What did you learn today?

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I learnt how much train fare going to be when I go away next week:(
I just started watching the newest Godzilla movie. My wife watched it previously. I learned that King Kong, Mothra nor Hydra are in it. Maybe I'm dating myself but what good is an old story like this without the other participants? LOL [emoji1]
Also in Movie thread.
I learned being depressed is thinking of the past and anxiety thinks of the future.
I learned that using my Google+ picture album works better for uploading album photos on 4G than photos from my Gallery on the same service. Not sure why that is, but oh well. What works, works, and I'll just stick with it.
I learned being depressed is thinking of the past and anxiety thinks of the future.

That might be one definition.
For me, depression & anxiety has nothing to do with thinking. Some are clinical (physical).

My current depression & anxiety is situational due to my job situation. I'm depressed & anxious about finding my next job before my extended pay ends. My depression is not about the past in this case.
I did , poor little bat. But at least he didn't bite anyone do we won't be quarantined or anything .

I know the feeling!!! My kitty was in the quarantined for almost 6 months but health dept decided to set my kitty free. I did let the bat free because i do like cutesty bats. From now on, if bat comes in, i have to trap the bat and call the health dept. so my kitties dont have to deal with the quarantined. Actually I really dont want to have bat or squirrels in our house ever again. :(
I know the feeling!!! My kitty was in the quarantined for almost 6 months but health dept decided to set my kitty free. I did let the bat free because i do like cutesty bats. From now on, if bat comes in, i have to trap the bat and call the health dept. so my kitties dont have to deal with the quarantined. Actually I really dont want to have bat or squirrels in our house ever again. :(

were you bring puss back to uk or going back state
Ha My kitty is with me. She's good. In case, Im from USA. :cool2:

I think she was asking due to the quarantine.

Caz, I think the kitty was quarantined due to a bat having been in the house and they did not know if the bat had rabies.
I think she was asking due to the quarantine.

Caz, I think the kitty was quarantined due to a bat having been in the house and they did not know if the bat had rabies.

That is also my understanding.
That Mt. Prospect is a really beautiful-- and quiet-- town. Perfect for raising children here.
Today, I learned that a deaf guy that I really liked since last year did not like me as much as I did him. The way he told me was through silence, and I had to figure it out. So, I do feel foolish now, because it seems it took me awhile to figure it out.
Today, I learned that a deaf guy that I really liked since last year did not like me as much as I did him. The way he told me was through silence, and I had to figure it out. So, I do feel foolish now, because it seems it took me awhile to figure it out.

So sorry, I know it hurts. Move on to the next guy, lots of them out there looking for a lovely girl.
I learned that each time I travel and take pictures, I'm creating a story on Google. I already have a few made from last year, and the beginning of this year. In fact, there are three of them from this week alone. :shock:
I learned there a lots of urban coyotes in Chicago, and National Geographic is doing a project of putting cameras on them to see how they navigate city life.
I learned there a lots of urban coyotes in Chicago, and National Geographic is doing a project of putting cameras on them to see how they navigate city life.

I was back and forth with something else as well so did not catch all the details but the story was also on St. Louis TV.
I learned there a lots of urban coyotes in Chicago, and National Geographic is doing a project of putting cameras on them to see how they navigate city life.

I saw one last year..... at 2 AM strolling down my street where I lived. :shock: I thought I was done for, but nope. Kept going, and I was extremely nervous for a few days afterwards. Kids and several schools in that area. Eventually the coyote was killed when it was struck by a car not far from where I saw it. That lifted my nervousness, and I didn't see another one again the remainer of the year.
Today we submitted our claim for personal injury to the company of the driver that hit me. It was interesting reading all the final reports, police statements, who got ticketed, who was at fault, damage to all the different cars, medical reports etc. My neck is so messed up and I doubt it will get better.
I learned that there are some real dumb asses in my suburban neighborhood. At 7:45 PM (completely dark) I take my dogs out for their nightly walk. Here come some teenagers on bikes and skateboards rolling down the street all in black or dark clothes, no lights or reflectors. Then here comes some guy of undistinguishable age (20+ I guess) dressed the same way. The speed limit is 25 mph but they do 30-40 mph. When I walk my dogs they each have an LED light on their collars, I wear a blaze orange coat and a head lamp. I'm NOT gonna let my dogs get hit.
I guess if it we're really "Common Sense" then everybody would have it.
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