
I don't know what this world is coming to... We are short changing our own children. :(

Schools have less money because their funds are based on property taxes.
- property assessments drop
- homes sold for a loss
- banks forclose
each reduces the overall taxes and schools suffer. I'm not sure what we can do to reverse this.
It's unfair how the money, because of property taxes, are unevenly distributed...some schools have better facilities than others, etc. Every school should be equal in facilities, quality of education, same textbooks, same good curriculum...etc. A parent shouldn't have to look for "good" schools...yikes, I got on my soapbox! Get me off of it...hurrry!
It's unfair how the money, because of property taxes, are unevenly distributed...some schools have better facilities than others, etc. Every school should be equal in facilities, quality of education, same textbooks, same good curriculum...etc. A parent shouldn't have to look for "good" schools...yikes, I got on my soapbox! Get me off of it...hurrry!
same on my college university not fair because strike prove on ASL I think! I don't know what is happened find out! I will research!