What was the last movie you watched?

Well, I thought Argo is okay movie. I don't even remember that event ever happened, but interesting history - Thanks, Canada for helping us out. :)
Hehe, it's one of very, very few Tim Burton film I liked.

Aw, what!? If Edward Scissorhands is not one of your few likes, then I'm going to put my invisible hand through your screen and slap you! It's my next favorite of Tim's.

Ha no but you gotta admit his visual style is so unique, right? All his work are beautifully done.

If I look through discussion board, all "answers" are just a speculating which will not really answer to the question what film trying to tell you. So, I found this - directly from mouth of Kathryn Bigelow - and warning spoiler is shown in this article, so don't click the link if you don't want to know ending - 'Zero Dark Thirty': Bigelow Dishes on Deeper Meaning of Closing Scene | TIME.com

Anyway that's true about the whole speculating thing. Like Silent Hill, I didn't understand the ending the first time I saw it. I looked it up and many answers are repeat is "You gotta play the game to understand it." Seriously, that's one of the stupidest thing I've ever heard (oh yeah, the director wanted me to play SH games in order to understand his movie.)

Just gotta look more thoroughly which sucks. I can see you found the answer you were looking for. Thumbs up.

-sorry I'm a little talkative today
both not bad, i like argo better, more tense and quite an eye opener to see how the other world lives, and think (in a scary way)

See it!
it is excellent.

I'm jealous because it seems like you've seen every single film out there. Haha. Skyfall, Sinister and that boring movie Flight are the only recent movies I've seen lately, I think. I just looked up Javaheat, it doesn't look like it has come out yet. Is Javaheat currently in theater in your area or something?
Argo and Zero Dark Thirty.

Even though I knew what the outcome of Argo would be because it's based off real events, the second half kept me in suspense anyway. It was far better than I expected it to be.

Watched Zero Dark Thirty the same night after Argo. Of the two, I liked Argo much better.
I'm jealous because it seems like you've seen every single film out there. Haha. Skyfall, Sinister and that boring movie Flight are the only recent movies I've seen lately, I think. I just looked up Javaheat, it doesn't look like it has come out yet. Is Javaheat currently in theater in your area or something?

i havent seen Sinister,
and i dont watch in theatres due to no subtitles, its waste of time. and Javaheat is not in theatres in my area.
Aw, what!? If Edward Scissorhands is not one of your few likes, then I'm going to put my invisible hand through your screen and slap you! It's my next favorite of Tim's.

Ha no but you gotta admit his visual style is so unique, right? All his work are beautifully done.

I guess you might have to slap me. lol I thought Edward Scissorhands is okay movie through the storyline was pretty interesting. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland, and Beetlejuice are my "very, very few" favorite movies by Tim Burton. Yes, he have unique visual style but not exactly in my taste department. :)
I just finished Phoebe in Wonderland. Very dark, which I wasn't expecting. But also very good.
The Bay - fictionally horror = SO-SO

Hitchcock - a story about his making of the movie "Psycho" = boring
The Bay - fictionally horror = SO-SO

Hitchcock - a story about his making of the movie "Psycho" = boring

it wasnt about the film it was about alfred hitchcock's life when he got famous from the film, it was more how he wrote and felt about films, put another way, how he deveoped the crafting with use of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds and also with withholding the main protangonist knowledge, which is was as well as audience's knowledge of the plot, and thus he was responisbile for a new way (back then in the 1960's) of making terror and suspense in films, and he'e even ore famous that many if tried and failed to copy his success.
That i said, i have seen the film, but i will shortly, and i suspect many of things as i mentioned arent made into attention for fear of 'technical aspects of horror films being released' <I wonder) and as well as if any where close to the misc-en-scene aspects of film making, chances are the film was mady some rich git who doesnt know shit from clay when it comes to films.
Saw Hobbit... it's just "meh." Like Lord of the Ring Trilogy, the story is too stretched out that made it too boring. I was already banging my head on the wall half way…

It’s okay if you’re trying to follow exactly what book telling you – but it can get real boring with all unnecessary scenes.

I'm glad that I rented it instead of shell out $30+ BluRay that I might never watch again.

My next movie should be Lincoln which will be release this Tuesday.
I'm glad that I rented it instead of shell out $30+ BluRay that I might never watch again.

That brings up an interesting point...how many people rent movies they like from time to time as opposed to buying films you like? I find that my purchases tend to be foreign films I really can't rent anywhere or see that often via Netflix (they're offered for a period and then removed). This is probably a good thing because I really love movies and never want to end up like the hoarders I see on TV....

So...when you like a film, do you feel compelled to add to your collection or are you content with renting only?

That brings up an interesting point...how many people rent movies they like from time to time as opposed to buying films you like? I find that my purchases tend to be foreign films I really can't rent anywhere or see that often via Netflix (they're offered for a period and then removed). This is probably a good thing because I really love movies and never want to end up like the hoarders I see on TV....

So...when you like a film, do you feel compelled to add to your collection or are you content with renting only?


I usually buy movies that I will be able to re-watch it. I really hate blind buy, so I rent it to see how good it is and will it be worth for me to re-watch it as often as I can - then I would buy it.
I usually buy movies that I will be able to re-watch it. I really hate blind buy, so I rent it to see how good it is and will it be worth for me to re-watch it as often as I can - then I would buy it.

If I love the actor, I'll blind buy a film...but only if I'm a big fan. My films tend to be Italian, Asian or Argentine, and I really do rewatch many of those in my collection. I'm on the fence now about another film: "Man from Beijing" which is a Swedish story, but really a German film with Asian actors - it just screams my name really....:D On the whole, I don't find too many films out today that I'd want to buy....at least out of Hollywood.
I was in same boat as you on Japanese anime. Not all rental (including Netflix) offered some anime that I wanted to see. Fortunately, there are a lot of legal anime streaming out there that I can watch. Buying anime on discs are very expensive! :shock:
That brings up an interesting point...how many people rent movies they like from time to time as opposed to buying films you like? I find that my purchases tend to be foreign films I really can't rent anywhere or see that often via Netflix (they're offered for a period and then removed). This is probably a good thing because I really love movies and never want to end up like the hoarders I see on TV....

So...when you like a film, do you feel compelled to add to your collection or are you content with renting only?


it depended, and in most cases i just rent and never watch again( unless it come on TV later and that i happen to be bored, i'd watch it again).
Last week I saw three movies in one night (it was a little film festival in my living room for my birthday:) )

1.) Forget me not (scary!) which I bought from aslfilms.com
2.) Silent Movie (Mel Brooks, so VERY silly, from 1976), which I borrowed from the library.
3.) The General (Buster Keaton!! 1927) also from the library.

I usually just borrow movies unless (1) they're not available for loan, so you have to buy them, (2) I want to support the people who made the movie, or (3) the movie blows me away so intensely that I feel like I want to watch it every day for the rest of my life. Doesn't happen often. Just as well- save my money for other things. Like a block of cream chese for making oreo ( http://www.alldeaf.com/general-chat/110773-looking-new-recipes.html#post2167954 ) truffles;)

I'll get you for this fulminty.