What did you do today?

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Worked again today...was soooo sick of teaching. I just didnt want to do it but I managed to get through the day. After work, went to renew my license since it expires tmw. Then went to the gym and ran 3 miles on the treadmill. Now, I am hurting everywhere. Ooops!
I'm sorry. I have to pick on you for just one second! :lol: look out, New York! Nude lady coming to a bus stop near you! :wink:
I was expecting another ADer to make a similar comment...or at least use this emoticon :naughty: .
Installed a washer for an elderly lady. Brainstormed my next biz....yes I am coming back. Registered to volunteer at Earth Day Foster City this Saturday and SF next Saturday. Brainstormed how earth day could be on 2 different days. Secured designated driver. Drank a pitcher of Hefeweizen. Dove head first into 2nd in a meaningless league game (safe). Brainstormed why I no longer have skin on my knees. Now waiting in bar for game 2.
Once in a while, that junk food can BE so devilishly good! I like their new salad that they just came out. Really good.

Moon........Over........ My........... Hammy
you were doing good till number 4....:lol:

What would you have said if I mentioned Dexter? :lol:

Installed a washer for an elderly lady. Brainstormed my next biz....yes I am coming back. Registered to volunteer at Earth Day Foster City this Saturday and SF next Saturday. Brainstormed how earth day could be on 2 different days. Secured designated driver. Drank a pitcher of Hefeweizen. Dove head first into 2nd in a meaningless league game (safe). Brainstormed why I no longer have skin on my knees. Now waiting in bar for game 2.

Brainstorm to make your next biz global! ;)
Next time, try to have two Earth day...one in the Northern and then Southern Hemisphere :D
What would you have said if I mentioned Dexter? :lol:

Brainstorm to make your next biz global! ;)
Next time, try to have two Earth day...one in the Northern and then Southern Hemisphere :D

Global? I like the sound of that!
Installed a washer for an elderly lady. Brainstormed my next biz....yes I am coming back. Registered to volunteer at Earth Day Foster City this Saturday and SF next Saturday. Brainstormed how earth day could be on 2 different days. Secured designated driver. Drank a pitcher of Hefeweizen. Dove head first into 2nd in a meaningless league game (safe). Brainstormed why I no longer have skin on my knees. Now waiting in bar for game 2.

barley and wheat.. mmmm.

head first.. lol
Installed a washer for an elderly lady. Brainstormed my next biz....yes I am coming back. Registered to volunteer at Earth Day Foster City this Saturday and SF next Saturday. Brainstormed how earth day could be on 2 different days. Secured designated driver. Drank a pitcher of Hefeweizen. Dove head first into 2nd in a meaningless league game (safe). Brainstormed why I no longer have skin on my knees. Now waiting in bar for game 2.

Keep an eye open for bartenders rolling sippy cups in salt for kids' margaritas. :lol:
Usual morning chores, had to by more milk as we ran out. Tried to smooth over the angry and hurt feelings due to the latest bombshell from hubby by way of MIL, fixed lunch and measure garage (3 bay with storage area) for the bombshell plans. 1256 square feet, give or take a few. Larger than the mobile home we had in Missouri at 1100 sq ft.
Usual morning chores, had to by more milk as we ran out. Tried to smooth over the angry and hurt feelings due to the latest bombshell from hubby by way of MIL, fixed lunch and measure garage (3 bay with storage area) for the bombshell plans. 1256 square feet, give or take a few. Larger than the mobile home we had in Missouri at 1100 sq ft.

Are you going to go live in the garage? Maybe at least you could have an air conditioner in it.
Are you going to go live in the garage? Maybe at least you could have an air conditioner in it.

Looks like we have to turn it into a house someway. Right now, there is no electric, water or plumbing of any kind. It's just a building with 6 windows, storm shutters, 3 garage doors and 2 regular doors. All concrete block and cement. Have to check into everything.
Did more research on my planned trip to Utah in November. Going out by train and coming back by plane.
Looks like we have to turn it into a house someway. Right now, there is no electric, water or plumbing of any kind. It's just a building with 6 windows, storm shutters, 3 garage doors and 2 regular doors. All concrete block and cement. Have to check into everything.

Is it to do with your mother in law hearing the minister's wife telling her husband your conversation with her?
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