What is Your Pet Peeve?

I have to Bottesini. I'm not going to land in jail for such fools. What I do, because I am a cool, collected guy, is calmly (as best I can) explain to them their error with a forced grin. Doing that will turn a giant negative into a civilized positive. One more hearing dummy in the know. No jail, no law suit and no problems.
I have to Bottesini. I'm not going to land in jail for such fools. What I do, because I am a cool, collected guy, is calmly (as best I can) explain to them their error with a forced grin. Doing that will turn a giant negative into a civilized positive. One more hearing dummy in the know. No jail, no law suit and no problems.

That is really all for the best. Because I have poor speech, I just snarl ominously in person. Mean people don't want to wait for me to type out a sarcastic comment on my Blackberry.:P
I know that feeling.. Of trying to burst out in anger to beat up someone for being so stupid.

That's how I grew up in my childhood towards my inability to hear.

Then I learned about people who were like this:
"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." - Sun-tzu

Crafty people like this win the game in all aspects.. call it cheating if you will. I still try my best, but it's hard sometimes to beat brashness.
It's just a lack of education (stupidity mostly) and/or just meaness. Let's change the topic- it get's me steamed. Back to the topic.
No good, street corner bums who sit out all day and drink yet still try to holler at me when I pass by. Why would I want you??? :crazy:
my pet peeve are people who think their feelings are more important than others because they've experienced something longer than another person

I couldn't agree more. We can't tell people what they feel, and people can't tell us what we feel. Only we know what we feel.

The same thing happens in PTSD groups I've noticed. "Well I was abused for 18 years, you were only abused for 11."
i can't count the number of times sighted-hearing people have done this to me. i have a severe startle response which only fuels my anxiety. i get so angry when someone shouts, "watch out!" and then grabs me because they think my cane is going to touch something (which is the purpose of having a cane) or that i'm going to run into an object. <very mad>

I can totally relate Hear Again! I have zero patience for people that give me false alarms and for people that don't do anything in an actual dangerous situation! And then I get startled from someone grabbing me out of nowhere. Not a huge fan of strangers touching me.
People that judge homeless folks without having any idea of their circumstances. E.g. saying "get a job." There could be a million reasons why someone could not hold a job.
I can totally relate Hear Again! I have zero patience for people that give me false alarms and for people that don't do anything in an actual dangerous situation! And then I get startled from someone grabbing me out of nowhere. Not a huge fan of strangers touching me.

i also can't stand it when people touch me or grab me without warning.

now that i have ci's, something else that gets on my nerves are people who shout in my ear.
now that i have ci's, something else that gets on my nerves are people who shout in my ear.

I'm sorry! People also do that to me and it drives me nuts because I have a neurological condition where loud sounds translate to neck pain. And lots of people shout in my ear because they have some sort of thought process "oh, blind person, must shout in their ear!" It amazes me how much people shout at blind people, based on their idea of what they should do for a deaf person. (Which I know isn't helpful for Deaf either, just how most hearing-sighted people think.)
I'm sorry! People also do that to me and it drives me nuts because I have a neurological condition where loud sounds translate to neck pain. And lots of people shout in my ear because they have some sort of thought process "oh, blind person, must shout in their ear!" It amazes me how much people shout at blind people, based on their idea of what they should do for a deaf person. (Which I know isn't helpful for Deaf either, just how most hearing-sighted people think.)

ouch! that must be so painful!

i don't understand this kind of behavior either. what i'd like to know is where all of these people were when i couldn't hear. <laugh> none of them spoke loud enough when i had severe-profound hearing loss and wore aids.
ouch! that must be so painful!

i don't understand this kind of behavior either. what i'd like to know is where all of these people were when i couldn't hear. <laugh> none of them spoke loud enough when i had severe-profound hearing loss and wore aids.

Blah, if only the whole world could fluently sign and speak at all times... <drifts into fantasy world>
I remember that a hearing guy was talking so loud to his deaf friend, when my deaf friend introduced me to him and I can hear this hearing guy's voice. It’s really SO real loud, which I find very annoying. It's not necessary for hearing people who are talking so loud to deaf people but I don’t know why they do that to us?
I remember that a hearing guy was talking so loud to his deaf friend, when my deaf friend introduced me to him and I can hear this hearing guy's voice. It’s really SO real loud, which I find very annoying. It's not necessary for hearing people who are talking so loud to deaf people but I don’t know why they do that to us?

hearing people do that because they think we'll understand them if they shout at us. when you look at various tv programs and movies that portray someone who is hard of hearing or deaf, how many times do you see a person shouting at them in order to be heard?
It's not necessary for hearing people who are talking so loud to deaf people but I don’t know why they do that to us?

There are many factors going on. One is people's idea of what would be helpful to you (such as shouting to a deaf person).

But there is also another psychological factor in play. People get so nervous around "disability" and so they become extremely unsure how to act around you and end up not really thinking through what would actually be helpful. Lots of times they end up acting obnoxious without intending to.

An example (as a blind person) is I have had many situations where servers at restaurants refer to me in the third person. They ask my friend what "he wants to eat". They do this throughout the whole meal, even if I talk to them directly. And the interesting this is they are totally, completely unaware of it. The few times I have nicely called a server on it, they have said they had no idea they were doing it. I think it is an expression of their ignorance and their fear of what they don't understand on top of their misconceived notions of what would be helpful to us.