What are you thinking about? Part II

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jamielynn, i know what you mean. I been pretty busy juggling school, doc appts this week( vaccinations) for school purposes and plus, school on the weekend it will end soon yippie!
Have a good weekend!
I am just wondering if this certain poster will be against gay rights just because kokonut blatantly was for it....
Thinking I can guess who PFH is thinking of, and thinking it will provide that poster quite a dilemma..... :hmm:
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i managedto snowboard better today with only 3 or 4 falls so far - WIN
Cool Jake, sound fun....(it doesn't hurt too bad anyway to crash) I think I only been a little bit hurt once from a crash while skiing.....but I was doing something a little to daring for my capabilities
Cool Jake, sound fun....(it doesn't hurt too bad anyway to crash) I think I only been a little bit hurt once from a crash while skiing.....but I was doing something a little to daring for my capabilities
I accrued more during the rest of the day and i am sore all over...again. :|
I am thinking that I wish my SUV has tags on it so I can take it tmw to that dealership where I saw a good deal so I can trade it in for a 2006 Scion with only 17 thousand miles on it. They are only asking $7,500 for it!!! I hope nobody else grabs it..dammit!
Still laughing about my son....who went to the river dock, and saw many geese there....They were "honking & honking"...and my son went "honk, honk" right back....and the geese started chasing him....

He came running in the front door, about out of breath! Scared to death...then about 2 hours later, he decided to catch the bus to see his gf...it was about to rain and storm and the wind was picking up....all he said was "a little rain never hurt me, Mamma"!....He took off, opened the umbrella, the wind picked it up and turned it inside out....he came back home, all soaking wet...and SO MAD! The umbrella is broken...

I cautioned him that "bad luck falls in 3's"....HAHA!...Since he's s0 clumsy, he slipped in a mud puddle at the bus stop.....Ah, well....he's still alive.l
RR- Poor kid. I hope he's able to laugh it off somewhat.

Shel- Wishing you luck!! Hope you're able to do the switching on vehicles.

JClarke- Hope you feel better, but I know you are enjoying yourself.
I am having a movie night in with my DD, not sure what we are going to watch. She wants Carolina but I want something else as we watched that on the last movie night in.
I'm thinking I ate too much for dinner, but it was good.

Also thinking, I am so ready to move out of here. Really want to go back to where I grew up. Please, please, please let hubby get this job.
Yea..hope your hubby gets this job, KristinaB.

I got hired for a part time job. Dunno when I will start working. They said I can choose my own hours and days. Pretty nice...I think I will pick 7 to 3 pm on Saturdays.
Yea..hope your hubby gets this job, KristinaB.

I got hired for a part time job. Dunno when I will start working. They said I can choose my own hours and days. Pretty nice...I think I will pick 7 to 3 pm on Saturdays.

Congrats!! I know you're happy about that.
Yea..hope your hubby gets this job, KristinaB.

I got hired for a part time job. Dunno when I will start working. They said I can choose my own hours and days. Pretty nice...I think I will pick 7 to 3 pm on Saturdays.

Woot de woot for you!
Congratulations on new hired at part time job. Its always a nice feeling like succeeding when a person or employer hires you. (Even if it is just temporary or part time work). For me many times I feel work actually makes me happier and distracts my mind from other life problems. If work would make all other problems go away, I would work all the time. But, I have gotten over my head more than a few times with comitting to too many obligations at work and if I don't fulfill them all perfectly- I get REALLY hard on myself.
Am back in Australia today and already I'm contemplating making plans to vacation abroad in Oct or thereabout to escape family dramas. Lol
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