What are you thinking about Part VII

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I once took the Amtrak from California to Boston and brought a friend's daughter with me. We had to change trains so I paid money to made sure we had two seats and would not have to get in the stand by line . When we got to our stop to change trains I was told there where no seats for us . I was BS, I was told if I paid for the seats I could get on the train instead we where told to go wait for the next train. I took our bags and got on the train and another guy saw what I was doing and got on too. The girl and I got lucky a mother was traveling with daughter, she had her sit on her lap and my little friend sat on my lap until more seats opened up. That was the last time I took a trip on train. I tried to get my money back but had no luck.

Well, today people can reserve their tickets well in advance, and that should ensure that they have a seat, and also, getting the tickets in advance saves money, too, because the tickets are likely to be cheaper if bought ahead of time than later, where the prices are likely to be higher.
Well, today people can reserve their tickets well in advance, and that should ensure that they have a seat, and also, getting the tickets in advance saves money, too, because the tickets are likely to be cheaper if bought ahead of time than later, where the prices are likely to be higher.

That is what I did but is was of no help to me , this was years ago , I end up taking a nonstop plane home with my little friend . I took her to see her dad I going to Boston and my friend asked me if I would bring her daughter with me.
Hmm I'm going to ask my aunt about that- she worked for Amtrak for many years so knows the ins and outs. I know that tickets were just for the trip itself- no 'assigned' or reserved seating (many years ago- yes I know you can 'reserve' a ticket now) so I'm guessing the possibility of over booking but you could still sit anywhere on the train (except Business class- just coach). Can't remember if I ever saw a coach car so full where they had people standing but I can recall having to trot through 3, 4 or 5 cars before I could find an empty seat.

Don't know who told you there were no more seats (conductor or some ticket agent) but sounds like they didn't know any better or they were just stating that the train was full not that you couldn't get on (because you still can with the ticket you had and the conductor didn't say anything when he came through the car).
Hmm I'm going to ask my aunt about that- she worked for Amtrak for many years so knows the ins and outs. I know that tickets were just for the trip itself- no 'assigned' or reserved seating (many years ago- yes I know you can 'reserve' a ticket now) so I'm guessing the possibility of over booking but you could still sit anywhere on the train (except Business class- just coach). Can't remember if I ever saw a coach car so full where they had people standing but I can recall having to trot through 3, 4 or 5 cars before I could find an empty seat.

Don't know who told you there were no more seats (conductor or some ticket agent) but sounds like they didn't know any better or they were just stating that the train was full not that you couldn't get on (because you still can with the ticket you had and the conductor didn't say anything when he came through the car).

I was told to get in the stand by line with a few other people , b/c there was NO more seats left and there was none when I got on with my little friend. It was very nice of a mother with a child to let us have one of their seats. The guy that told to get in the stand byline was standing too . A person at a ticket counter told us there was no more seats that they overbooked . And this was why I was BS I paid $$$ so we would have seat in the second train. I was told a stand by seat would be cheaper and I did not want to wait around with a small child. I am sure Amtrak saw nothing wrong with getting paid twice for 2 seats.
That the Kansas City Royals have made it to the playoffs for the first time since 1985. That team beat the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series that year. Do I sense another I-70 Series? :hmm:
I am thinking about trying this:


It is in stock at Target. Is anyone brave enough to try this with me?
Wondering if I should blame my splitting headache on pollen or the flu shot...

We are getting our flu shots tomorrow. Botti, did your headache go away? Do you think it was the flu shot? They told us we just need the basic flu shot since the quad shot is for people 60 and over I was told.
We are getting our flu shots tomorrow. Botti, did your headache go away? Do you think it was the flu shot? They told us we just need the basic flu shot since the quad shot is for people 60 and over I was told.

Yes I am fine now. I am under 60 also, but health conditions are the reason for me getting the quad.
thinking why do rugby players hold each others crotch...game on tv,i watching them do it
The best way to get to Michigan Ave. (Yes, I'm on the Metra now with my Mongoose bike). Today should be interesting, at the very least.
you read young people posts about shool or boyfriend problems
That I will probably never ride this far on my bicycle ever again. I rode from Madison & Canal all the way to LaSalle. I'm stopped just off LaSalle for a break.
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