What are Your Weird Habits

Hmm.. My weird habits...

I cant sleep in total darkness, so there has to be light in the room i am sleeping in. In my bedroom i usually watch tv til i fall sleep but if i am at another place with no tv, i have to have some sort of light in my room.

In residence I always keep my curtain open when i go to bed. I like to watch outside when i am falling asleep. Espeically in a thunderstorm

I pick. I just love to pick at things and peel things. Even if it makes it bleeds. If i have a scab on my leg or arm i pick at it. Or if i feel something on the desk that is not gross etc i will pick at it and peel it off.

If i am trying new food I always smell, so i would have a spoonful of something i would bring it to my nose and sniff it before it go in my mouth.

I crack my knuckle all the time

hmm...that is all i can think of at the moment
Weird Habits:

1) I always double check to see where my keys are when getting out of the car. Even opening my purse to look into it after closing it up a number of times. I've had too many incidents of leaving the keys in the car, even left it running! eek! I guess that developed into a paranoia. Funny thing is, I'm not as careful with the keys while in the apartment. One time I even left the keys in the door knob overnight!

2) I buy food that I don't need. It's a family genetic thing, I guess. We are big fans of Costco, and have a good supply on hand in the event of a nuclear incident. lol

3) I put ketchup on almost everything: Eggs, quesadilla, Mac n cheese
I put mustard on vegetables and almost everything. --- I should note I HATE yellow mustard. Must be djion mustard or any other kinds, just not the cheapsy yellow mustard.

4) I always lose track of my whiteboard marker while teaching classes. Never seem to put them back where they are easily accessible.

Hmm that's all I can think off top of my head.
I can't see any of my habits being weird or anything like that. :dunno: I'll have to have my friends checking me out and then tell me what they saw.
ChelEler said:
I can't see any of my habits being weird or anything like that. :dunno: I'll have to have my friends checking me out and then tell me what they saw.

hmm ur habit is u got too many tickers..

AJ said:
when i have mashed potatos, i put corn on top of it then gravy. man its good.

and i eat hot sauce on my eggs.
yea same here.. i love mixed with mashed potatoes with veg.. it good!! yummy!
add this

i watch every night lifetime movies at 8pm til 10pm then watch cook tv on channel.. after 11:30pm watch jerry springer then 12:30am and watch nick nite channel!
my bad habit are
i eat catup on my mac and cheese that came from stouffer's frozen box
i know it is gross but i like to eat that

i bite my nails lot
Sweet_KJ said:
Weird Habits:

1) I always double check to see where my keys are when getting out of the car. Even opening my purse to look into it after closing it up a number of times. I've had too many incidents of leaving the keys in the car, even left it running! eek! I guess that developed into a paranoia. Funny thing is, I'm not as careful with the keys while in the apartment. One time I even left the keys in the door knob overnight!

2) I buy food that I don't need. It's a family genetic thing, I guess. We are big fans of Costco, and have a good supply on hand in the event of a nuclear incident. lol

3) I put ketchup on almost everything: Eggs, quesadilla, Mac n cheese
I put mustard on vegetables and almost everything. --- I should note I HATE yellow mustard. Must be djion mustard or any other kinds, just not the cheapsy yellow mustard.

4) I always lose track of my whiteboard marker while teaching classes. Never seem to put them back where they are easily accessible.

Hmm that's all I can think off top of my head.


:welcome: back KJ !!
Does any of your werid habits bother the SO??? ;) Sorry to put you on the spot! :)
To make sure my house's windows shut before I go out. I don't like leaving the downstair windows staying open when I am in the house at bed times!!

Double check if iron is unplug after using it. (Once I leave it on for 3 hours!!) also the kettle too.

Buy "Reduce for a quick sale" foods items, I hardly using it!!

Buy magazines, I don't have time to read it ALL.
Tamara said:
To make sure my house's windows shut before I go out. I don't like leaving the downstair windows staying open when I am in the house at bed times!!

