What should I do?


Nov 20, 2004
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Yesterday at work, I found out that one of my fellow female bagger may be gay. What should I do? :confused:
What should you do? Nothing. Its her life, and she has the right to live that life however she wants. If you cannot respect that, then you need to learn to respect it because its nothing that should concern you.

What is your relationship to her? Is she a superior? Subordinate? Associate?
Are u uncomfortable with her being gay? Something you learned prehap from your parents about them or from religions they are preaching against gays? I taught my kids to respect them and leave them alone. They have no problem with them.
I found out that my fellow coworker may be a hearie. What do I do? Nothing, right?
Same idea about coworkers being gay or lesbian. Why get worried if they are gay or lesbian? They are still the same people you got to know before and after knowing that he/she is gay/lesbian. That fact really changes nothing.
The only that that would possibly be a problem is if this person were to make unwelcome advances towards you after being told you weren't interested. Same thing goes for heterosexuals. As long as that's not going on, there's nothing to be worried about. :)
That is her life. Just let her be. There is nothing wrong with that. I have a few friends who are gays and I leave them alone. As long as the person is happy. That all is important to us.
She was wearing a ribbon for gay. I asked her what ribbon was for and she told me. I have nothing against people who are gay. In fact, one of my mother's cousins is gay.
why ask for advice if you dont have a problem with it in the first place??????

wearing a rainbow ribbon means nothing

a person could be into rainbows, a person could be a friend of the community, her sibling could be gay for whoever knows why people wear ribbons

SJCSue said:
Yesterday at work, I found out that one of my fellow female bagger may be gay. What should I do? :confused:

maybe you should ask her out on a date
Yesterday at work, I found out that one of my coworkers secretly roots for Jeff Gordon instead of Tony Stewart. :shock: What should I do? Should I talk to management and see if I can get him fired? I’m very upset about this. I also found out (gasp) that it’s possible that he prefers chocolate ice cream to vanilla ice cream! I really don’t think I could handle it if it turns out to be true. Do you think that maybe I’m the one with the problem? Should I go get another job? Or should I just go in there with a .357 and blow him away? I’m so confused here… :dunno:
Levonian said:
Yesterday at work, I found out that one of my coworkers secretly roots for Jeff Gordon instead of Tony Stewart. :shock: What should I do? Should I talk to management and see if I can get him fired? I’m very upset about this. I also found out (gasp) that it’s possible that he prefers chocolate ice cream to vanilla ice cream! I really don’t think I could handle it if it turns out to be true. Do you think that maybe I’m the one with the problem? Should I go get another job? Or should I just go in there with a .357 and blow him away? I’m so confused here… :dunno:

why do you even have to ask??? Be a man, use the
357 and get it over with
bbnt said:
why do you even have to ask??? Be a man, use the
357 and get it over with

Well, I always try to ask myself: “what would Jesus do”?
aww geeze, you guys dun hav eto mock her. It may be awkward for her as it may be her first friendthat is gay.

Anyway, just because she is gay doesn't mean that she will turn in different person. Just treat her like you already treat her. It no big deal. ;)
SJCSue said:
Yesterday at work, I found out that one of my fellow female bagger may be gay. What should I do? :confused:

Tell him to lose it or you ll kick his ass.
What's the problem being GAY. This person may be supporter.

Nothing you do, you can not judge by its cover.
SJCSue said:
She was wearing a ribbon for gay. I asked her what ribbon was for and she told me. I have nothing against people who are gay. In fact, one of my mother's cousins is gay.

If you have nothing against gay people, then why did you post this thread, asking what you should do? I'm sorry if it seems like we're pouncing on you, but that's really all you left us room to do. Refer back to my first statement. You should do nothing, and if anything be nice to her, and get to know her.

SJCSue said:
Yesterday at work, I found out that one of my fellow female bagger may be gay. What should I do? :confused:
hi i think you should not be gay and if your friend ask you to be gay sayno ok write back jodie