Wanna play Postitive game about ad members?

I know I am not here too often like I used to be....

Cheri- shes cool lady to chat with..

Luciadistrubed- we chatted on AIM, shes very sweet lady to chat with....

OceanBreeze- she is great lady

TrippLA (?)- he is very nice man to chat with

DeafScuba98- I have known him in real life, and he is very nice.

Pinkester- I know her in real life, and she is very outgoing, and we used to have locker next to eachother during high school.

Flyfree- Met her once, and she is very super nice lady

Cooliefroggie- Know her in real life, used to go to school together, and she is nice like Flyfree.

Taylor- He is super great cop, and wish he is here.. .

CC Sinned- Very interesting guy, he makes me LOL.

Mizzdeaf- she is sweet lady.

Tweety- She is very open minded person..

If anyone I missed, I am very sorry...
Real Life..I've met....

Alex... really wanting have fun and nice gentlemen ever I met him real life..

RoadRunner.. Quite mellow and seriouis man have discuss to talk and also willing listening anyone feel want to talk... He have wonderful heart and welcomes you.. One day, you and I would love to go out at casino and to have play texas hold'em poker... let's bring along w/your friends *pssst* don't forget bring your future wife.. (chuckles) of course bring your future sister in law.. (chuckles)

^Angel^, She's nice woman..I'm tell'n you ya... Tend to talk and open heart welcomes warming feels alike generously more than that. She's quite NICE!! I lurv her really made me felt alike "Blue Friends"

Cheri, I lurv her and way her act so seriouisly fun woman and want to have fun and talk humor sense.. When Cheri and I are chatting while walking around and pretty fun tend talk more.. LOL Love it.. Honestly I would have her room mate again... when somewhere have vacation again.. *chuckles*

Vampy, He is very talkactive and open mind understand to talk anything when I'm talk.. Actually He quite willing open listening... Pretty nice have him around.. He's cool in my book.. actually isn't same on line AD... Real life is totally so DIFFERENT compare than internet on line... Near the future, I would love to meet him again!

RebelGirl, She is very illiegent woman and open mind talk.. Honestly she's cool in my book.. I would love to meet her again..

TweetyBird, Honestly, She is sweet woman ever I met.. when I chat w/her.. quite funny and trying to tease anyone.. She is cool.. Actually I see her.. wow break my breath away, quite she's tall woman..

LovelyBlkGal, She is quiet woman and can be funny when everyone who tease or picking on her... Tend to laugh... Nice!

Soonerseth, He's nice man and love to curiouis talk anyone.. Quite Honestly He's nice man ever I met.. I'm glad he's here on AD Cancus... Impressive he's brave and shown everyone he can go travelling anywhere...

DreamDeaf, She is funny woman and tend to talk openily discuss and ahead of planning.. Excellent woman ever I met her.. She's impressive woman and cool in my book!

MizzDeaf, She is fun as same DreamDeaf.. When she trying to scold DD pretty funny and tend to laugh front of us.. Pretty funny honestly and cool in my book too...

on VP...

LakeTahoe, She is fun and tend to talk anything general... Nice woman is cool in my book..... Welcome you vp w/me sometime.. when I settle new home...

Horselover, She is lovely woman and talk mostly about her son and lifestyles much more.. I would love to tease her and make her laugh... anytime welcome vp sometime... when I settle new home... :)

Did I miss anyone more ???

Where is me?????? :dunno:
I know I am not here too often like I used to be....

Cheri- shes cool lady to chat with..

Luciadistrubed- we chatted on AIM, shes very sweet lady to chat with....

OceanBreeze- she is great lady

TrippLA (?)- he is very nice man to chat with

DeafScuba98- I have known him in real life, and he is very nice.

Pinkester- I know her in real life, and she is very outgoing, and we used to have locker next to eachother during high school.

Flyfree- Met her once, and she is very super nice lady

Cooliefroggie- Know her in real life, used to go to school together, and she is nice like Flyfree.