Double check if iron is unplug after using it. (Once I leave it on for 3 hours!!) also the kettle too.

Buy "Reduce for a quick sale" foods items, I hardly using it!!

Buy magazines, I don't have time to read it ALL.

I always shut my house windows when I'm not home or got to bed, too. I don't think that's weird at all because the world out there today is pretty bad. Protection and security is always good.

LOL I also turn on the tea kettle then walk away and forget about it for an hour. It pisses my husband off when I do that because it can cause fire when the water is completely evaporated.
wierd habits

My weird habits are:
1. must have something ob my egg- Bbq sauce or gravy or i will not eat it

2. wake up 3 am and get a coffee and a cig and smoke it and go back sleep

3. must have coffee and cig with me all the time.. if none i go bonkers!!!!!!!!!1
I must have hamburger with cheese, or else i won't eat.

If there cooked ham with mash potatoes, I must eat ham and ham's gravy with mash potatoes together. Yummys!

I always check mirror before i leave the car or house to check my hair, and my make up, (make sure they look ok!) Most of my friends always sick of that. eh.

I can't live w/o eyeliner or macaraca on my eyes to go anywhere.

If gone to vacation or camping, i must have errands done complete and write list to make sure bring everything (not like to come back to get it or buy any)
Katzie said:
I always shut my house windows when I'm not home or got to bed, too. I don't think that's weird at all because the world out there today is pretty bad. Protection and security is always good.

LOL I also turn on the tea kettle then walk away and forget about it for an hour. It pisses my husband off when I do that because it can cause fire when the water is completely evaporated.
Yes Katzie, I prefer it shut to give me a peace of mind and sleep easier!!
My neighbour ALWAYS leave her two or three windows open all day while she is out.

Also I always sniff my new/clean clothes before wearing it to make sure it smell fresh!!!
My weird habit to eat frozen Fresh fries and frozen Ding Dong.

Always lock my bedroom door while I am in the room.

Left bathroom door open while I go pee while my family or company around in the house.

Started the car, turned on radio (change stations or cd), put the gear "R", put my seatbelt on and take off.

Always check the fluids and tires at the gas station to fill up the gas.

Brought the same CD or DVD and took it back to the store next day.

Get up in the middle of the night, to go bathroom, drink some water and check on my sk2 email then go to bed.

That is all I can think of, I know there is more.....
gnarlydorkette said:

:welcome: back KJ !!
Does any of your werid habits bother the SO??? ;) Sorry to put you on the spot! :)

LOL, so far, nothing seems to bug the SO, except perhaps, I'm so good at "joshing" him! Would ya believe that? :D
Well, i do have a strange habit....i absolutely cannot eat anything, i mean nothing without something to drink!! I guess i have a fear of choking or something...heh! I gotta have a glass of anything to drink, coke, iced tea or water with my food at all times or i WONT eat!! My husband noticed that one time, at a picnic, they ran out of pop so i just sat there without eating a bite, he was stunned that i could not eat...so he got a paper cup and went across the road to fill it up with water from a water faucet...hehe!

Another strange habit...I gotta have my back porch lights on every night or i cant sleep....geez!
In summer time, I gotta have my bedroom ceiling fan on or i cant sleep!
mmm thats all i can think of right now.....
Ah, I think I know what my weird habit is. I eat food by their colors. Like for an example:

Mike & Ike candy: I eat one red first, one pink, one orange, one yellow, one green, and then back to one red, one pink, one orange, one yellow, one green, so forth. Me :crazy: Heh.

At a mealtime, I eat food I hate the most first, then I eat the food I like better, then the next food I like better, then I always eat food I love the most last! :giggle:

If I want to wear a western jeans, I always make sure that I wear special underwear, not just any underwear. If I am wearing any other jeans or pants, I don't care about underwear. :booty: :Oops:
another very weird habit of mine...my underwear has to match my outfit. no one sees my underwear, but...i know if they match or not.