Unofficial AllDeaf Map - Post Your Location!

Im now officially on the unofficial AD Frappr map. FC - I dont see you on there....
No problem, simple type which area you live... then it will shows... like what I did because I live in Germany...

Hi liebling, long time no speak eh,hows life?
you are not showing on the map I opened in germany, did you remove it or what?
I tried to add my location but it won't let me without an email address. :(
My city already there . Can I add or not ?

I am in Houston so its claimed
Howdy yall

Just wanted to stop by and say hello to everyone.
My name is Greg, I'm 39 and living in San Francisco, CA.

About 5 months ago I noticed a slight bit of difficulty hearing on my left side.
Three weeks ago I under went a 10 hour long surgery to remove a brain tumor!

In August of 2007 at the daggering of several friends I went in for my first hearing test since I was in the 2nd grade. Turned out I had about a 15% loss of hearing, but October I was even more difficulty hearing and the loss has increased to about 27%. My doctor ordered an MRI and sure enough, there was an acoustic neuroma. After several weeks later I was able to see a specialist at UCSF Medical Center and with a second MRI for confirmation I was schedule for surgery on 1/30/08 to remove it.

My first words when I awoke from surgery was, "were they able to save the nerves"? Turns out the 2 inch long tumor was wrapped around several nerves. So when I woke up, I had only about 5% of my hearing in the left ear remaining. As the swelling has gone down, a bit more of the hearing has returned, about 20-25% i would say. I return for my first official hearing test on 3/3/08.

Unfortunately, along with the hearing, I've lost the balance on the left side and now have to train my brain to provide that function just from right side.
I also lost a bit of my eye site on the left side and my least favorite, loss of control of the left side of my face. So I sound and look as if I've had a stroke.

So there you have it. I'm curious if anyone on this forum has had similar experiences? I thought at first I would be really upset about loosing so much hearing, but it hasn't been too bad. I never thought I'd say it, but I'm kinda excited about getting things rolling and getting a hearing aid. Not that I have the clue about the various ones on the market, but I really like the looks of the Phonak Audeo. Anyone have experiences with them?

Thanks for reading!
hi just want to say hi to over one and iwant to have friends from all over the world in my community its very difficult to let pepole accsept my hearing loos but im always in high spirit and i always said what dont kill u make u stronger
hi my name is justin trentham i'm new to this website and it seems nice so far and im only looking to meet new friends and some old friends i know. if you would like to chat i will as long we understand eachother cause im not looking for date or more and im going to become a father this july 7th thur 22nd not sure when it will be born but im steady with my woman. hope to hear from ya soon