Well, that's all folks!


New Member
Jan 17, 2007
Reaction score
Ha, that line sounds familiar, doesn't it? Of course, on Warner Bros. cartoons. Porky Pig says that often at the end credits. ha. Well, um... Besides the comedy part, this is serious part. I would like to thank you all and I am truly going to log out for good and no longer being associated in this forum for unforseen length of time as I am moving on to other aspects in my life.

I would like to thank you for some chat at the beginning of the year and the dry spell in past couple of months or so in AllDeaf website.

But one thing though, someday we will return. It was nice knowing you all. God bless you all and that is all folks! Hee hee. Take care!! And... Wrap!
I understand, Hope you'll have a great journey in life whatever path that you'll choose. It was a pleasure meeting you on AD. ;)
Good Luck with what you chose in your life. We all enjoyed having you here in AllDeaf. May the best be with you. ;) Do come back when you are able to.
Aw good luck and I truly enjoyed reading your posts, so long pal :sadwave:
Ha, that line sounds familiar, doesn't it? Of course, on Warner Bros. cartoons. Porky Pig says that often at the end credits. ha. Well, um... Besides the comedy part, this is serious part. I would like to thank you all and I am truly going to log out for good and no longer being associated in this forum for unforseen length of time as I am moving on to other aspects in my life.

I would like to thank you for some chat at the beginning of the year and the dry spell in past couple of months or so in AllDeaf website.

But one thing though, someday we will return. It was nice knowing you all. God bless you all and that is all folks! Hee hee. Take care!! And... Wrap!
Take care and see you when you get back :afro:
All the best in your coming future. :D Do return when you feel like it.
Awww! I enjoyed your posts so u will be missed! Anyways, good luck with everything! :)
You can leave for as long you want but your screenname will always be here so log back in anytime! Ciao!