

New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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I will be having my CI surgery on Aug. 22. We have to be there at 8:30 pm for lab tests and blood works. Then the surgery starts at 10:30 pm. It takes 2 hours and a half. I have to stay overnight at the hospital because doctor wants to make sure I am ok the next day before being released.

I will let you know how it goes! And I will also let you know when is my turn on! :D
That's great! Of course, doctor rather to having people who gets CI to staying at the hosptial overnight to seeing everything alright with them and you, same like with another kind of surgery... ;) Let us know more about this when you gets it!
Im happy for you... and Please do update with your progressing of healing etc...

I remember when I went in for surgery.. first thing I felt when They woke me up was I said "why my jaw feels like someone Punch me?" then few min later, my throat was so sore from the breathing hose in my throat"

So you wont feel bad by feeling like that.. it's common :) even for anybody who had any surgery like Csection, etc just common for breathing etc..

Good luck again.. Let us know more then.. :)

That´s wonderful :thumb:

I wish you best of good luck and success.
FelixKat930 said:
I will be having my CI surgery on Aug. 22. We have to be there at 8:30 pm for lab tests and blood works. Then the surgery starts at 10:30 pm. It takes 2 hours and a half. I have to stay overnight at the hospital because doctor wants to make sure I am ok the next day before being released.

I will let you know how it goes! And I will also let you know when is my turn on! :D

Best of luck to you, FelixKat!!! :)
Best of luck!
It's been 2 months since my CI surgery, I'm feeling great!
You'll get more excited with each passing days, as I did. lol
Keep us updated!
i will pray for your speedy recovery and hope it will go smooth..Good luck on everything- you will need it! heh.. :D
FelixKat930 said:
I will be having my CI surgery on Aug. 22. We have to be there at 8:30 pm for lab tests and blood works. Then the surgery starts at 10:30 pm. It takes 2 hours and a half. I have to stay overnight at the hospital because doctor wants to make sure I am ok the next day before being released.

I will let you know how it goes! And I will also let you know when is my turn on! :D

Wow! Way to go, gal! :cheers:
StacieLeigh said:
Best of luck!
It's been 2 months since my CI surgery, I'm feeling great!
You'll get more excited with each passing days, as I did. lol
Keep us updated!

You don't say! 2 months already! Where did the time go to! Hope you're doing great...
Best of luck to you, Fill me in with details once you get your CI. ;)
FelixKat930 said:
I will be having my CI surgery on Aug. 22. We have to be there at 8:30 pm for lab tests and blood works. Then the surgery starts at 10:30 pm. It takes 2 hours and a half. I have to stay overnight at the hospital because doctor wants to make sure I am ok the next day before being released.

I will let you know how it goes! And I will also let you know when is my turn on! :D
Well, go easy on yourself and relax. Good luck with the surgery, and hope for a speedy recovery.