USA is dangerous.


New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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There is too much violence in USA.
And people are not compassion enough.
And there are child molesters, look at what happen to Jessica in Florida.
And there are too many problems in USA.

And freedom is a joke.
USA is a joke.

We are using alarm to protect our stuff...

And many people steal our cars and bike and break in houses.

With all the tech we have.... and we have cops and stuff...
but we still ain't safe.

Look at the airport... we passengers are treated like criminals.

Criminals are updating ... they know how to break in stuff.

And still we can't stop murdering...
Do you think USA is a dangerous place?
There's no place to live safely. There's always dangerous places to live ALL OVER THE WORLD. :)
Not just USA is not safe, like everyone else have had mentioned... the WORLD itself isn't a safe place... sad isn't it?
Miss*Pinocchio said:
There is too much violence in USA.
And people are not compassion enough.
And there are child molesters, look at what happen to Jessica in Florida.
And there are too many problems in USA.

And freedom is a joke.
USA is a joke.

We are using alarm to protect our stuff...

And many people steal our cars and bike and break in houses.

With all the tech we have.... and we have cops and stuff...
but we still ain't safe.

Look at the airport... we passengers are treated like criminals.

Criminals are updating ... they know how to break in stuff.

And still we can't stop murdering...
Do you think USA is a dangerous place?

I think the US is dangerous, yes. But, it's not *just* the US that's dangerous to live in. As already been mentioned, the world we live in is dangerous, so you can't just single out one place or another.
sighing...why always look at the negative side, MissP?

The world is dangerous and will always be dangerous. Nothing has changed from day one on this Earth. Granted, it is safer in some areas than others but basically everywhere there are dangers.

Be thankful you dont live in war zones where you cant even leave your house in fear of getting shot at or raped or whatnot.

I am damn thankful every single day to be living here in US where I feel safe enough to leave my house everyday. I am glad I am not in Afghanistan where women could get shot or hanged for laughing/walking without a male escort, etc etc.

Look at postive side more often, MissP. It is HOW you react that counts, not the situation itself.
The world IS a dangerous place to live, in fact there are MORE dangerous places in parts of the world than we see in the US. Why don't u just be glad that u are still alive, that's what counts. Why don't u worry about ur life than the stupid US is dangerous stuff. :P
Good responses!

Life is fatal, no matter where you live. There are some areas of the U.S. safer than others, just like in all the other countries in the world.

Live long and prosper!
Miss P I will give you 2 choices do you rather live in:

Usa OR Iraq???
Miss*Pinocchio said:
ummm let me think... USA. :doh:
Duh!..... Usa has a deaf rights... out of usa.. they will have a hard time to get some deaf right.. think about it
i say anywhere. my cousin is in IRAQ, he just emailed me that there was suicidal bombing in kirkuit where he is now, he is scared shitless over there.
The only safest place is in my hand. Wanna see it? Come here, take a look!

*you move closer to my fist*
