What are you thinking about? Part II

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deafskeptic said:
Never been to Quiznos. One day I will have to try it out.

I'm thinking I will have to try out Quiznos today and have lunch there.

Its the bomb!
We are taking our dogs to the veterinarian for shots.

Thinking, I hope no one throws up in the car.
Be sure to use sunblock!

It's glorious outside!! :wave:

Would you mind sending some sunshine over here? I'm still waiting for the rainy clouds to go away... Sheesh, people keep saying it always rains in the UK :roll: They sure got this wrong!!!!! *pout* I'm moving!!!!! :D Where should I move to? :hmm:
We are taking our dogs to the veterinarian for shots.

Thinking, I hope no one throws up in the car.

put the beach towel on your car seat. I had to do that for a little while cuz my dog got motion sickness. now he's used to riding in car. :cool2:

oh man.... it was awful during first time. He puked and shat all over floor.
We are taking our dogs to the veterinarian for shots.

Thinking, I hope no one throws up in the car.

I recommand the same as Jiro... my cat was always sick in the car but obviously the cat is inside the box... but still... that doesn't mean I didn't need to clean the messy box later on :giggle:

*pats Bottesini's dog*
Botts. I feel for you! I had a dog that puked everytime! You can ask a vet to prescribe some sort of doggie dramamine (spelling).

It was a paste. It worked wonders. Bless that damn dog! Sure miss her.
I am thinking about how I wish today's weather was a year-round kind of weather!
We are taking our dogs to the veterinarian for shots.

Thinking, I hope no one throws up in the car.

Dont blame you for your feelings! Keeping my fingers crossed that nobody puked in the car.
Dont blame you for your feelings! Keeping my fingers crossed that nobody puked in the car.

please cross your fingers for me. I have semi-arthritic hands :mad2:
put the beach towel on your car seat. I had to do that for a little while cuz my dog got motion sickness. now he's used to riding in car. :cool2:

oh man.... it was awful during first time. He puked and shat all over floor.

I recommand the same as Jiro... my cat was always sick in the car but obviously the cat is inside the box... but still... that doesn't mean I didn't need to clean the messy box later on :giggle:

*pats Bottesini's dog*

Botts. I feel for you! I had a dog that puked everytime! You can ask a vet to prescribe some sort of doggie dramamine (spelling).

It was a paste. It worked wonders. Bless that damn dog! Sure miss her.

Dont blame you for your feelings! Keeping my fingers crossed that nobody puked in the car.

Thanks all! Good wishes helped! I did put a towel, but no one threw up!

My poodle is old. Almost nine. She has a heart murmur and when the vet used her stethoscope today, her face looked tragic. She asked if we understood about the heart.

I told her our cat was 13 with bad heart when he died. But she said usually they can't live so long.

I love my poodle , and I hope the vet is wrong. :cry:
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weather is gorgeous outside, but I am staying in the room with the curtains closed. Took MIL to Home Depot this morning and then to grocery store. that's it for the day. We have to replace the toilet in my bathroom and since it's a different color, we have to replace the sink as well. We went from 1950's tan to white. The bathroom is blue and white tiles on lower half of wall and floor and beautiful wallpaper on the upper half of wall. No tub - just a blue and white tile shower..
please cross your fingers for me. I have semi-arthritic hands :mad2:

Ok..now I am off to go get the little monster and get him ready for his tball practice. Busy busy even though I am on Spring break..lol
I'm thinking that I've been really quiet lately! I must be up to something!:P
Thanks all! Good wishes helped! I did put a towel, but no one threw up!

My poodle is old. Almost nine. She has a heart murmur and when the vet used her stethoscope today, her face looked tragic. She asked if we understood about the heart.

I told her our cat was 13 with bad heart when he died. But she said usually they can't live so long.

I love my poodle , and I hope the vet is wrong. :cry:

I pray the vet is wrong :grouphug:
Thanks all! Good wishes helped! I did put a towel, but no one threw up!

My poodle is old. Almost nine. She has a heart murmur and when the vet used her stethoscope today, her face looked tragic. She asked if we understood about the heart.

I told her our cat was 13 with bad heart when he died. But she said usually they can't live so long.

I love my poodle , and I hope the vet is wrong. :cry:

I hope so too! They are wrong a lot. :hug: I'm sorry about your poodle.
Thanks all! Good wishes helped! I did put a towel, but no one threw up!

My poodle is old. Almost nine. She has a heart murmur and when the vet used her stethoscope today, her face looked tragic. She asked if we understood about the heart.

I told her our cat was 13 with bad heart when he died. But she said usually they can't live so long.

I love my poodle , and I hope the vet is wrong. :cry:

Oy :( Let's all keep fingers crossed for your poodle and here's a :hug: for you.

Is the vet running some test? Does your dog need to take meds or is it just a wait and see situation?

Please keep us posted!
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