What are you thinking about Part VII

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Not sure if the pregnancy rumors are true for them but if so will the next child be called South West?:giggle:

I knew a girl named Candy Bar when I was going up . What the hell were her parents thinking or maybe they were not thinking when call their "Candy' . It like stripper name. :roll:
My niece "Summer Day"...another friend "Autumn Rain"....and my niece's daughter was named "Savannah Georgia"
That's a wise perspective, Shel:wave:

Botti - how's your hand?

Calvin, I'm sorry about your precious and beautiful kitty!

I'm thinking about going to work and also trying to get my Rottie some herding lessons - my 8 yr. old.

It's okay. It has a couple of gross , scabbed, pitted places, but no infection and should be fine. Just a couple more battle scars.

Thanks for asking. :)
For me it was a PMS factor the week before. Those days are long gone for me but not forgotten. There was also a medication that made me hungry as a side effect.

It is probably because of Levothyroxine. I started few months ago.
I am thinking about buying this car. What do you all think?


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@RR I knew a woman that named her son Morning Spring Rain b/c he was born in the spring on a raining day. I was not friends with the woman .
One woman was asked by a nurse what she was naming her baby and the mom said "Blood clot!" The nurse was :shock: and refuse to write that down.
Feeling sadness and thinking of the beloved cat who been with us for 16 years (she's almost 20) The growths in her ears will not subside and the antibiotics has stopped helping, she is too old to have surgery that may not help and she is also down to 8 lbs now. It's a difficult decision that the pet has been with the family for so long but the right thing for her is to let her go in peace. We may take her to be put down next week. :(

Beautiful kitty. I'm sorry, Calvin.
Thinking about how I always become hungry when I know I am fasting for blood work. I'm having my EKG and pre-op blood work done tomorrow for my CI surgery.

Also excited that I hit my goal weight loss already. I had planned on doing it by the our Chicago trip but was happily surprised to see I have done it already. I haven't been this weight in probably ten years. I'm loving it too. Hubby and mom are telling me to stop losing but a few more pounds wouldn't hurt. We shall see.
Thinking about how I always become hungry when I know I am fasting for blood work. I'm having my EKG and pre-op blood work done tomorrow for my CI surgery.

Also excited that I hit my goal weight loss already. I had planned on doing it by the our Chicago trip but was happily surprised to see I have done it already. I haven't been this weight in probably ten years. I'm loving it too. Hubby and mom are telling me to stop losing but a few more pounds wouldn't hurt. We shall see.

I wanted to lose about 5 more lbs than my goal so that I'd have a cushion for gaining some back when I would eat more than I had been. Unfortunate I didn't and am now trying to get back to my lowest weight (at this stage my life).
Thinking about how I always become hungry when I know I am fasting for blood work. I'm having my EKG and pre-op blood work done tomorrow for my CI surgery.

Also excited that I hit my goal weight loss already. I had planned on doing it by the our Chicago trip but was happily surprised to see I have done it already. I haven't been this weight in probably ten years. I'm loving it too. Hubby and mom are telling me to stop losing but a few more pounds wouldn't hurt. We shall see.

Yay, good for you!
I wanted to lose about 5 more lbs than my goal so that I'd have a cushion for gaining some back when I would eat more than I had been. Unfortunate I didn't and am now trying to get back to my lowest weight (at this stage my life).

Good for you too, keep a little extra weight on, it's healthier as we age. Don't want to look like dried up prunes. :lol:
Good for you too, keep a little extra weight on, it's healthier as we age. Don't want to look like dried up prunes. :lol:

:lol:...went to the doctor awhile back....checked my weight...took off my shoes, sunglasses and purse...closed my eyes....NUrse tapped me on the shoulder...said "176"...:shock:....she laughed and said..."I was just joking"....Gained several lbs., :hmm:...so I'm gonna buy me a hula-hoop.
:lol:...went to the doctor awhile back....checked my weight...took off my shoes, sunglasses and purse...closed my eyes....NUrse tapped me on the shoulder...said "176"...:shock:....she laughed and said..."I was just joking"....Gained several lbs., :hmm:...so I'm gonna buy me a hula-hoop.

A hula hoop! will that do the trick? I was never able to get the knack of that thing, certainly couldn't do it now! :giggle:
:lol:...went to the doctor awhile back....checked my weight...took off my shoes, sunglasses and purse...closed my eyes....NUrse tapped me on the shoulder...said "176"...:shock:....she laughed and said..."I was just joking"....Gained several lbs., :hmm:...so I'm gonna buy me a hula-hoop.

The doctor's scale always says I weigh more than my home scales. I have two scales and they both read the same. I always get a chuckle when watching women take off their shoes, socks and whatever else they can.:giggle: I'm kind of becoming obsessed with a certain weight and have to be there before our trip. I'm basically starving myself which I know is not good. I'm just not that hungry and could totally survive on less than 500 calories a day. Plus it's too friggin hot out to go for long walks. I've been doing a short walk at night with the dog but most of my walking I'm doing around the house. Might look into getting a treadmill again. Had one many many years ago but it ended up as a catch all. If my daughter moves her stuff out of the guest room I might make it a gym.
A hula hoop! will that do the trick? I was never able to get the knack of that thing, certainly couldn't do it now! :giggle:

Dunno...but it was my fav thing to do when I was young...Bet I still can hula!...drinking lots of water and cut out the sodas is what everybody says to do....and of course, lots of exercise and calorie-counting....no sweets...blah, blah, blah!...at my age :giggle:...nobody is gonna look at my arse anyway. :lol:
Dunno...but it was my fav thing to do when I was young...Bet I still can hula!...drinking lots of water and cut out the sodas is what everybody says to do....and of course, lots of exercise and calorie-counting....no sweets...blah, blah, blah!...at my age :giggle:...nobody is gonna look at my arse anyway. :lol:

You're too funny. Every time you say "arse" reminds me of my dad and makes me laugh. I don't drink soda but I was drinking powerade, just switched to the zero calorie one. It's pretty sweet but if you freeze it and make a slushy it's really good, especially on these really hot days. The way I've lost the weight is totally wrong and I'm sure as soon as I start eating it will come back. I'm walking a lot, 2-4 miles a day and eating very little and the weight is still hard to come off. I eat like a bird, don't eat sweets but two medications I am on make you gain weight. I would like to stop those soon if my doctor will ever let me. I still love my fitbit it definitely keeps me moving.
I won't be able to be as active during my CI surgery recovery so I feel like I have to do it all now.
It takes a lot of work to look good......is it worth it?
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