Weather in your region and how you handle it?

it was -42 Celcius here yesterday which is -41.8 F ...the other day ottawa was the coldest place on the continent with some places reaching -50 with the wind chill...what in the actual F...why did I move back here?! lol

We're having a heat wave tomorrow it's going to be 25 degree!
Where I live, for past few days, it have been sunzero temps. I have been staying at my boyfriend's since my apartment is cold. I am thinking I want to escape to somewhere warm but no money.

stay home. heater high.
Most years I just deal with it because hey, I live in Mass and it gets cold. I wear layers and fingerless gloves (and thats inside haha). Tomorrow though I'm going to Florida so I get to be warm for a week! Super excited.
I am just waiting for the weekend when it will be a balmy 30 degrees here in Minneapolis.
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Windows opened and the ceiling fan is on. Walking around in Capris and flip flops.
School closed real early and they cancelled the makeup day tomorrow. Even some businesses are closing early. I'll be layering up here in the house.
i frozen..mounds of dirty snow around it not very nice...even my heating not heating house up, got blanket around me
It is always very cold here during January and February. Yesterday it was -28C with the wind chill of -42.

I tend to wear a toque, a pair of thermal gloves and a pair of heavy jacket whenever I go out. I turn on my portable heater in my bedroom because it is always freezing during night time.
Today it is sunny and a lovely 0 degrees with no wind. All that sunshine bouncing off the snow lifts my spirits. On my walk today all I needed for outer wear were boots, a light jacket and gloves. These kind of winter days are easy to handle :).
In SoCal it's just wet right now. And quite nice, compared to other people on here. I like the cold, but my mom deals with our 40-50 degree temps with a fire, blanket, slippers, and a hot drink. Sometimes she goes upstairs and huddles under her covers.
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Journey said:
Today it is sunny and a lovely 0 degrees with no wind. All that sunshine bouncing off the snow lifts my spirits. On my walk today all I needed for outer wear were boots, a light jacket and gloves. These kind of winter days are easy to handle :).

I am sure it is beautiful. I have never seen real snow. Only the FL brand flurries that melts before it hit the ground.
Wirelessly posted

I am sure it is beautiful. I have never seen real snow. Only the FL brand flurries that melts before it hit the ground.

Really? Never seen 1 inch of snow?
Same as here... Will be out at Red Bulls Crashed Ice tomorrow.

Sounds like fun!

I don't get out nearly enough to St Paul events. I've only been to the winter carnival once in the five years I've lived here. Have fun at Red Bull Crashed Ice!
Wirelessly posted
I am sure it is beautiful. I have never seen real snow. Only the FL brand flurries that melts before it hit the ground.

I remember that type of snow! :D I grew up in Florida. When my Floridian family took a trip to Canada once and it snowed enough to leave a light dusting on the cars outside, we scooped up the snow and built the tiniest little snowman and made a HUGE fuss over it. It was so exciting for us!
Nope, not going there... I'm keeping my mouth shut about how nice it is right now. Currently upper 70s and get into the upper 70s/lower 80s tomorrow. It'll be nice for at least another 6 days. I recall in 1995 when it was warm like this on my birthday (this Sunday!!), and it never got cold again until the following fall, not even down to the 40s that I can recall. Is this another winter like this? I noticed our store has stepped up the floor move and remerch by at least a month and a half early to reflect an early spring. Looks like the company has geared up for that possibility. We were killed on the warm weather last winter and never made any of our numbers because of it.

We have more than enough people living down here now...

Just layer up or get out.