What are you thinking about? Part II

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Thinking I'm suffering from some type of sleep disorder.

I fall asleep fine. But around 1 to 2am I'm wide awake. Been happening quite often.

It is catching up with me.

Thinking a sleep aid may help.

Any suggestions?

Got lots on your mind?
:hug: Sorry to hear.

Melatonin is a good OTC supplement that helps to regulate sleep/wake cycles. It's good to use if you have a decent sleep schedule.:P

I think I feel awful from the drinking and lack of sleep today!!!!

I have that, and tried it. Does not work so well.

Maybe I will go to bed a little later than usual and perhaps I can sleep through the whole night.
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking of being a naughty girl :naughty:
i have high blood pressure, eek!! Mum and grandfather has it. My sister's is high too(we both had doctor appointment 2day) I have strict instructions to go back in 3 weeks since mine is so high. :S:S
I am thinking what the heck am I doing at work on a beautiful day, no deaf clients here, bored out of my wits , at least , my weekend is starting soon :)
What kind of benefit (s) do you get out of them? Why do they both need repairing at the same time?

Eh, so far it only open up jobs that require a phone. Otherwise I can't hear squat without them. Other than that, I don't really need them.
Technically there is always a test coming!:giggle: I have a lot of info to go over before Monday for a quiz. It's the Cardiovascular system. Not hard, but tons of info!!:shock:

Ahhhh..study of the heart :)

I am thinking of going to a coffeeshop to do my homework :)
Eh, so far it only open up jobs that require a phone. Otherwise I can't hear squat without them. Other than that, I don't really need them.

Ok, then maybe that's your answer. Are they old hearing aids? I once had one (an analog, of course) that was 16 yrs old and I sent it in to get new transistors put in for about 1/3 of the cost of new at that time....I think mid 70's.
Ok, then maybe that's your answer. Are they old hearing aids? I once had one (an analog, of course) that was 16 yrs old and I sent it in to get new transistors put in for about 1/3 of the cost of new at that time....I think mid 70's.

One digital, one analog.

I just put them off for long because the ear for the digital is almost dead.
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