Taylor- He is super great cop, and wish he is here.. .

CC Sinned- Very interesting guy, he makes me LOL.

Mizzdeaf- she is sweet lady.

Tweety- She is very open minded person..

If anyone I missed, I am very sorry...

Thanks alot. :D

You are very nice member since I had seen but I understand that you are upset with Heath and Buckdodgers, also it does happen to me too.

How about deafdyke? She's your best friend.
Lil Country girl- shes cool young girl

Moonflower- she always give out postive feedback

Raingurl- We chatted on IM, shes awesome lady

Greypeddie- He is very impressive young man

RJR- He is very intelligent young man despites his disablities.

AJ- he always crack us up...

Sweetheart & Seqouias- they are very good couple here.

FelixKat- she is greatly appreciated here, even if people disagree with CI.

I will have to think some more.... Will post when comes up in my head..
steel x- you are very sweet and friendly guy i ever met and do patient with me and listen to me and be there for me whenever i need u ofc we may disagree on some things but ofc we still do love each other like crazy too heh thanks for stick with me

sweetheart- u always be there for me and i am glad that we are best friend for 9 yrs....u are wonderful girl and very sweet and always listen and understand and etc with ppl in here alldeaf just keep that way hehe

seq- hi shiny teeth hahah just kidding u better be goody to sweetheart or i will hunt u down lol i know u are very nice and soft heart guy i ever met and ur very HUGE researcher i ever met! :eek3: hahah be cool

royalmajesty *sp*- u may be weird (no offense) but same time cool and nice girl notice that u always laugh alot and very wild :eek3:

and the rest of alldeaf member...i am sure they are friendly and nice and wud like to get to know who they are and etc
Sequoias- He's love of my life, he's great guy to being with, he would NEVER give up to making me happy, will be there for me no matter what, he would listen and help me, he and I been thought thick and thin, that's beautiful thing. I'm very enjoy to being with him and I do truly love him with my own whole heart.

Fei Ku- She is my best friend for many years, she's amazing! She always will be there for me when I need her to. She always help me and listen to my feelings and everything. I'm very glad that I met her!

Steel X- he's very SILLY boy! Love to laughing with him, he's very good at sense of humor. He would be there for me also! He's great friend!

Alex- He's great person, and I'm very glad that he made this website to having people to be friends together and such like that, thanks Alex for that! :thumb:

CODAChild- she's WONDERFUL person! She is very friendly to talking with, I love to chat with her sometime. She would do anything like listen, help, dicussion and everything like that. I'm very enjoy with that. And she's amazing friend! I love her for that!

FelixKat930- She's great friend with, I love to chatting with her on AIM and dicussion about everything EVEN she will be there for me and help me, I'm very enjoy with that!

SpiceHD- she's great friend, she is good at helping with me like for everything.. She will be there for me of course, and I will be there for her same thing.. She's cool one!

TweetyBird- She's AWESOME friend! I love to flirt with her because she's fun to being talk with and flirt with and everything! :giggle: She's good cooker! And, I hope I will meet her! ;)

Cheri- She's great friend with, I love to chatting with her online since she's busy, that's alright with me.. And, I would be there for her no matter what becuase I knew that she will be there for me.

^Angel^- She's great friend with too, she's pretty cool to chatting with. And, she's busy same like with Cheri. ;)

PeachyLady- I met her on the VP twice, she's great person to be friend with! And, she's good listener, will help with everything, will be there for everybody. I love her for that!

LakeTahoe- She's great friend! She and I met on the VP, she's pretty cool person. She will help and be there for me if I need her to, and I'm really enjoy that with her.. And, I would love to meet her in person. ;)

OldNavyGirl- She's awesome person, I met her in person once by our friend. And she's cool of course. I do consider her as my friend even she's busy to talking with.

RebelGirl- She's COOL! And beautiful. ;) And I bet she's awesome friend with. And I do enjoy her posts in here and even, I sometime talk to her in private message. I do enjoy to chat with her sometime.

