What do you think?....

Should there be tougher animal abuse penalties

  • Yes!!

    Votes: 34 91.9%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nah, there's already laws on animal abuse

    Votes: 3 8.1%

  • Total voters
I vote "Yes" I'm the biggest fan of Animal Cops too, and have seen animals being neglect from starvation and dehydration even worst when a collar grow into an animal skin because of heavy chain, I find that very disturbing. :( We, pet owners should give our pets respect and dignity. They're animals with feelings too. ;)

I think laws on animal cruelty should be more tougher, slap them with a year of prison sentence, fined and not allow to own another pet for five years, instead of a fined, and six months in jail is not enough. :(

Me too!! I love to watch Animal Cops!! They are all so wonderful of helping helpless animals! Man, I can't belive what I was seeing so many neglect cats and dogs, horse and cow...etc!!! They have been work so hard to get them up for adopt and up to abt 50% have died due to bad health...etc! I feel so bad for some... but I feel good those cops have a wonderful job!! Those pets were so happy that they got new owners and new home!
I vote "Yes" I'm the biggest fan of Animal Cops too, and have seen animals being neglect from starvation and dehydration even worst when a collar grow into an animal skin because of heavy chain, I find that very disturbing. :( We, pet owners should give our pets respect and dignity. They're animals with feelings too. ;)

I think laws on animal cruelty should be more tougher, slap them with a year of prison sentence, fined and not allow to own another pet for five years, instead of a fined, and six months in jail is not enough. :(
yep I agree, too! ;)
voted yes!

there should be a stricter law for leashes! there are soo many animals that are loose and attacking other dogs and cats and people. so yes there should be stricter laws as well as for abusers too!

Oh yes, thanks for pointing that one out!!!
I voted yes...it is just sick and disgusting what people do to innocent animals! Ugh!
No, we already have laws in many area about animal abuse.

For me, I don't need bother on them since not big animal fan.
i agree.. and i vote "yes" because humans are getting away easily with less crime punishment...


then ill feel better :D
Nah, there's already laws on animal abuse by ANIMAL CONTROL and can Notify to police must press the charge for Cruelty Animal. Take you the court..
Up to the Judge how much case serious or mild.. so many different vary the cases.

while there already are laws, they're not well-enforced and the penalities arent great enough to keep people from doing it. How would you feel being starved to the point where every bone is sticking out, be yanked off the ground by your neck, kicked and thrown across the room, and live only to find out your abuser only got a month in jail and a $500 fine? While animals don't have the same way of rationalizing like humans do (well hey maybe they do), they still have feelings.
voted yes!

there should be a stricter law for leashes! there are soo many animals that are loose and attacking other dogs and cats and people. so yes there should be stricter laws as well as for abusers too!

definitely! a lot of attacks could be prevented if animals were on leashes.
I also think they should enforce a spay/neuter law. Too many people let their animals get pregnant because "oh, they'll have cute babies!" "i want my children to see the miracle of life" "well i paid for the dog, is hould make money off of the puppies" and it's just contributing to a lot of homeless animals, feral animals, and overpopulation at shelters.

at leasts u should show respect for them..

Me? UGH!!! You don't know about me, though.

I never got involving in animal abuse then stop fucking blame on me... :roll:

For me, I don't want anyone (except for small pets) to be on my property because I have bad allergy problem with numerous of animal and better to lay them off.
Me? UGH!!! You don't know about me, though.

I never got involving in animal abuse then stop fucking blame on me... :roll:

For me, I don't want anyone (except for small pets) to be on my property because I have bad allergy problem with numerous of animal and better to lay them off.
i understand the allergy problem, hands down, but that shouldn't be the only reason you don't think more animal abuse laws should be enforced.
Me? UGH!!! You don't know about me, though.

I never got involving in animal abuse then stop fucking blame on me... :roll:

For me, I don't want anyone (except for small pets) to be on my property because I have bad allergy problem with numerous of animal and better to lay them off.

I understand very well cuz I have one too but right now I am out of it so far as I am grow out of it... they do not bother me... and I can understand u don't like them but still they are no harm in any way!!! They are damn friendly and love and playful... they also healing alot of ppl too...but just simple say yes by support them and not need have any pets...any animals in ur area! That is understandable but just be respect those animals... that all...it is simple that! But that is ur life, not ours so that okay!

They are wonderful aniamls for all ages to be loved and care... they (ppl) are happy when they are around them... as well as themsleves (animals) are happy, too! Simple put up the sign say pls keep animals away from u due to the allegry... eh? Then do not say urh! Like that! Please respect! Thank you! Sighs, I just simple hate to what they said that way! :ty:

Edit: Oopsie.. forgot one more thing to say was that I have one cuz we have two cats here and they are indoor cats and we couldnt let them outside unless with leased peroid! Due to too many cats and dogs out there! No way!
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