What are you thinking about? Part II

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After 35 years in the family generation with our family coasthouse down the south coast, the coasthouse is currently owned by my grandparents and I have recieved the news from my parents two nights ago that we, the family have bought a new coasthouse, just for the family. :D It is a three year old two story house.
Oo thats cool... i'd love to see it!
After 35 years in the family generation with our family coasthouse down the south coast, the coasthouse is currently owned by my grandparents and I have recieved the news from my parents two nights ago that we, the family have bought a new coasthouse, just for the family. :D It is a three year old two story house.

Neat. Congratulations to your family. I hope you have lots of fun.
That's awesome Jake. I would love for my family to do something like that.
Just bought a pair of gloves and jeans jacket at thrift shop. Now which one do I stud first? :hmm: I think I'll sketch out design first..
After 35 years in the family generation with our family coasthouse down the south coast, the coasthouse is currently owned by my grandparents and I have recieved the news from my parents two nights ago that we, the family have bought a new coasthouse, just for the family. :D It is a three year old two story house.

Nice! My sister owned vacation two-story condo near Bend, Oregon.
I am thinking what happened to May?

I agree!! In some cases this year has gone by real fast and in other instances it just crawled. I can't believe just 1 year ago we were packing up everything and getting ready to leave Missouri for Florida. Now we are packing up, to move from S FL to NorthCentral FL.
I agree!! In some cases this year has gone by real fast and in other instances it just crawled. I can't believe just 1 year ago we were packing up everything and getting ready to leave Missouri for Florida. Now we are packing up, to move from S FL to NorthCentral FL.

LOL..I was referring to weather-wise. It s so cold out!
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking my day is going pretty good so far. Playing hooky from work :D
I'm thinking that it's not possible that my son is 15 today!! There is no way!! Ah well, such is life.
I understand. I had this little boy and now I have a young man! Time flew by so fast.

DS, please post a pic of your studded masterpiece.
Awww sorry to hear. I have the summer off, so who knows when I will graduate at this point! :lol:

I didn't take the news well bec my friends were coming from other parts of the states to see me and now, its postponed :cry:
Wish I could send some warmth. Right now, it's 81.7 degrees outside.

It is supposed to be 78 degrees tmw..we'll see about that. The forecast called for 68 degrees today but it never got above 60. Stupid gray clouds!
I didn't take the news well bec my friends were coming from other parts of the states to see me and now, its postponed :cry:

Why is it postponed? Maybe you could do something with your friends to celebrate? I know it's not the same though.
What happened?

They said, my internship hours will not reach the cut off date for the October graduation ceremony. I will get my diploma but not walk the ceremony til spring 2011 which stinks! At least , my deaf family are understanding and are willing to come then and we can have a blast time :)
Why is it postponed? Maybe you could do something with your friends to celebrate? I know it's not the same though.

Yes, I thought about that. Gotta see how it gets worked out Oct will be ideal nice weather and such. November and December are normally business months with Thanksgiving and Christmas. Its my deaf families first time in California, spring 2011 would be ideal and we get to do the California tour:)
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