LuciaDisturbed- She's awesome to chatting with, she is very open minded with, and I do enjoy to chatting with her and read her posts. And even, she isn't afraid to stand up and tell the fact and what her opinion is, I do like that! Keep it up!

DeafMonkey- She's awesome friend with, she's VERY SILLY girl! I do enjoy to chatting with her on the AIM! ;)

PunkyWolfy- I met him on the VP with TweetyBird, he's VERY silly man! And I love his tease and jokes! He's great person to be friend with, keep it up!
Of course, Kalista! - she bring humour and laughter in here. She is a nice lady and she is funny too. :ily:
For some old schoolers, you rocks! You know who you are! :) I enjoy chatting with you in real life, VP, or through posts. Please keep in touch! :giggle:

For current Aders, I don't know some of you..well, be real and keep the posts interesting and positive.. :deal:
Oddball, where have you been? BBNT has been pulling his hair out over your extended absences! Lol, good to see you now and then....
I just want to say a few of you have mentioned my name. thank you!

I'm not all that noticable either but that's alrighty. I've only been a member since early 2005 so I'm still a "newbie"

Tweetybird: I've known her since '97 and she's one of my best gal! She's a good listener and is ALWAYS there for me!

^Angel^: I've gotten to know you in the past year (close enough) and we have gotten really close and love everything about you. your sweetness and kindness is what brings me close to you! I can see where RR's love is.. and that's to you, ^Angel^. I got to meet her in real life and hated to leave and say good bye but I'm sooo damn looking forward to meeting her again next year!

Cheri: She's one of the most funniest lady to hang out with. She cracks me up everytime she makes an expression or being sarcastic to someone.

GalaxyAngel: boy, who wouldn't want to hang out with her??? everyone would love her too death!!!! she's fun to chat with and she always has something to say and is very creative too!

Sweetheart: I love reading your post especially when you talk about your rats!!! :eek3: Its always pretty interesting to read about your animals. You're also very sweet and I love your smile!

RR: you're a really good listener and always have good advices especially when my car broke down and you helped out. ;) You're a sweet guy and have a great sense of humor!

Alex: YOu're very kind, sweet and have a beautiful smile. We wouldn't be here (in alldeaf) without you. Thank you for creating such great forums!


AJ: AJ was my very very first friend when I first came in here. He is the type of a guy that can express his feelings to a girl. Sorry, AJ, I had to say that. Not many guys would show or tell how they feel about anything.. especially when they think they're macho men! but AJ was the one that showed to me and few other members how to make them feel good about themselves. He tells everyone how beautiful we are from inside out. Now, I miss him. I don't see him come in here much and I don't come in here as much as I used to. Thank you AJ for being my friend!

but to all other AD members, I still love you all even though I couldn't just name every person in my post. But you all are doing awesome and keep up with the post!
I just wanted to say something positive to the AD members....

Sweetheart: She's my beautiful tomboy and we have up and downs in our relationships and we made it thru! We have our memories, chats, hang outs, etc together and it's been great! I'm so glad we are together!

Fei Ku: She's a nice, funny gal and we met in person when I visited in Michigan in June. Thank you so much for introducing me to your best friend, Sweetheart!

Steel X: He's a smart guy that knows lot about video games, we chat on AIM on a lot of things related to technology and it's great to be a friend with you!

Tweetybird: She's a sweet, caring lady who makes sure everything is all right and also she is open minded. She doesn't mind sharing lots about cooking with us if we need some help.

CODAchild: She's a nice lady who has patience with people and has a lot of positive thoughts. She's pretty much a busy lady, too!

^Angel^: She's a nice gal and she's very lucky to have Roadrunner! I hope to see you guys next year if I get invited. ;)

Cheri: She's the same as Angel. She's a great and a really busy lady who really cares about her own child's safety.

Rebelgirl: She's a great, lovable girl who's admired by many and she cares about everyone on alldeaf, she's a great lady!

