Ultimate Debate

The WORST is Red Delicious. Sigh, why do they even put that one out?

I like the green apples. :) sorry I don't know what kind they are, just that they are slightly tart and oh-so-good!
The WORST is Red Delicious. Sigh, why do they even put that one out?

I like the green apples. :) sorry I don't know what kind they are, just that they are slightly tart and oh-so-good!

Granny Smith! Even people who don't know them by name recognize their superiority! :D
All of this apple talk makes me want to buy each type of apple and try them all back-to-back in one sitting.
All of this apple talk makes me want to buy each type of apple and try them all back-to-back in one sitting.

Isn't there supposed to be an Apple festival somewhere???

I don't know why, I now have this huge cravings for apples!
:wave: ohhh, but they're all reds of different kinds...

but I'll be happy to pick up some Granny Smiths later at the store:)
hubby also prefers the green apples if he occasionally wants an apple, but rarely wants one so I don't have any greens.:aw:
All of this apple talk makes me want to buy each type of apple and try them all back-to-back in one sitting.

Good idea! I can picture you sitting at a table with a basket of freshly rinsed apples on one side, a pitcher and glass of water on the other side, and an empty bowl in front of you.

You cleanse your palate, take a bite of apple, roll it around your tongue before finally chewing and swallowing, and then evaluate the bite, crunch and flavor. Toss the rest of the apple into the empty bowl, cleanse your palate again, and move on to the next apple...

An official "apple tasting"! :)
I like red delicious but you need to get them before they get too ripe, most times stores will wait too long to put them out and they have already gone too soft.
I agree with Jabberjay about Red or Golden Delicious apples which has much different taste than GrannySmith which to me is sour!

Enjoy whatever.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
The WORST is Red Delicious. Sigh, why do they even put that one out?

I like the green apples. :) sorry I don't know what kind they are, just that they are slightly tart and oh-so-good!

Red Delicious nasty!!!!!!
I vote for Pink Lady... Maybe it's the name I like, I don't know, but I have yet to eat one that I didn't love! :)
I like red delicious but you need to get them before they get too ripe, most times stores will wait too long to put them out and they have already gone too soft.

You mean there is such a thing as a non-mushy Red Delicious? :hmm:

Still too sweet for me though, I like them a little tart. :)