What cartoon charater do you think is sexy.....


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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And why?

My answer is Goofy and it is because he has a sense of humor and he seems to be ladies' man! Hehe :D
What's up doc? Bugs bunny!

Daffy duck

Wilie E Coyote, and oh not that super moderator, I mean cartoon Road Runner!

Actually I love these warner bros cartoons !
hmmm sexyiest cartoon character..... Has to be the lil mermaid girl Ariel sp*? Shes hot lol
Any cute anime chick... they're hot and I want them! ;)
Betty Boop is very sexy! I love her and I have been collecting collectives of Betty Boop for YEARS! Betty Boop is a sexy cartoon charater straight on!!!
Batman! Strong, mysterious, intelligent, a man of his convictions, and he has a cool car!