We have many advantages of being deaf

Truth. I felt something brush my face and my daughter let me know it was a bee.

I guess if you can't see them they can't smell fear. :lol:

mmm.. I guess that's why they don't sting you.
My bet - got lucky once! Hope you never find out for sure though, and can continue thinking it is your magnificent new superpower. :lol:
My bet - got lucky once! Hope you never find out for sure though, and can continue thinking it is your magnificent new superpower. :lol:

I hope so too. Otherwise I will communicate from the ER to admit my error.
Bottesini" much easier for you NOT to test your powers on bees, wasps, hornets etc. Regress to your much more relaxing activity-Rocking Chair ChahaCha and savour EarleGreys' hot tea by pot.
Your are also correct-no direct knowledge if deaf persons involved in "mate swapping/foursomes etc". Still don't know any deaf person personally to check out re martial partner "swapping". Also don't recall any of this previously except for grummer's above comment-valid?

Prof SKY sends your relaxing herd of hounds - 2 Meows before her third rest time of morning. Right-retired slacker!

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Re: Bees and Botti
Aha! Further proof that you are indeed a wizard of alldeaf! lol
Glad they didnt get you.
Bottesini" much easier for you NOT to test your powers on bees, wasps, hornets etc. Regress to your much more relaxing activity-Rocking Chair ChahaCha and savour EarleGreys' hot tea by pot.
Your are also correct-no direct knowledge if deaf persons involved in "mate swapping/foursomes etc". Still don't know any deaf person personally to check out re martial partner "swapping". Also don't recall any of this previously except for grummer's above comment-valid?

Prof SKY sends your relaxing herd of hounds - 2 Meows before her third rest time of morning. Right-retired slacker!

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

I am trying to get in better shape, so I am walking as much as I can. I have way too much tendency to like to relax with Earle Grey and the dogs.

I don't know any persons deaf or hearing involved in wife swapping either.

That's just Grummer. The best tactic is just to pat Grummer on the head, say, "that's nice" and then run for your life.

Hi to Prof SKY.
Thanks Bottesini: re grummer's thoughts. Just checked Michael Chorost's book_Rebuilt. No comment re deaf mate swapping.
To more important things: more walking each day. with decrease in Rocking Chair ChaChaCha.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Deaf Perk (as posted on FB)

I am deaf, therefore I do not have to listen to you.
Don't have to listen to you-deaf. What is consequence on this specific interaction?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I slept through yet another thunderstorm. Many this year. So easy to do with no HAs in at night! :)
the best thing about being deaf, is belonging to deaf culture and knowing ASL!
How about the many deaf persons who don't belong to deaf culture or use ASL?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Well, I do hear kids splashing around when I'm swimming under water at a public pool.
But one good thing is that I can get a good night sleep w/o my hearing aid...as long as there is no thunderstorm.