Welfare recipients live in mansion

so... I buy the house from dad, but don't really have enough to fully pay him for the house. Good ol dad puts a lean on the house for $100,000. My name is still on the deed and that is what shows on the county land search database. Not my dad's name, Right? (assuming that all pertinent taxes are calculated, filed, and paid)

That really depends on how it's recorded. If there wasn't an official closing in which your dad signed a transfer of deed and paid deed taxes, it very well might still be in your dads name. Of course, I don't know all the circumstances here.
so... I buy the house from dad, but don't really have enough to fully pay him for the house. Good ol dad puts a lean on the house for $100,000. My name is still on the deed and that is what shows on the county land search database. Not my dad's name, Right? (assuming that all pertinent taxes are calculated, filed, and paid)

Yes it should be in your name. Like Sallylou said you have to be Very Careful about how this is worked. I have seen people get hit with a boatload of taxes and penalties doing this. It is also one of the things that breaks Lotto winners.
No jillio, the officers that I have been talking to about working these cases are just making up a bunch of lies like all cops do. You know how it works. We're all a bunch of criminal hacks that lie, cheat and steal from society and can't be trusted with anything! (Pun intended!) I never said I had personal knowledge of these crimes.

Gee whiz I know what kind of degrees Chiropractors have but you certainly do not know what other degrees he might have unless you read minds. I really really hope that by you belittling people and calling them names that it makes you feel all important and stuff but it's not very becoming behavior for someone that's supposed to be helping others is it?! A counselor or psychologist isn't supposed to beat down others to make themselves feel better they're supposed to lift the person up to make them better! You are one sadistic troubled person. Hope you get off your high horse soon before you destroy someone else's life. Sure hope you don't treat your clients like you do folks on AD! They'd be calling the suicide hotline! I know I have issues like everyone does but you are sick! Go to a doctor immediately!

Spit out the bone.:laugh2:

Resorting to name calling now? And making untrue accusations, as well? Not very respectable behavior for an officer of the law.:cool2:

And, as an officer of the law, I am certain you have heard of slander. You are bumping right up against that line. Keep it up.

BTW, you never did answer the question. Given the similarities in your posts and the person who "invited" you to this forum...how exactly are you related? Brothers, perhaps?
That really depends on how it's recorded. If there wasn't an official closing in which your dad signed a transfer of deed and paid deed taxes, it very well might still be in your dads name. Of course, I don't know all the circumstances here.

This is a hypothetical situation that could be true some time in the next few years. So I guess it's sitting in the back of my mind saying "learn more about this "... Oh well. :lol: thanks for the feedback!
Yep. I believe I have recommended more than once in this thread that we wait and see what happens with this case before hanging him.

I see you like to pick and choose who is innocent until proven guilty. :hmm:
I just realized, I live in a condo that is right on the edge of a pond. I must also live in a mansion! :) Who knew!?! :D
I just realized, I live in a condo that is right on the edge of a pond. I must also live in a mansion! :) Who knew!?! :D

Lake front property! Now, how do you afford that expensive a residence?:squint:
SMH at the total lack of logic in this post.

Just because you don't see it doesn't mean that it's not there. But one would expect such a confused comment based on the previous post.

But you know, it is really flattering that rather than coming up with original replies, you find mine to be so witty that you steal them and try to use them on your own. Sad, though, that you just don't do it with the same finesse. But keep practicing.