What are you thinking about?

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Alcohol made from honey, like the mead of the ancient Britons.

interesting! these people.... so creative. They can make booze out of anything!
I hurt all over. Could really use a massage.

Leave it alone, Jiro! I know what you're thinking. :nono:
thinking about what a hell of a way to start this week. It came out with a rough start. I had 2 little fights with the higher ups at my work about accountability and liability issue.

I resolved one and it ended just fine with a good solid handshake. The other one... is left unresolved but at least I bruised the Director's ego. That man had a nerve to call me out and placed the blame on me. You know what my blunt personality is like in AD and it is same IRL but with some diplomatic finesse.

:mad2: but I'm drinking a cup of coffee now so soon... I will feel :cool2:
think about to cook more fresh vegetables instead of going to the caferitia, frozen boxes or canned due to high sodium.

My concern about my blood pressure consistently high. I keep to excerise and avoid to eat high sodium food.

It is so frustrated because I did not have a time to cook due to work 80 hrs a week. Try to figure out to cook alot of food then put them in the freezer.
Alcohol made from honey, like the mead of the ancient Britons.

hmm, im gonna try that. just ordered some bottles of Bushmills 1608. hopefully they are not gone. they are sure to be a good investment. (1 will be).

Im having a bad night tinnitus kept me awake! grrrr
think about to cook more fresh vegetables instead of going to the caferitia, frozen boxes or canned due to high sodium.

My concern about my blood pressure consistently high. I keep to excerise and avoid to eat high sodium food.

It is so frustrated because I did not have a time to cook due to work 80 hrs a week. Try to figure out to cook alot of food then put them in the freezer.

just cook for the 2-3 days ahead, some mince , mixed in vegatables in a slower cooker and have that put on some toasts for dinner is a good, easy to whip up treat. and you can put some of those cooked minces in container keep in fridge not freezer, but yeah extras can go in freezer for long term than 2-3 days(max).
thats what i do as im a bloody busy body too here.
Can't wait for Thursday!!!!!!!!!! :D The only thing I'm actually looking forward to LOL.
Can't wait for Friday! That's what I'm thinking about... How I can't wait for Friday Night to show up!
I am thinking about calling the principal at the school tomorrow and set up a time to take my parapro exam.
I'm wondering what it would feel like to shave my teabag. :eek3:
I am thinking I wish I NEVER when to the damn dentist that Fucked up my good teeth!
Thinking what a waste of trip going to the Orthodontic today.

They X rayed his teeth.. and said he had too many permanent teeth We have to go back next year to get braces. I wonder why the regular dentist refered him to the Ortho in the first place. He took some X ray of his teeth as well. He should have known.
I'm wondering what it would feel like to shave my teabag. :eek3:

it feel abit tedious, and time consuming i've done a few times, and found its better NOT to it when your nuts are warm, too risky to nag with the blades and cut. if you have unsteady hands, dont do it. and if you do, try do it with 'senstive skin blades' they tend to have this safety strips kinda 'feel safer-slightly'. I notice you can shave with warm water (where you shake off the shaven hair) but just let the bags be firm and cold-er, easier to do. Lastly it just take ages unless you had a willing partner with a electric buzzer but hell i havent tried so i dont know lol)

But i can tell you, you actually feel really fresh afterwards. it does grow back after a couple of weeks. (others might be a few days, other might be a month later, just like comparing how fast your facial hair grows with your father,brother, friends its the same,pubes is just alot longer because we dont habitually shave it - unless they do- heck you can ask them how quick does it grow back or how often they have to)

when i do, i shave the whole lot off, including upper pubes , and lower tummy hairs, the whole thing looks bigger and thicker. a bit of an confidence boost for some.
i wont say anymore....
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