What is Your Pet Peeve?

hi nika,

just wanted to introduce myself.

i'm hear again. i'm totally deafblind although i can hear with bilateral cochlear implants. i was born totally blind and was diagnosed with a mild hearing loss at age 3 although my former hearing aid audis think my loss may be congenital due to the fact that newborns weren't given hearing screenings back in the late 60s/early 70s like they receive today.

back on topic...

i can relate to all of your pet peeves -- especially people who say "over there" (or people who point to something AFTER i've already told them that i'm totally blind and *still* say "this" or "that"). <roll>

yup, its amazing how people, even people you are related to will point and say "over there." it makes me want to put sleep shades on them and do the same...
yup, its amazing how people, even people you are related to will point and say "over there." it makes me want to put sleep shades on them and do the same...

i know!

your post reminds me of another pet peeve...

family members or friends who move things in my apartment without telling me (i'm not talking a few inches to the left or right, i'm talking about moving them from one room to another) and people who leave opened soda cans (filled with soda!) near the edge of the kitchen table. argh!
i know!

your post reminds me of another pet peeve...

family members or friends who move things in my apartment without telling me (i'm not talking a few inches to the left or right, i'm talking about moving them from one room to another) and people who leave opened soda cans (filled with soda!) near the edge of the kitchen table. argh!

Oh i know. It makes me mad too. Especially when
i ask where it is, and people are just like "its right over there" AHHHHHHH
Oh i know. It makes me mad too. Especially when
i ask where it is, and people are just like "its right over there" AHHHHHHH

this thread reminds me of attending an nfb convention where you can gather around with good friends and b*tch about everything you hate about sighties. LOL.
Crowds of angry blind people complaining is my pet peeve. (just kidding you guys, don't hurt me!)
Lol, thats ok, i bought one that was too tall, its like 60 inches. It would be funny, but i got out of the business after middle school. lol

not to get off-topic, but i actually prefer taller canes because they give me more feedback and quicker response than shorter canes do.

back on topic...

another pet peeve of mine is searching on the floor for hours for a dropped object only to come up empty. <mad>
not to get off-topic, but i actually prefer taller canes because they give me more feedback and quicker response than shorter canes do.

back on topic...

another pet peeve of mine is searching on the floor for hours for a dropped object only to come up empty. <mad>

Its ok, but i find it gets stuck a lot more.

i feel your pain on the searching

i also dont like when the after effects of dental anesthesia wear off.
no, don't leave sosie. try not to let the fact that some ad'ers don't reply to your posts bother you. i know it's easier said than done, but i for one really enjoy having you here. :)

Hear Again, I am sorry that I didn't mean to be disappeared on you but my co-worker just called and told me that she got terminated from her job today, we spoke over the phone a couple of hours, to calm her down.. Poor co-worker... and that she needs my moral support. I will stop by seeing her tomorrow morning for a cup of coffee, etc. She lives not far from my home, which is a good thing, especially snowstorm we are having now. Also, my boss called and said he wants me to see him on Monday. I know that it's not good feeling... I am really nervous because he was not in the mood when he called me. That's why I had a bad week this past week to work for him, he puts us a lot, a lot of pressure.. and I really want to quit my job many times but I can't... I need $$$$ to support myself (and my two cats) since I am single.. I am sorry for disappearing like that and also, take out on you and others, which I should not... I apologize!
I agree with you by what you said in here. OK, I will try not to let the ad'ers to bother me. Thanks.
Me, too., I really enjoy having you here, too, you are a very brilliiant lady, even popular... So, stay that way.. :)
Thanks again.
Hear Again, I am sorry that I didn't mean to be disappeared on you but my co-worker just called and told me that she got terminated from her job today, we spoke over the phone a couple of hours, to calm her down.. Poor co-worker... and that she needs my moral support. I will stop by seeing her tomorrow morning for a cup of coffee, etc. She lives not far from my home, which is a good thing, especially snowstorm we are having now. Also, my boss called and said he wants me to see him on Monday. I know that it's not good feeling... I am really nervous because he was not in the mood when he called me. That's why I had a bad week this past week to work for him, he puts us a lot, a lot of pressure.. and I really want to quit my job many times but I can't... I need $$$$ to support myself (and my two cats) since I am single.. I am sorry for disappearing like that and also, take out on you and others, which I should not... I apologize!
I agree with you by what you said in here. OK, I will try not to let the ad'ers to bother me. Thanks.
Me, too., I really enjoy having you here, too, you are a very brilliiant lady, even popular... So, stay that way.. :)
Thanks again.

that's okay, sosie! :hug:

we're in the middle of a snowstorm here too, so i know what you're going through!

if you'd like to chat more via pm, send me a message, okay? more :hug: -- and i'm sorry to hear about your co-worker losing her job in these tough economic times. :(
Its ok, but i find it gets stuck a lot more.

i feel your pain on the searching

i also dont like when the after effects of dental anesthesia wear off.

LOL! me neither. i need to be careful when it comes to anethesia since it can induce mania in people with bipolar, but when i feel manic, boy does it feel good... <very happy>
that's okay, sosie! :hug:

we're in the middle of a snowstorm here too, so i know what you're going through!

if you'd like to chat more via pm, send me a message, okay? more :hug: -- and i'm sorry to hear about your co-worker losing her job in these tough economic times. :(

Thank you for your understanding. :hug: back to you. Thanks.
Yeah, it happened almost everywhere. No fun. Argh... I pray it will not happen that often... I guess it's Mother's Nature... Oh, well... *sigh*

OK, I will. Thanks. :hug:
Yes, it's a not good year for my co-worker because her fiance broke up with her, her car broke down and now, this. I told her that I offered her to stay at my place until she gets back on her feet since I have plenty rooms for her and she will let me know by tomorrow. Oh, well... Thanks. :hug:
pet peeve:
People thinking they are just so much better than me because i am in school, and am not working. *theres no pressure in school* HA. HA