What did you learn today?

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I have re=learned that MIL is really not looking forward to us moving out. She's getting really BI***y and short-tempered.
Daughter's wrist is feeling a lot better, but she has more pain than she had before in her elbow from her fall. Her knee is also numb. I don't have the money for the ER visit, but MIL is offering to pay so we will be taking her to the ER after I take MIL to a funeral for her hairdresser's hubby. He died last week of bone cancer.
Daughter's wrist is feeling a lot better, but she has more pain than she had before in her elbow from her fall. Her knee is also numb. I don't have the money for the ER visit, but MIL is offering to pay so we will be taking her to the ER after I take MIL to a funeral for her hairdresser's hubby. He died last week of bone cancer.

thats nasty, its the most painful kind of cancer too
sorry about that eh
Daughter's wrist is feeling a lot better, but she has more pain than she had before in her elbow from her fall. Her knee is also numb. I don't have the money for the ER visit, but MIL is offering to pay so we will be taking her to the ER after I take MIL to a funeral for her hairdresser's hubby. He died last week of bone cancer.
I hope daughter did not break any bones. Twice now I have broken bones from falls.
I hope daughter did not break any bones. Twice now I have broken bones from falls.

She has a radial head fracture. Seems there is a small crack where the radius bone connects at the elbow. They think it happened when she fell and her hand twisted in and the back of hand at the wrist jammed upwards towards the elbow. It is just a tiny fracture and she has a splint and sling. I get to call our primary care doctor for follow-up. When we got to the ER she pretty much had no pain at all until the X-ray tech really moved it around for 7 different pictures. At 16, this is her first break or fracture of any kind.
I love researh find news!! I am very images my professional I am very good quality successsfuly! I believe really awesome :) I should be support study lots my personal!
I learned how to manipulate text strings in Java for a lab assignment. Pretty cool. I like programming at this point.

Aced ASL2 quiz.
I am smart and lots of treat great positive focus successfully change wonderful I am patient lots of hard :lol: I need to help pill headache I wish stop computer :lol
i need to breath calm down easy! I control easy focus happy!! :lol:
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