that. Im telling you, I need to get you out and get you with a REAL man. One that wants to take care of you.
It is only after midday, and I am tired and I am actually using the internet cafe at the moment. $2 for twenty minutes.

And by the way, I bought a new laptop few days ago :)
FC - he ain't your sweetie since he left you there without a way home. I mean come on! You deserve more than that. Im telling you, I need to get you out and get you with a REAL man. One that wants to take care of you.

Your right he aint my sweetie anymore. What he did was inconsiderate.. I told him my back was hurting badly and he said i could get u a book directory. I had the dr ph nbr right here and i asked if he could call and he said i gotta wait and watch for triple aaa to come and unlcok the car. i said ok fine go ahead and go home. guess what he said? Thank you. Wtf? worrying about his shitty rented car..not me? that hurts.

i was like ok fine so i called TJ's father to see if he could call the doctor for me as I didnt have a tty. he called but the dr was in surgery and talked to the nurse. She questioned to what it could be and she assumed it is gas pains. She said to walk around and see if it helps to move the gas. it was definitely gas. whew.. i farted and burped lot today.. haha..
TJ's father asked me where is he? I said he left .. he said he left to go back home and you alone in the motel room? I said yes. He got upset. He clocked out of his job and came to pick me up and took me back to my moms. the orginial plan was that he come get me tonight but after hearing that the idiot left this morning Gabe didnt want me to be alone cuz i had a major surgery 3 days ago? i shouldnt be alone due to what happens?

and dixie dont worry about me.. i will be ok.. at least Gabe brought me home.. thats all that matters. :)
I know I know your independent and all that but still it doesnt mean you have to go it alone. Im glad TJs dad was able to get off work to get you home. I hope things go better for you tomorrow.

This to cheer you up! :)


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We are flying on Southwest from BWI airport. I guess it would be a Boeing plane.

Yep! All they have are Boeing planes called 737. The smallest plane Boeing makes. The question is.. which 737 is it? :giggle::giggle:


or up to 737-900ER??


Just kidding, have a great and safe trip!
shesh! it made me piss off at this person what he did to Freaky cat! i cant believe that.. he is stupid.. sigh.. i cant believe that.. i am glad that TJ's father clocked out and picke du up.. it good cuz of cant leave alone there.. wow.. not worth be with him.. shesh.. i still shock and cant believe that.. :hug:
Today - I am going to town to pick up my DDs Easter photos. And then I will shop around to find me a nice suit to wear for Easter. (I am trying NOT to wear a dress.) My mum suggested I wear one of her suits and I said HELL NO! Im not going in dressed like an overly conservative middle aged woman.

Ive thought about getting an all-white suit, then accent it with a pink tie, LOL A friend of mine suggested a black suit with a pink shirt. PIMPIN! :rofl:

Well I need to get off here to get a shower and go before I have to be back for a family reunion at 2:00. (Larry came in from Alaska and wants to see everyone.)

This to cheer you up! :)

Aww arent you sweet? Thank you for the flowers. That was thoughtful of you. :hug:

shesh! it made me piss off at this person what he did to Freaky cat! i cant believe that.. he is stupid.. sigh.. i cant believe that.. i am glad that TJ's father clocked out and picke du up.. it good cuz of cant leave alone there.. wow.. not worth be with him.. shesh.. i still shock and cant believe that.. :hug:

I know I couldnt believe it either. It is funny cuz he would not come in my moms trailer- he was waiting in the car the whole time .. my sister fixed dinner and jace my niece went to him and told him dinner is ready come in and eat. he said no thank you. Jo Jo my sister went to him and told him that dinner is ready. she wanted to make sure in caes that he didnt understand Jace cuz jace is still learning to sign slowly. he said no i dont want to come in cuz of germs. what germs? he said dogs? then me having surgery in the hospital. guess what? he is sick with infection and coughing badly.. i told him its bad idea for him to stay here with me.. i even show him the book that they made copies for me rules for visitors and said cant be SICK at all. if being sick cant visit. he said i know with a face expression .. jeez. i didnt like it. I didnt want to get lapses? shit.. anyway i told the nurse about it. nurse told him to leave cuz i cant get sick . he got upset??? LOL.. i think its funny.. dogs are nothing.. but coughing and colds.. thats serious.. and i can end up having pnuemonia .. thats serious enough to kill me! jeez!

hugs thanks tweety.. :) ur sweetie for caring.. mwahies!

Today - I am going to town to pick up my DDs Easter photos. And then I will shop around to find me a nice suit to wear for Easter. (I am trying NOT to wear a dress.) My mum suggested I wear one of her suits and I said HELL NO! Im not going in dressed like an overly conservative middle aged woman.

Ive thought about getting an all-white suit, then accent it with a pink tie, LOL A friend of mine suggested a black suit with a pink shirt. PIMPIN! :rofl:

Well I need to get off here to get a shower and go before I have to be back for a family reunion at 2:00. (Larry came in from Alaska and wants to see everyone.)

Ohh dixie.. i hope u have a nice family reunion. Have fun and enjoy the day! :)
Thanks FC, I had a nice reunion. I didnt know half the people there, but there were a couple people there that I had seen around town and one was in my EMT training class, I had no idea we were related, EEK!

Oh well. It was nice though because I got to spend time with my DD, just me and her. My day was 90% Erika-free. (That is until she called and wanted to talk for an hour).

And I STILL dont have anything to wear for Easter - the suit I was wanting from JC Penney was sold out. It was white and I was going to put it with a white tuxedo shirt and accent it with a pink tie and dammit they didnt have it. I was pissed. Then I thought well why not go with an all-black suit and accent with a pink tie? Oh god I looked like a damn goth with my fair skin. I thought no-no - this is not Easter material, this is gay-bar material.

Then I thought well maybe I can find a nice pin-stripe button down shirt to wear with my khaki's - they didnt have a nice shirt I liked. I ended up buying a Beatles - Abbey Road shirt I liked for $11. Oh boy.

I think I will wear my black pinstripe pants, black dress shoes and blue shirt. But I was just so pissed they didnt have the suit I wanted. Oh well, maybe towards memorial day they will have it? If so, I can go ahead and buy it and put it back for next Easter.

I hate wearing dresses and none of the ladies wear appeal to me, so I just mix and match to come up with my own style. People like it and Ive seen one or two others try to emulate it.

Right now Im going through my closet to see what's doable and whats not.
Lazy day for me and I am using the internet cafe! :eek3:
Why are you using the internet cafe, Jake??
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