What is your nationality ?

Ya look part of Indian since your skin and facial. I can tell! But you look beautiful! :) I have a friend from India! She's living in Virginia now. :)

Thats really nice of you...

If you want to know something, My great grand-parents come from Kashmir, Srinagar...therefore I look lighter than most Indians, if you had to take the geographics of India, the Southern part of India tends to have darker looking Indians, whilst the Northern part tends to have lighter looking Indians, so by looking at a person you can sort of figure out where they come from...Amazing!! My mother just told me this now!!

I´m total surprise when I read all of your posts that your generation come from Europe, not full American. Interesting. :shock:

Well, my mother is Scottish and her generation side is also come from Scotland.
My father is Irish & his generation side is also come from Ireland.

I born in Scotland and raised in London.

My hubby is a PURE German...

My both boys blood is mixed up like salad... Scottish/Irish/German... :D
My Birth Father's background Vosper/Wollenzien: Germany and Anglo Saxon decent(somewhere europe) more than other country nationally too. Famous: 3rd or 4th great grandfather was in titantic. (Strongly Olive skin)

My Birth mother's background ________/Silke: Germany/British/Irish/Scottish-Canadian (Olive skin)

me<~~ rest of all as my parent breeding mixes. I born in Canadian :D that where my parent coming from.... (Light Olive skin)

My hubby's background Watts... mixes: American-Canadian Irish
My hubby's father background.... Murray/Watts: British/Irish/Scottish/Canadian
My hubby's mother background... Flook/Radder: Irish-American/Irish/Canadian

Espically My 1st son is different.. follow my background and his birth father's Dutch/Germany/Canadian

Rest of my daughter and last son... My background and my hubby's background merge heritage nationally.
Cool...my friend is from New Delhi (not sure if I spelled it right) She have black long hair (her hair grow way damn fast!) and her skin...ummm medieum tone I guess. But she have real bad aces cuz of air differences? :dunno: I haven't seen her for 16 years sooooo need to find her lol!

Cool about your great grandparents! It is neat to k now about family history eh?

I am learning mine right now...am working on it.

So far I know we are from Wales (UK), French Candaian (dunno if that really count), and I am sure there's more...

Thats really nice of you...

If you want to know something, My great grand-parents come from Kashmir, Srinagar...therefore I look lighter than most Indians, if you had to take the geographics of India, the Southern part of India tends to have darker looking Indians, whilst the Northern part tends to have lighter looking Indians, so by looking at a person you can sort of figure out where they come from...Amazing!! My mother just told me this now!!

Well, thats the capital of India...New Delhi is a city of contrasts, its the meeting point of Indians not only from India but also from all around the world, Yeah, you did spell the capital city correctly!!

Yeah, Indian's love their hair, I do as well, the longest I have had my hair was past my waist, recently I have cut it to past my shoulder!! We certainly take pride in it!!

Well, I made my mother take out of family album, where the photos are kept, and in their are my great-grand parents passes etc...

It's very interesting to hear others, mine is simply India and South Africa...I don't know where you would find many Indian Hindus!! Hope you find your's soon...Wishing you all the luck!!

Thanks...she have been telling me the stories of India. So I knew it is so beautiful there...I would visit one day!

Ohhh long hair? I NEVER have my hair pass my waist! I wanna to try just one time! LOL! But that's hard to grow with slow growing hair! :giggle:

Well, thats the capital of India...New Delhi is a city of contrasts, its the meeting point of Indians not only from India but also from all around the world, Yeah, you did spell the capital city correctly!!

Yeah, Indian's love their hair, I do as well, the longest I have had my hair was past my waist, recently I have cut it to past my shoulder!! We certainly take pride in it!!

Well, I made my mother take out of family album, where the photos are kept, and in their are my great-grand parents passes etc...

It's very interesting to hear others, mine is simply India and South Africa...I don't know where you would find many Indian Hindus!! Hope you find your's soon...Wishing you all the luck!!

Thanks...she have been telling me the stories of India. So I knew it is so beautiful there...I would visit one day!

Ohhh long hair? I NEVER have my hair pass my waist! I wanna to try just one time! LOL! But that's hard to grow with slow growing hair! :giggle:

I also love India, I would encourage one to visit this exotic country, but it doesn't come without getting used the various forms of pollution, be it noise pollution or air pollution...but that is what makes travel fun, the differences and the experience of being able to live through it all!!

Well, try growing your hair past your shoulder and thats fine, its really easy if you take good care, my hair grows really fast, but it comes with the old-age custom of oiling one's hair, etc...

Do visit the Subcontinent of India, the delight of the Maharaja's(Kings) and above all, home to the Royal City of the Taj Mahal (Agra)...the world's greatest monument to love!!

Awesome! Someday when I have the money saved up and get darn darn darn passport! LOL!

I'll be sure to visit those awesome places but I prefer with friends or my boyfriend..more fun than going alone. :)
I also love India, I would encourage one to visit this exotic country, but it doesn't come without getting used the various forms of pollution, be it noise pollution or air pollution...but that is what makes travel fun, the differences and the experience of being able to live through it all!!

Well, try growing your hair past your shoulder and thats fine, its really easy if you take good care, my hair grows really fast, but it comes with the old-age custom of oiling one's hair, etc...

Do visit the Subcontinent of India, the delight of the Maharaja's(Kings) and above all, home to the Royal City of the Taj Mahal (Agra)...the world's greatest monument to love!!

Awesome! Someday when I have the money saved up and get darn darn darn passport! LOL!

I'll be sure to visit those awesome places but I prefer with friends or my boyfriend..more fun than going alone. :)

I wouldn't advise travel alone!! Seriously, not only to India, but to any place...

Sure you will save your money!! & most certainly you will be there visiting all these fantastic places...I loved Egypt, would advise you to go there, also Dubai!!

You could say "100% American mutt" this falls in right category for you.
But if we are not citizens of another country or immigrants, then our nationality is pure American 100%, not mixed with any other country.

I'm not a native of any other country. I've always been 100% American.

Whatever my ancestors were; well, that was their nationality, not mine.

I don't think people should be called "mutts".

One entry found for mutt.

Main Entry: mutt
Pronunciation: 'm&t
Function: noun
Etymology: short for muttonhead dull-witted person
1 : a stupid or insignificant person : FOOL
2 : a mongrel dog : CUR

mutt (mŭt)

[Short for muttonhead.]

A mongrel dog.
A stupid person; a dolt.
I'm 100% Haitian. I was even born there!!!!!
I have lots of mixed.
England, Scottland, Dutch, Germany, Swiss, Argentine, Spain, Portugal, Guatemalan.
My mother's side is england, scottland,dutch,germany,swiss.
My real father's side is argentine,spain,portugal,guatemalan.

So I am half white and half spanish.
Born and raised in Australia. Both of my parents also born and raised in Australia. My mother's parents (my grandparents) were born and raised in England and then migrate to Australia for a better life when they were young. My father's father is a scottish born and his mother is an Australian born. :)
What is your nationality?

If it is a repost then either trash it or merge. thanks. I did search and couldnt find one since there were too many threads. blah.


What is your nationality?