using ip-relay which of the 2 is better


New Member
Feb 24, 2004
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I just down louded both ip-relay and sprint relay wireless I have no idea which is better and do I get charged for each call I mean if I call my friend that has t mobile like my self would I get charge I would love to use it but I don't would to get an outragous bill thanks for taking time to read and replying.
use ip relay to make local call which will be still free if u make long distance calls it will cost u 20 cents each call so good advice to do is just call local calls like ur mom or friends whoever u do trust so.. have a good day :)
Thank you that helps me a lot I think I'm going to try it now , that I have a better idea , my mother is deaf and I love to keep intouch with her cause she lives by her self and I have a lot of deaf friends . Be safe and thanks again for your input.
You know cental you made a good point people that should be using ip relay to crank call will end up messing it up for people like me that need it to keep intouch with love ones I did trythem both by the way and they are both the same but I like sprint relay a little better cause its clearer for me to under stand the format which I no its weard cause they almost the same , be safe people .
Yeah I have good news I love using both relays and will continue enjoying use of the ip relays
Was I right about both services being free? I've been under the impression that all IP based relay services are under the FCC's check.
cental34 said:
Was I right about both services being free? I've been under the impression that all IP based relay services are under the FCC's check.

yeah, they're free.

i've personally had better luck at than any other companies.
All of internet relay calls are free.

I usually use i711 or relay.att to call relay
Of course I'm right. Just be sure to be nice to your operator. One day it might be me. :smoking:

Cool I didn't know you work doing that , ill be nice :) I use it to call my mom so I have to be nice are she get on me hehe for being rood
placing a internet based relay calls (any company like mci, sprint or AT&T whatever) locally or long distance ARE FREE. although hearing caller calling to a deaf person via relay either on internet or tty may get charged.

placing a tty based relay calls (any company) locally are free but charged if long distance unless it is 800 nbr.

I don't think there is charge for making vrs calls vice versa.
HIblue is right abt that cuz sometimes i would be disconnected or the power would be out so we wouldn't have a phone on... when she does call its out of genuine worriness which i am thankful she does worry abt me in case of emergency :)

I use the IP relay and ONCE in a blue moon will use the wireless. most of the time im using the ip relay which helps me in event i need tot alk to my work or my mom... and iw as in ohau and on the phone 4 times in one week but it's all good :) hehe
HaloAsesino said:
I just down louded both ip-relay and sprint relay wireless I have no idea which is better and do I get charged for each call I mean if I call my friend that has t mobile like my self would I get charge I would love to use it but I don't would to get an outragous bill thanks for taking time to read and replying.

are you talking about using the cell phone not the SK?
i am talking about using a sidekick 2 thats all sorry if i did not make it clear :tears: :barf: :wackit: :rl: :rifle:
I dont even need to download stuff since I have 4 diferent IP relay providers on my sidekick.

Don't mislead everybody. IP relay, ALL calls within domestic is 100% free. That 20 cents a call is when you use TTY machine hook up with SK1 or 2 then there will be air time charge. But because there is IP relay built in SK, it is 100% data, no voice is involved therefore there is no air time charges. so call anywhere as you want! International calls once was accepted, but not anymore :(

GeMiNiCaT05 said:
use ip relay to make local call which will be still free if u make long distance calls it will cost u 20 cents each call so good advice to do is just call local calls like ur mom or friends whoever u do trust so.. have a good day :)
Your right, I don't know why people get confused about calls made though Ma bell and internet. They are totally seperated. All VRS calls you made is though the internet, not ma bell system! When the CA calls somebody for you, it is LIKELY they are using VoIP and that VoIP will route the call to the local Ma bell station where you are calling TO (Not from!). That is how they were able to come up with almost free of charges.

Boult said:
I don't think there is charge for making vrs calls vice versa.