What are you thinking about? Part IV

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thinking abut going to starbucks coffee and chug some more coffee.. ;) but nah I will have time to think about it :giggle:
I am thinking of my test, so far soo good one practice test:D
Thinking how odd...... Today is the first day of school for my kids. Yup, on a Thursday.

That always struck me as odd, too. I remember when they started doing that in when I was in middle school. First day of school would be on a Wednesday, or a "Teacher Duty Day" would be on a Tuesday. Just messed me up! :giggle:
I think how tired I am! My mom and dad go to Philadelphia USA to buy freight liner truck. They drive it back. 5:30 am mom text say "we are traveling through north Dakota today, all is well, love you, mom".

Nice, thank you letting me know but 5:30 in morning?!?!?!?

Who knew there were TWO 5:30s in a day?? Lol.
Also it was her first text ever. Text back "mom! Your first text! I so proud you!"
I am thinking I have to stop getting such "weepy" books from the library. I read it this morning and have done nothing but cry all day long.
crap I can't sleep OMG worst because my client 3 people!
I am thinking about a shower and coffee.
I think so add search find improve I try best effort!
I am thinking about my boss and how funny he was this morning. He was trying to see if I would want to stay or not without trying to be obvious.. First thing that went through my mind but I choose not to say it out loud for obvious reasons was, " If you think I want to stay here and keep working for you, you're crazy!"

Lets just say the conversation didn't last very long. :lol:
for the first time, thinking....will we have a house by the time the weekend is over?
I am thinking about my boss and how funny he was this morning. He was trying to see if I would want to stay or not without trying to be obvious.. First thing that went through my mind but I choose not to say it out loud for obvious reasons was, " If you think I want to stay here and keep working for you, you're crazy!"

Lets just say the conversation didn't last very long. :lol:

I guess I missed the first part somewhere.....what happened?
what is the job? Do tell!

Will be doing office work. I asked what my title will be and she told me there is no title. I would be doing whatever is needed to be done.

So will be doing data entry and helping with accounting and etc as I understand it..

I'll learn more when I start working there. Can't wait! Would be first time to have my own desk at work.
I think so ugprade almost 5 yrs expires cool eset impressive!
One advantage of being "retired"- your own hours/desk/no bosses! recommend it to everyone. Cashing pension cheques-hard work!

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
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