VRS Interpreters

Like most Deafies, I'm a big fan of VRS. I also use VCO while making calls. How do VRS interpreters like handling VCO calls? Easier? Harder? Is it a nice break not having to do voice reversing?
I like handling VCO calls. They are a bit easier, but mostly it's because it is something different! Anytime a call is unusual, it is fun. Most calls are normal everyday stuff...call the doctor, call tech support, call about my bill...so anything out of the ordinary is fun. And there are very few VCO calls, so it is fun.

I also like that with VCO I don't have to explain relay, because the hearing person doesn't know that relay is being used! Not a lot of hearing people are familiar with relay, especially video relay, so it is easier for me if I don't have to say the stuff about "are you familiar with video relay" and "I'm interpreting the call" and everything. MOST of the time it works the same way when a hearing person calls a deaf person...they already know they are talking to a relay operator and I don't have to explain to them. Some hearing people don't know about it though, and they ask why they have to call the different phone number, etc.

So yes I like VCO, it is easier and fun!
I like handling VCO calls. They are a bit easier, but mostly it's because it is something different! Anytime a call is unusual, it is fun. Most calls are normal everyday stuff...call the doctor, call tech support, call about my bill...so anything out of the ordinary is fun. And there are very few VCO calls, so it is fun.

This raises a question I've been wondering about for a while. Do any of the VRS companies do a combination HCO/VCO service, something like Captel but with VPs?
This raises a question I've been wondering about for a while. Do any of the VRS companies do a combination HCO/VCO service, something like Captel but with VPs?
I don't think there are any VRS companies that offer HCO, I have not heard of any of them that do!
Like most Deafies, I'm a big fan of VRS. I also use VCO while making calls. How do VRS interpreters like handling VCO calls? Easier? Harder? Is it a nice break not having to do voice reversing?

I usually like it. Sometimes I don't when the person is very hard to understand, and the hearing person really doesn't understand them either; especially if they're calling a business and it's not a personal phone call to family/friends.

It also complicates things when the deaf person signs, in the middle of a VCO call, "talk for me" and out of the blue I have to start voicing. The hearing person usually gets VERY confused then, if it's not a family member or someone who is used to the deaf/hoh person & knows they're using relay.

Ooh, or when it's someone who doesn't need our signing services, but wants to be connected internationally to someone else on the taxpayers' dime. :pissed: