What is Your Pet Peeve?

Hi Hear Again! I've been reading your posts avidly, especially the one where you're answering everyone's questions.

Just wanted to say I think you're awesome (not meant in any creepy way) and I really enjoy reading your posts.

thanks, nika! i'm glad you're enjoying my posts! :)

by the way, i just came across your introduction and am going to write a welcome post right now. :)
Thanks Hear Again. :) I like to listen to music without earphones at home. I use Pandora Radio - Listen to Free Internet Radio, Find New Music . Also I like to hear my environment at home too especially with my parents home! (Gotta know where they are at all times, heh.)

yes, i've heard of pandora radio before but have never listened to it myself. (i do alot of my listening through selected videos on youtube. i obviously can't see the videos, but i play them in the background while surfing the net)
Must join! Oh question. How do you disable smileys? (Sorry about off topic)

towards the bottom of the screen you will see a menu that reads "miscellaneous options." the fifth selection will read, "disable smilies in text." if you place a checkmark in that checkbox, you will no longer see any smilies in any future posts. hope this helps! if you're still having trouble, let me know and i will try to help. <smile>
yes, i've heard of pandora radio before but have never listened to it myself. (i do alot of my listening through selected videos on youtube. i obviously can't see the videos, but i play them in the background while surfing the net)

This makes me wonder and have an idea for an invention. If someone was to make a device based off of forming images into a method of touching, like, the idea of a cell phone "vibrating" instead of ringing, would that interest you?

For example, say that the video of a news reporter on youtube speaking about a particular incident. If somehow the video could be translated into touch, by say an USB device connected to the computer, somewhat of like a touchscreen but forms shapes and things like almost simultaneously with the video - would you be in for a device of that creation, Hear Again?

PS. My knowledge of EE (Electrical Engineering) is very limited, so I have zilch knowledge of creating something like this..
This makes me wonder and have an idea for an invention. If someone was to make a device based off of forming images into a method of touching, like, the idea of a cell phone "vibrating" instead of ringing, would that interest you?

For example, say that the video of a news reporter on youtube speaking about a particular incident. If somehow the video could be translated into touch, by say an USB device connected to the computer, somewhat of like a touchscreen but forms shapes and things like almost simultaneously with the video - would you be in for a device of that creation, Hear Again?

PS. My knowledge of EE (Electrical Engineering) is very limited, so I have zilch knowledge of creating something like this..

a device like that would be awesome -- especially for deafblind people who have some residual hearing. (i.e. those who don't have enough hearing to fully understand speech, but enough hearing to tell that someone is speaking).

it would be great if someone could create something like this someday.
Here's mine:

*When I was talking with someone, then they cut the conservation and walk away, or taking the cell phone out, or interpput my talking, or turn to someone else and talking to that person. It's VERY rude!
*Calling me wrong names such like "Zach", etc. even though I spelled to them my name as "Zack".
*When some people was too intense to be open-minded, or taking something that are really least concerned as big deal.
*Asking me the same question repeatly, even though I already answer them.
*Nagging, ugh!
*When they ask me something, I say no, they kept begging me to.
*When they im me all the times with "What's up?" me say "Nothing much, u?", they say "I'm bored", then the conservation ended.
*Backstabbing on me for no reason.
*Being judged.

And much more..
a device like that would be awesome -- especially for deafblind people who have some residual hearing. (i.e. those who don't have enough hearing to fully understand speech, but enough hearing to tell that someone is speaking).

it would be great if someone could create something like this someday.

Fret not. Most of the basic "coding visualization" to create something like this is already out there today, just no one that I've seen has taken advantage of it.
When people listen to music on the computer program, Winamp or their I-pod with the music mood visualization, the visual sense of the atmosphere is created for the user to "see" the music. Kind of like the same reasons for a disco ball.

With that part already completed, the only hurdle to get pass is how to create a chemical compound that can change shapes quickly. I'm going to be starting a second degree in Microbiology soon, so maybe I'll try to pick up some info along the way!

Back on topic, don't you think we've de-railed the pet peeve discussion into something that it shouldn't be! PM me if you'd like to discuss more of this.
one of my pet peeves is being hung up on by a hearing caller while using ip relay AFTER i've listened to a very long recorded menu system and typed an explanation as to why i've called. when they hang up on me, then i need to go back and type it ALL OVER AGAIN. *sigh* (note: i use ip relay for business calls, people whose voices i am unfamiliar with or who have accents.)
Fret not. Most of the basic "coding visualization" to create something like this is already out there today, just no one that I've seen has taken advantage of it.
When people listen to music on the computer program, Winamp or their I-pod with the music mood visualization, the visual sense of the atmosphere is created for the user to "see" the music. Kind of like the same reasons for a disco ball.

With that part already completed, the only hurdle to get pass is how to create a chemical compound that can change shapes quickly. I'm going to be starting a second degree in Microbiology soon, so maybe I'll try to pick up some info along the way!

Back on topic, don't you think we've de-railed the pet peeve discussion into something that it shouldn't be! PM me if you'd like to discuss more of this.

will do!

sorry for going off-topic... <frown>
People that insist on helping me when I've made clear I don't need help.

People that don't believe you're D/deaf or blind or whatever else because you can see/hear/whatever a little bit.

People that don't consider mental illnesses legitimate illnesses.

People that assume that symptoms of mental illness are voluntary, or that believe you created the symptoms for yourself, or that it is somehow your fault. (Like digging a hole for yourself.)

People that are so firm in their beliefs that they are convinced they can convert you and keep trying to convert you to their beliefs.
Here's my pet peeve:

I said something to some of the aders, some don't reply me, which is rude , which is OK... I completely understand that. Maybe it's time for me to leave.
Here's my pet peeve:

I said something to some of the aders, some don't reply me, which is rude , which is OK... I completely understand that. Maybe it's time for me to leave.

no, don't leave sosie. try not to let the fact that some ad'ers don't reply to your posts bother you. i know it's easier said than done, but i for one really enjoy having you here. :)
People that insist on helping me when I've made clear I don't need help.

People that don't believe you're D/deaf or blind or whatever else because you can see/hear/whatever a little bit.

People that don't consider mental illnesses legitimate illnesses.

People that assume that symptoms of mental illness are voluntary, or that believe you created the symptoms for yourself, or that it is somehow your fault. (Like digging a hole for yourself.)

People that are so firm in their beliefs that they are convinced they can convert you and keep trying to convert you to their beliefs.

oh, i can relate to your pet peeves about mental illnesses. i have bipolar disorder and absolutely HATE it when people think i use it as an excuse or think i can "snap out of" my own mania or depression. <very mad>
oh, i can relate to your pet peeve about mental illnesses.

I have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and some things trigger me meaning I get flashbacks from certain sounds, sensations, or emotional situations. Most of the time people think I am just being inflexible or selfish, but it's actually completely involuntary.

Don't worry you won't be hearing anything about "oh that's just an excuse" from me. I completely understand. <smile>
I have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and some things trigger me meaning I get flashbacks from certain sounds, sensations, or emotional situations. Most of the time people think I am just being inflexible or selfish, but it's actually completely involuntary.

Don't worry you won't be hearing anything about "oh that's just an excuse" from me. I completely understand. <smile>

that must be so difficult (and i don't mean that in a condescending way).

and thanks. it's good to know someone else understands! <smile>