What are you thinking about?

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I'm thinking about Gabi. :giggle:
im thinking about my anticipation to read like madman for the next 12 days to the exams, solid up my head will all i need to know, damn this is one tough paper the toughest, but the one i enjoy the most which is weird.
and am thinking about just how unfit i am , shit and im older geusus fucking mate, gonna be a long slog before i get fit again, i used to swim 5k's a day...that was like in another lifetime ago.....life is freaking unreal when you slip off into a different mode of existence then reflect back and say to yourself "shit! i cant believe i used to do this, now i wouldnt dream of it, whats the hell happened?' pretty startling and whats more startling is, the more people raves on now saying 'you have more freedom now than ever' to choose things to do, i disagree now, there so much to do in short time, to which whats left over there hardly any time to do what I want to do. I think freedom in the 21st century capitalism is a myth.
I am thinking that if I pass the parapro exam - I would get my weekends and holidays back as well as having the time to spend with my DD.
I'm thinking of this new place I live at.

Earlier my kids sad they heard some scurrying in the attic. My cat was wild!

I was thinking awe crap! We have rats here!

Not too long ago.... Cat had something!

It was a squirrel!

Holy Cow!

Thinking.... Is my home infested with squirrels! We do have several oak trees around the yard!

Hopefully the cat keeps them out of my house! Since they are just as destructive as rats.


I just moved here!!

Maybe a squirrel wanna show off his nuts to you? :dunno::laugh2:
I am thinking about go outside and dry my car off, I washed my car with rain to save water but it is still sprinkler so I am waiting till it stops then I dry it and also I am thinking about what a great life time with my high school best friend whom she passed away recently.
I am thinking.....some people are so petty and coniving!@#$#% I got to the barn to see that the barn B*TCH had taken down the cross ties I use everyday. Not only did she take down the cross ties...she took the eye bolts out so I could not hook another set up.! Welll..... two can play at this game. I made a phone call, and within thirty minutes had a new set of eye bolts and cross ties. LIME freakin GREEN! No way she will be able to miss them! lol! I didn;t miss a beat. She was probably thinking.. I'll show her! I'll take down the cross ties and she'll have to tie and saddle in her stalls! buahahaha!

This is soooooo petty! It would be like me removing the hose and clamps I installed in the wash rack. NO! YOU CAN"T USE THEM! Give me a freakin break! If you put it up..consider it for public use. Especially if they are in FRONT of MY stall and the shared tackroom! Geeesh!:rl:
I am thinking I need more memory for my laptop - I've done a disk clean up as well as a defragmentation and I still need more memory. UGH. I will take my laptop to my computer guru and tell him to juice it up when I get paid next week so I may be off AD.com for a couple of days.
I am thinking I need more memory for my laptop - I've done a disk clean up as well as a defragmentation and I still need more memory. UGH. I will take my laptop to my computer guru and tell him to juice it up when I get paid next week so I may be off AD.com for a couple of days.

More storage? Go get an external hard drive. They work awesome!
I may invest in one - but I'll see what my computer guru says. I've always wanted to juice up my laptop anyway so I can upgrade from Vista Basic to Vista Premium.
Thinking about how good I am feeling this morning and can't wait to start off the day as well as attending 2 fitness classes tonight :D
I'm thinking about the great appointment I had with my new therapist yesterday. I've been severely depressed over the past 3 days and yesterday/this morning are the first time I felt happy. :D
I'm thinking about the great appointment I had with my new therapist yesterday. I've been severely depressed over the past 3 days and yesterday/this morning are the first time I felt happy. :D

Glad to Hear it!

Today I am thinking....what new drama will be taking place at the barn!
I'm thinking of how I am having second thoughts of finish up cleaning out the attic since a big and ugly spider just crawled up my arm. That's it!! Spiders and I don't mix, we don't get along period! *shrives*
I'm thinking about having a small cookout on the grill tonight.
I'm thinking about having a small cookout on the grill tonight.

Yum! Yum! I can never turned down anything that is cooked on a grill. (not bugs jiro, shut up) :lol: Now, you're making me so hungry I can hear my stomach rumbling, gurgling and growling. :squint:
I am thinking of many different things:

  • Whether or not I should take an online grade 11 course over the summer
  • Whether I should take a job that might be offered to me at a hearing center here in town
  • When I should start seriously working on my history essay
  • Whether or not I will have a graphic design project all done and ready for my Comm. Tech class by the end of next week
  • Whether or not I will be able to memorize my entire play for drama by the end of next week
  • How much I need to study for my history and Comm. Tech exams in a couple weeks from now
What can I say? :P
Yum! Yum! I can never turned down anything that is cooked on a grill. (not bugs jiro, shut up) :lol: Now, you're making me so hungry I can hear my stomach rumbling, gurgling and growling. :squint:

We had grilled hotdogs and lit a small fire to cook s'mores. My DD loved it. Although I will say that the marshmellows weren't the greatest - they were an off brand and that's all they had at the Dollar Store and I didn't feel like running into the expensive grocery store just for a bag of marshmellows. I may grab me a bag of Jet-Puffed Marshmellows tomorrow night after work as I have to pick up a few things for my brother.
I am thinking about my grandmother right now... soooo depressed.... my grandmother isn't doing very well at the moment... she is very sick. She has been throwing up a lot, and she cant stand up and reach the door to open for me to come in or cooking for my grandfather. She has been stopped doing normal things for couple of weeks. She has a broken hip and 4 tumors in her kidney which is getting worse. She is dying. I really don't know what to do without her. I know I worry too much about her to death. Please pray for my grandmother and my family as well. :(
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