What are you doing right now? Part II

that late in the day? You'll be up all night. :lol:

I know, but I was sleepy. Only got about an 1/2 hour one (been known to take 1-2 hr naps), so I should be ok. Still lying do down since cat is sleeping on my legs. :D
That's something I'm always concerned about, too. We do our neighborhood walk everyday, sometimes after dark. We use a flashlight but that doesn't really make everything clear, especially this time of year with all the leaves on the ground. Most residents here are good about bagging their dogs' poop but there are two problem situations. One, is the corners of each street that we cross (there are several). The sidewalks don't go to the end of each corner, so we walk on grass to cross the streets. For some weird reason, there is dog poop on the grassy corners, which, of course, is harder to see than on the pavement. The second problem is dogs who poop while walking behind their owners. It's usually Labs, who can poop without breaking stride; they don't slow down or squat. If they're walking behind their humans, the humans aren't aware of what happened. I know because our male Lab used to do the same thing. Fortunately, when we used to walk him we took a route that went out and then straight back, and we knew what he did, so we could spot his trail of deposits and pick them up. Yes, I know we could have made sure that he walked in front of us but then we would have stepped in his huge poops as they shot out. He was pooping machine. :lol:

When I went for walk with Finlay in the woods he would get of the trail and take a poop where people did not walk a lot. I still picked up his poop no matter where he poop . When I see dog owners let their dog run lose and they're breaking the leash I know they'll not pick up their dog poop .
There is a fine for not cleaning up after your dog but people know it's not being enforce . My city has so many laws that never get enforce it a joke ..
Trying to solve a problem on my phone. I have an IPhone 4S. I keep getting a message that ICloud has not been backed up and I am running out of storage. The problem is....ICloud has a very old email address that we do not use anymore. I'm trying to backup my phone on hubbies computer. Then I guess I will delete ICloud and reopen a new account with the correct email address. I've been researching ways of correcting this and it seems starting over is my only choice. I tried to just purchase more storage but that did not work either due to the wrong email address. Crazy!!!
Trying to solve a problem on my phone. I have an IPhone 4S. I keep getting a message that ICloud has not been backed up and I am running out of storage. The problem is....ICloud has a very old email address that we do not use anymore. I'm trying to backup my phone on hubbies computer. Then I guess I will delete ICloud and reopen a new account with the correct email address. I've been researching ways of correcting this and it seems starting over is my only choice. I tried to just purchase more storage but that did not work either due to the wrong email address. Crazy!!!

I once helped a friend fix a similar problem earlier this year...... what I did was help him create an e-mail address, and use that to keep the iCloud account active. You can replace the old e-mail address with a new one and still keep the account. Hopefully that works. :fingersx:
I once helped a friend fix a similar problem earlier this year...... what I did was help him create an e-mail address, and use that to keep the iCloud account active. You can replace the old e-mail address with a new one and still keep the account. Hopefully that works. :fingersx:

Everything we have tried had failed. Probably have hubby call Apple or go into their store after Christmas. No clue why ICloud has an inactive email address. Maybe my daughter can figure it out when she gets here.
I know that mine could, and I've seen others do that, too, even last week. A teen boy was skateboarding with his Lab on a leash when all of a sudden, poop-poop.

They can just walk along, not even stop to sniff or circle around, squat or even slow down, and start pooping. It's a special talent they have. :lol:

I wish I could say the same for poodles , but Finlay had to and Marty have to find the perfect spot to poop . And it drive me nutty when it's cold out. I mean the grass has to smell just right and not to be to tall or too short . :roll:
Headed back home after getting much improved pictures...... and heading into a nightmare traffic jam as soon as I hop on the bus. :mad2:
A buddy had a female lab that did this. She would let loose on the grass while walking and cut it off clean before striking pavement. Whoa!! I did not know it was a black lab talent. She was such a loveable sweet natured doggie.
Everything we have tried had failed. Probably have hubby call Apple or go into their store after Christmas. No clue why ICloud has an inactive email address. Maybe my daughter can figure it out when she gets here.

Have you considered the Apple Forum? Maybe you can find something there? Just a thought.
fiddling about,been up since 4am I tired...I looking at why house in tip.got clean up all this crap as family be here few weeks..i using one hand hard going and husband become more selectively deaf amazing how hear footy or horse race results but not hear me ask for help even signing it.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Awaiting the arrival of the CTA Holiday Train.... due in 15 minutes.
Here it comes...... due in 3 minutes. Should be something to see when it gets here. :P

The train was AWESOME. However, I wasn't able to get all the photos I wanted, so I'm gonna hop on the 5:16 train that's the northbound Holiday Train, and get better quality photos. I'll upload them tonight after I have.
Awaiting the 5:16 CTA Holiday Train to Howard. Due in a couple of minutes.
Just got back from having a root canal. I'm going to be numb for hours.

First night of Hanukkah.
That's something I'm always concerned about, too. We do our neighborhood walk everyday, sometimes after dark. We use a flashlight but that doesn't really make everything clear, especially this time of year with all the leaves on the ground. Most residents here are good about bagging their dogs' poop but there are two problem situations. One, is the corners of each street that we cross (there are several). The sidewalks don't go to the end of each corner, so we walk on grass to cross the streets. For some weird reason, there is dog poop on the grassy corners, which, of course, is harder to see than on the pavement. The second problem is dogs who poop while walking behind their owners. It's usually Labs, who can poop without breaking stride; they don't slow down or squat. If they're walking behind their humans, the humans aren't aware of what happened. I know because our male Lab used to do the same thing. Fortunately, when we used to walk him we took a route that went out and then straight back, and we knew what he did, so we could spot his trail of deposits and pick them up. Yes, I know we could have made sure that he walked in front of us but then we would have stepped in his huge poops as they shot out. He was pooping machine. :lol:

I am playing and learning about Garmin Vivosmart. I think I am gonna love it!
Trying to doze off but my mouth is throbbing from my earlier root canal. Hubby is staying home from work tomorrow he is getting sick with a sore throat etc. He always gets sick at Christmas time. Both daughters are here spending the night, love having a full house right now.
*Groans* Spending the night awake after falling asleep WAY early-- like at 7:45 at night. :shock: I rarely fall asleep THAT early.