What did you learn today?

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Cats tend to hide in bushes or something. Need to look in hidden spots. If the cat can hear, come out with food in a can and shake it. That makes mine come and would use that if they ever escape.

Hope the cat is found soon!
Cats tend to hide in bushes or something. Need to look in hidden spots. If the cat can hear, come out with food in a can and shake it. That makes mine come and would use that if they ever escape.

She has been doing that, either her, her boyfriend or 2 other friends that the cat knows off and on since yesterday afternoon. She spent last night outside keeping an eye out as well. I feel that the cat just wanted to go pass on in peace knowing how upset she would be.
I learned a lot about my dog from a medium. It was not 100% accurate . Thought , I would do it and see what I learn.

I also learned some techniques to prevent aggression with other dogs. Very informative day.

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So I was looking up anti-sypware, and anti-malware, and I saw that Bitdefender was highly recommended, and I realized: Hey, I already got that, so I'm covered. I learned that no matter what, it's good to check to make sure you're in good shape. :hmm: I may need to scan my laptop for viruses, since it'd been a while since I used it.
I learned that walking down the stairs at full speed in bare socks is a very bad idea-- I barely avoided an extremely nasty slip and fall accident.
Mark, some days I'm surprised you're still alive and breathing after the accidents you narrowly avoid and barely escape with your life from every day. Sometimes I wonder when you wake up if Mission Impossible theme music starts playing as you open your eyes and your whole entire life moves in slow motion. Like, as you approach shoes, you see in slow motion as you jump over them narrowly escaping with your life instead of tripping over the shoe laces entangling in them falling over and breaking your neck or something. Then brushing your teeth instead of reaching for the tooth paste, it shows you slowly reaching for a tube of rat-poison and your eyes get all big and you slowly reach over it and grab the tooth-paste instead, narrowly escaping death once again. Like, that's your whole entire day until you go to bed for the day every single day.... That is how many near accidents you have... That is how many "close calls" you post here on AD all the time... that's how I picture your day goes.... Yes... that's exactly it... :roll:
I learned wisdom from this quote:

“People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.”
Mother Teresa (1910-1997);
Founder Of The Missionaries Of Charity
This quotation was our Daily Quote on August 14, 2012.
Mark, some days I'm surprised you're still alive and breathing after the accidents you narrowly avoid and barely escape with your life from every day. Sometimes I wonder when you wake up if Mission Impossible theme music starts playing as you open your eyes and your whole entire life moves in slow motion. Like, as you approach shoes, you see in slow motion as you jump over them narrowly escaping with your life instead of tripping over the shoe laces entangling in them falling over and breaking your neck or something. Then brushing your teeth instead of reaching for the tooth paste, it shows you slowly reaching for a tube of rat-poison and your eyes get all big and you slowly reach over it and grab the tooth-paste instead, narrowly escaping death once again. Like, that's your whole entire day until you go to bed for the day every single day.... That is how many near accidents you have... That is how many "close calls" you post here on AD all the time... that's how I picture your day goes.... Yes... that's exactly it... :roll:

Well, let's not get that far-fetched, okay? I rarely head down the stairs at full speed in my socks, anyhow-- it was because I did not trust someone to keep his nose out of my laptop, and I needed to be quick. That, and I had a board in my hands for my laptop-- I didn't need my lap getting too warm. And as for the poison, I don't mess with that stuff-- I'd rather leave it to the professionals.
I learnes of the surprise hwk my teacher left for hwk... A 30 page essay... I havent even gotten a B.A. Idk why he wants so many pages... And there goes spring breAk...
You think 30 pages is a lot, I hope you don't plan on going to graduate school or for your Bachelors.... :shock:
You think 30 pages is a lot, I hope you don't plan on going to graduate school or for your Bachelors.... :shock:

Not ao much that its a lot. It is a lot for this class in particular. Especially cuz i know he wont read the papers at all... Im getting teaching credentials so no Master's degree. And i just got my results i can work as a spanish intepreter for court now.
I always wondered if interpreters are honest.... :hmm: Seriously... When you're not looking ( For ASL ) or when they're speaking English ( For Spanish interpreters ) :hmm: there are some shady people out there.... :hmm: :shock: Congrats though! :D
Thanks!!! Oo some are not honest i can tell you that. But i do try to be has honest as possible or more accurate on my interpreting. Next is interpreting in hebrew im not as sure if i passed that one.
Learned that my vehicle is not working rt, I've to take to the auto service.
I learned that the neighbor's lawn guys are afraid of dogs. they dropped the weed-eater and hedge trimmer when they saw me walking my dog. There are 2 yards and a street in between, but they were scared to death. Went and hid in the trailer that hold their lawn equipment. Piper never looked at them and never barked. She was just doing her business.
I learned that the neighbor's lawn guys are afraid of dogs. they dropped the weed-eater and hedge trimmer when they saw me walking my dog. There are 2 yards and a street in between, but they were scared to death. Went and hid in the trailer that hold their lawn equipment. Piper never looked at them and never barked. She was just doing her business.

Was Piper on a leash? If she was loose I would have a similar urge. Even more so if you were not visible.
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