What did you learn today?

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keep in tuch, if any questions, about what situation with tinnitus, hard to do, but 'listening to it' makes it worse, but at same time, 'ignoring the syptoms and ignoring what you ate/drank/did/ will make it difficult to know the triggers but yes these are common triggers, oh another one to be really careful with is, red wines, esp with firmstrong tannins, salty foods (takeaways , take outs, fast foods) and another one is foods with high sodium is to watch out for.

i found for myself, apple juice helps, but try get the one with no added sugar add' or similar but do realise no add sugar doesnt means theres NO sugar, it just means they still used sugar to make it but didnt added MORE for a more sweeter taste...it is like distingiushing the difference between 'best before' and ''use by' dates on food items, which the formers means it is still edible for a while longer, just its not as 'fresh'...it doesnt even means 'will taste bad' just no quite as 'the best' but on other hand, use by, its full stop dont or avoid using it if its well over a 1 week pass due date...

back to added sugar, also youy could check (if you buy margarine) 'salt reduced'... and so on, peanuts, potatoes chips have high salt and high sodium, so experiment...if you find those affect your ears, then reduce or eliminate it... Everyones is different you might cope with sodium fine, or sugars. But those two are actually vey common triggers.

so Red wine, salt, and sodium are another things to watch out for ok.

also try avoid complete silence as you'd start to notice the ringing which 'makes you listen to it in , too hard' a bad habit to avoid!, so but same time avoid noisy places...just quiet with some hum or tv down low or whatever will best policy around home.

good luck and just relax, getting stress wont help in fact it will make it worse... thats one of the hardest thing for me to do. as im not a very relaxing type of person - i had to learn to...(can now( - tai chi is one of those methods that I do)...so there...sorry for long ass reply but i felt its important for you to know those things, to learn the easy way from others (mine) experiences
oK cheers! have good day :)

Thank you that is great advice!! The more advice the better if you ask me. I don't get much from the ENT or the audi they are too busy trying to get me to agree to exploratory surgery then they are at helping me just live with the Hearing loss which is what I prefer to do.

I will definitely go get some apple juice to try! For most of the list I never use salt and hardly ever eat out and only drink white wine but I will pay better attention now to what causes the ringing. I was unaware that it had so many causes, the doc's made it out to be just another thing that goes with loosing a lot of decibels.
Learned that 2011 is a freaky year.

If you take your age and the year you were born, it will add to 111. Freaky!
Learned that 2011 is a freaky year.

If you take your age and the year you were born, it will add to 111. Freaky!

I am trying to understand.... take your age + birth year + 111?
I get 2121. 37+1973+111= 2121

Without adding the 111 I get 2010....so last year would have been freaky LOL
So, it needs to be the age you will be this year. Like I will be 48 in July and I wa born in 63, so 48+63=111.
I am trying to understand.... take your age + birth year + 111?
I get 2121. 37+1973+111= 2121

Without adding the 111 I get 2010....so last year would have been freaky LOL

I will be 39 this year and I was born in '72 so 72 plus 39 is 111.

My hubby will be 38 and he was born in 73 so 73 plus 38 is 111

My son will be 6 and he was born in '05 so '05 plus 6 is 11.

My daughter will be 14 and she was born in 97 so 97 plus 14 is 111.

The list goes on....
nothing freaky about it, there simple mathematical explanation for this,

since we're now in the early stage of 2000's, (or 2010's), there is two ways, the removing of the 19's makes it 'spooky' to have a triple 1, only because we're IN 2011 LOL...

another way is using 19's and having it landed in 2011 or 2010 (depending when in the year is your birthday)...it just merely adding your age to the birth year to bring it back to the present year LOL

come on!, Nothing freaky about it...

you were a victim of gullibility, as it i bet it were in a chain e-mails? right?? LOL

it is NOTHING magical, now take this further, this is exactly what the early church fuckwits did to people , holding back the real reasons and using numbers as tools for 'magical reasoning' when it is NOTHING magical just an entirely constructed over centuries (that's another reason why they called it 'magic' simply because the vast majority never had what was called 'School' !!...school had been systematically 'institutionalised'over the last 300 years or so...(ok there were 'schools' but not as sure for 'anybody', but only chosen few...

mathematics were merely a subject of heighened level of reasoning to solve riddles of construction of things, in particular things of precision... even simple shapes like circle is unbeknownst to blacksmiths, builders, coach builders (horse pulling cart types)is actually mathematical , except maybe a few(er) richer, more successful or those made carts for landlords, royals because they have worked out spokes, not big slap of wood carved to shape...and so on....

so this is a crazy self-styled explanation here but im trying to put this 'its not magic' into easily understood at the same time, its a historical phenomenon too, and thus the chain emails is another example that they (clever wankers) send it broadcast to laugh at people being duped into it, when it is not magical LOL
ah i forgot to add, it is ALOT to do with the DECIMAL numbering system

the pass-over point to pass 100 is largely related to where before the 100's

hang on
let's pretend

its year 2000
and your birthdate is 1972 so you would have been 27

so, picture yourself been in 2000 , do this again
72 + 27 = 100 ! bingo a MAGICAL 100 !! or
97 + 3 = 100 a SPOOKY 100 !!!!

now fast forward to 2011, all you're doing is adding '11', to that 'spooky' 'magical' numbers , in truth is just decimal, the counting system based on ten ' the 1 stands for first to hit the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , and the 0 stands for a 'reset' to start over, as to MEASURE the next lot of 10's....

in octal number system it goes, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11

that is 10 means '8' and 11 means '9' because its the next figure past the eight

octal means a number counting system based on 8 not 10...
oh last thing Shel, listen to yourself, does this (if someone else told you this at the bus stop; "You have to calculate the age you will be for your birthday this year" doesnt it seem moronic??!
wow...a lot of overanalyzing of everything.

Where is the fun of being spooked?
ok, feel free to be spooked, now we learn there is an existence of a spook-loving moron living in this century...:lol:
Grummer... I had some Pappy Van Winkle 20 year last night. Super stuff. Super. Alongside with a George T. Stagg bourbon. Wooo.
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