What Books Have You Recently Purchased?

The Fat Girl by Marilyn Sachs
This Means This, This Means That: A User's Guide to Semiotics by Sean Hall
Mythologies by Roland Barthes (library loan)
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai

New Moon

and countless Historical Romance books....

But I'm planning to get Eclipse and Breaking Dawn to complete the series of Twilight.

Sorry, but Twilight is a horrible book. I couldn't take it after about twenty pages especially when my gf started telling me about how they're "nice" vampires and they drink Mountain Lion blood.

Mountain Lions.

They're an endangered species, do you call that nice? :roll:

I borrowed River Of Gods by Ian McDonald, a sci-fi book that takes place in India.
Oscar and Lucinda by Peter Carey
Twice-Told Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Sophocles: The Complete Plays by Sophocles

Sorry, but Twilight is a horrible book. I couldn't take it after about twenty pages especially when my gf started telling me about how they're "nice" vampires and they drink Mountain Lion blood.

Mountain Lions.

They're an endangered species, do you call that nice? :roll:

I borrowed River Of Gods by Ian McDonald, a sci-fi book that takes place in India.

Well, it's certinally better having them drinking from Human, don't you think so. :roll:Besides, not all of them drink from Mountain lions, some of them drink from Bear.

Besides that's your opinion....in my opinion, I happen to think Twilight is one of the best series ever.
I just finished reading A Kiss of the Highlander and Dark Highlander by Karen Marie Moning

Another book I also just finished: All I want for Christmas is a Vampire by Kerrelyn Sparks

All three was pretty good :)
The Little Drummer Girl by John Le Carre (hardback- used)
Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Hamlet (Sparknotes study guide)
Just finished Marley and Me. Very funny book about a family's misadventures with an out of control lab.
This afternoon I picked up a used copy of The Odyssey of Homer by Homer.

The Shell Collector by Stories by Anthony Doerr
Speed Reading by Abby Marks Beale and Pam Mullan