Jolie77: She's a great, open minded lady who likes to chat about everything. She's also really patient, too!

FelixKat930: She's a great gal who loves to learn about everything A to Z. I could share about anything with her. She's a great friend.

Alex: He's a great Alldeaf owner and he has a great heart for the deaf community! :D

RoadRunner: He's a patient, soft hearted, great guy to chat with about a lot of things. I hope to see him get married with his girl, Angel! It'll be great!

There's so many I can think of...so you're all great members of Alldeaf and hopefully it lasts thru the years. Also, behave, too! Keep the positive things coming along, also! ;)
Everyone here are nice and friendly people including AIM and MSN chats. :)
LuciaDisturbed- She's awesome to chatting with, she is very open minded with, and I do enjoy to chatting with her and read her posts. And even, she isn't afraid to stand up and tell the fact and what her opinion is, I do like that! Keep it up!

Aw thanks, Sweetheart! :)
I forgot another person. It is ALEX!

I have chat with him briefly and exchange messages with him. He seem a cool guy with a good heart. He is a busy man but he still have time for this forum and tagdeaf. Good on ya, mate :)
Aww thanks Sweetheart! You're such a great friends too!!!


Sequoias- He's love of my life, he's great guy to being with, he would NEVER give up to making me happy, will be there for me no matter what, he would listen and help me, he and I been thought thick and thin, that's beautiful thing. I'm very enjoy to being with him and I do truly love him with my own whole heart.

Fei Ku- She is my best friend for many years, she's amazing! She always will be there for me when I need her to. She always help me and listen to my feelings and everything. I'm very glad that I met her!

Steel X- he's very SILLY boy! Love to laughing with him, he's very good at sense of humor. He would be there for me also! He's great friend!

Alex- He's great person, and I'm very glad that he made this website to having people to be friends together and such like that, thanks Alex for that! :thumb:

CODAChild- she's WONDERFUL person! She is very friendly to talking with, I love to chat with her sometime. She would do anything like listen, help, dicussion and everything like that. I'm very enjoy with that. And she's amazing friend! I love her for that!

FelixKat930- She's great friend with, I love to chatting with her on AIM and dicussion about everything EVEN she will be there for me and help me, I'm very enjoy with that!

SpiceHD- she's great friend, she is good at helping with me like for everything.. She will be there for me of course, and I will be there for her same thing.. She's cool one!

TweetyBird- She's AWESOME friend! I love to flirt with her because she's fun to being talk with and flirt with and everything! :giggle: She's good cooker! And, I hope I will meet her! ;)

Cheri- She's great friend with, I love to chatting with her online since she's busy, that's alright with me.. And, I would be there for her no matter what becuase I knew that she will be there for me.

^Angel^- She's great friend with too, she's pretty cool to chatting with. And, she's busy same like with Cheri. ;)

PeachyLady- I met her on the VP twice, she's great person to be friend with! And, she's good listener, will help with everything, will be there for everybody. I love her for that!

LakeTahoe- She's great friend! She and I met on the VP, she's pretty cool person. She will help and be there for me if I need her to, and I'm really enjoy that with her.. And, I would love to meet her in person. ;)

OldNavyGirl- She's awesome person, I met her in person once by our friend. And she's cool of course. I do consider her as my friend even she's busy to talking with.

RebelGirl- She's COOL! And beautiful. ;) And I bet she's awesome friend with. And I do enjoy her posts in here and even, I sometime talk to her in private message. I do enjoy to chat with her sometime.

LuciaDisturbed- She's awesome to chatting with, she is very open minded with, and I do enjoy to chatting with her and read her posts. And even, she isn't afraid to stand up and tell the fact and what her opinion is, I do like that! Keep it up!

DeafMonkey- She's awesome friend with, she's VERY SILLY girl! I do enjoy to chatting with her on the AIM! ;)

PunkyWolfy- I met him on the VP with TweetyBird, he's VERY silly man! And I love his tease and jokes! He's great person to be friend with, keep it up!