What are you doing for the holiday season?

Cheri said:
On Christmas Eve, We are going to head over my dad's house for dinner and opening presents, maybe play a game of "Apples," It's a fun family game. I get the most cards every time, Ask Angel. :mrgreen:

On Christmas Day, I'm having alit Christmas at my house just my children and I, They're going to open their present and then we going to have a lit breakfast and later that afternoon I'm cooking up some good meal, We will be having Ham, potatoes, salad, corn casserole, roll and pumpkin pie roll, with whipped cream on top. Sounds good huh? ;)

That's my plans for the year of 2005! See ya all next year :) You all have a Merry Christmas and drive safe too please!
oooo sound good to me!! yummy! rebel and i can join with u?
We'll be going over my dad's house on Christmas eve, then on Christmas day, RR and I will make turkey, mashed potatoes, corn , homemade turkey gravy, hot dinner rolls, and salad....It will only be just the two of us since my children will be at their dad's on Christmas day :( ....
Well I will be at my parents on Friday nite and open our presents. Then we will leave to Texarkana to see my gma on Saturday and spend the night. On Sunday, we will open all presents from aunts/uncles/cousins at her house then go to church... Ofc we will serve dinner late afternoon. On Monday, we will leave for St Louis and I will be with DreamDeaf to open our presents at my house. (Our house) :)
On Christmas eve might have a comapny coming to my place for some chats dunno but stay home ofc.. sunday i'm going off to my praents house with my lil boy for xmas to open presents.. but sunday morning i will get ARtic League person to hand my lil boy more presents then oepn the rest what we have now and go off to my parents for dinner and presents then my boyfriend will give me belate presents.. Money issue :( which i understand competely.. that's all i assume
Wow...everybody seems like they will have a wonderful Christmas. I cannot believe that it will be in 3 days! It is amazing how quickly this year has gone by. Hopefully it will be snow for Christmas, I think snow is pretty. Well before the people plow. Anyway, I wish everybody a very Happy Holiday.
:rofl: @ Rebelgirl and Tweetybirdie. You both are welcome to come. You know that. ;)
Cheri said:
:rofl: @ Rebelgirl and Tweetybirdie. You both are welcome to come. You know that. ;)
HAHAHAHA but i will ask santa buy me a ticket for airplane to fly to see u! :mrgreen:
I'd be spending a lot of time in the kitchen drinking eggnogs with lots of vodka while my mother-in-law stays here for the weekend, starting tomorrow to Monday. I think I'll start my eggnog right about now...
*chuckles* Camtmandu and k75.. gonna be blast each other and have little buzz via webcam or vp Wha..ever you like to celebrate.. *wink* Btw merry christmas..

Me... Will have family alone 24th and 25th.. and also 26th blast outgoing boxing day...
27th, We are going to see My hubby's Dad meet him at the resturant reason his dad's wife is very terminally sick any time dying.. so we could spend time w/my hubby's Dad at resturant during the lunch.. There was little changed sheldued no spend time dinner and also his relatives are changed too. We doesn't mind and pay respect their needy spend time along w/his Dad's wife...
28th.. We'll going to my hubby's mother's place way up the north and have HUGE RELATIVES XMAS DINNER plus playing poker too.. *woOoOOoOoooo*
29th gonna be rest.. My birth mom has been changed updated recently.. I was kind dispointment.. so but doesn't matter.. I've already recieved xmas from my birth mom..
And also have not heard my adopt mom and relatives has not contacted us further..
Big strange changed it lot..

I ain't worry about them.. btw I have wonderful spend time w/my 3 children.. :D

Happy Merry Christmas to you alll...
I will be spending time with my family on xmas day at home (Sunday December 25, 2005).
On the 24th and 25th as Xmas eve and Xmas Day we are staying home and spend our (son and I) times on Xmas since its xmas and my b'day to enjoy.
I will spend my xmas with my family in florida on dec 24-28.