What are you thinking about? Part II

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Right . I am thinking the one or two minutes, but can that cause you to be less inhibited?

it could cause anything id think. depends on the person and how long they went without oxygen and alot of other stuff. my brother went without for 3 to 4 minutes and it just made him lose alot of memory. complete cardiac arrest is a traumatic even for anyone regardless. they actually died. it could affect their outlook or personality.
No one is talking about dementia.

It's best not to judge a person based on what someone think their mental issues are. Remember, we are a forum with learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, autism, bipolarism, drug abuse history, and many other disorders and conditions that make people question our own sanity. So it's best to drop this speculation about the banned poster before the ugly heads reveal themselves.
I am thinking we need a new subject to talk about.

How about---- I'm thinking that football is going to have one crazy season this year and I don't even follow or like football.
It's best not to judge a person based on what someone think their mental issues are. Remember, we are a forum with learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, autism, bipolarism, drug abuse history, and many other disorders and conditions that make people question our own sanity. So it's best to drop this speculation about the banned poster before the ugly heads reveal themselves.

Look Souggy, I acknowledge I have autism. And that I am blunt and offend some people.

But I am not deliberately mean.
:lol: What do you mean "There I go?"

I get tense and painful abdomen every time she comes here, because I know she will start right in chasing people she hates around and saying something horrible to their every post.

I don't see why it is ok if she spreads it out to more than one person.

:lol: What do you mean "There I go?"
oh I was referring to your comment "several people"

I get tense and painful abdomen every time she comes here, because I know she will start right in chasing people she hates around and saying something horrible to their every post.

I don't see why it is ok if she spreads it out to more than one person.
I ask same about other poster :hmm:
Look Souggy, I acknowledge I have autism. And that I am blunt and offend some people.

But I am not deliberately mean.

She's just a mean cookie. I am a nasty piece of work too when I am in the mood, but only people who don't know me think I got "medical issues" going on; the ones that know me know that it's just me being a mean ol' bastard.

Btw, look at my #112 in the other thread re: your pool

Salt water is all the rage here. Very popular.... Only problem was the switch from a diving board to a diving rock because the salt is tough on the parts. But a diving rock looks better and my kid is grown so it works for me

Mine doesn't have an infinity edge....in fact the opposite, a rock wall. My deck is superstone (tiny pebble) and in the "beach" section the superstone goes into the water gradually until the water is about 2ft. then the normal pool surface
2/1? I thought this is Texas where it's 10/1? am I mistaken? :(


Funny though. I took my daughter and 5 of her friends out on the boat last year..... I must have looked like Hef. :lol:
Salt water is all the rage here. Very popular.... Only problem was the switch from a diving board to a diving rock because the salt is tough on the parts. But a diving rock looks better and my kid is grown so it works for me

Mine doesn't have an infinity edge....in fact the opposite, a rock wall. My deck is superstone (tiny pebble) and in the "beach" section the superstone goes into the water gradually until the water is about 2ft. then the normal pool surface

Thanks TX--that pebble part sounds really neat...
Wirelessly posted

I don't like being sick :(
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