What are you thinking about Part VII

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going take handful of pain killers hope get some rest from tooth ache go lay down and look forward I don't think to dentist tomorrow..saw him over year ago he said needed yanking out put me off way he said it and said it to husband not me..the nurse stands there signing and giving him tools same time very off putting...words like pulling and yanking..last time had root filled tooth out dentist use chisel and took hour of pulling....
oh well you all have nice day
going take handful of pain killers hope get some rest from tooth ache go lay down and look forward I don't think to dentist tomorrow..saw him over year ago he said needed yanking out put me off way he said it and said it to husband not me..the nurse stands there signing and giving him tools same time very off putting...words like pulling and yanking..last time had root filled tooth out dentist use chisel and took hour of pulling....
oh well you all have nice day

Hope you feel better caz
Wondering what happened to water main....went to shower and had no pressure...checked the pipes and all looked well...headed into shop and outsode of neighborhood a main pipe was busted....turned the road into a river.... hope it does not cause more damage...Georgia takes .... decades to fix roads ....
Thinking why do people do stuff to mess up their lives?
Thinking why do people do stuff to mess up their lives?

part of human condition and nothing you can do...difficult when you family and friends.

been dentist and as he puts it to be yanked on 9th...typical all ways feels better when he mention yanked
5:23am still awake, no sleep last night. Muscles sore from working out but that is a good thing. Very busy day ahead....hope to catch a few ZZZZZZZZZ
not sure whats worse getting mobbed by pack of sea gull or tooth ache...my own fault not take advice about feeding them...They got cruel beaks
I'm thinking about watching an open captioned movie in 3D tonight! The name of movie is Poltergeist. It will be scary watching spirits jump out of the screen!
I think I have been adopted by a tiny tree frog....
Thinking of hoici as I drove into a WICKED storm. :p
Wondering if DeafDucky will be coming up the Delaware near Wilmington tomorrow. A BIG yellow rubber ducky is coming to Philly with the tall ships. :D
I think about food a lot lately. I don't know why I'm so hungry.
I think about food a lot lately. I don't know why I'm so hungry.

For me it was a PMS factor the week before. Those days are long gone for me but not forgotten. There was also a medication that made me hungry as a side effect.
Wondering if DeafDucky will be coming up the Delaware near Wilmington tomorrow. A BIG yellow rubber ducky is coming to Philly with the tall ships. :D
Awesome! Oh how I wish I could see it LOL. Wonder if my brother will.
Thinking it was AWESOME to hang out with ASL users at the beach yesterday. Ever since my summer break started, it has been all about hanging out with my Deaf friends (both deaf and hearing). So nice not to be around hearing non signers everyday for a while. I think I will like having a job in the hearing world because it makes it more thrilling to get together with friends in the Deaf community.
That's a wise perspective, Shel:wave:

Botti - how's your hand?

Calvin, I'm sorry about your precious and beautiful kitty!

I'm thinking about going to work and also trying to get my Rottie some herding lessons - my 8 yr. old.
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