True Life: I'm Deaf


New Member
Sep 27, 2006
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This just in...MTV's True life will air an episode about the life experiences of two young deaf people. I believe it will be air on July 20 at 1 p.m. Just to be sure, check your local listings. ;)
haha MTV?

you know its going to be viewed as a huge sob story.

"OMG im deaf and i need a life adjustment!"

fucking spare me.

its gonna blow. Dont take it seriously.

MTV hasnt been good since 1995.
haha MTV?

you know its going to be viewed as a huge sob story.

"OMG im deaf and i need a life adjustment!"

fucking spare me.

its gonna blow. Dont take it seriously.

MTV hasnt been good since 1995.

I watched it, it really wasn't as bad as you're making it out to be, that episode was better than the 'compulsive shopper' one that came right after, ha ha
I just watched it last night. I thought it was pretty good. *SPOILER ALERT*

I'm not sure how i should feel about Christopher's point of view regarding hearing girls...when he questioned his friend (who already had a cochlear implant) if it was possible for deaf and hearing people to date and his friend responded that he ALREADY had a hearing girlfriend. Christopher's eyes lit up as if the prospect of getting a hearing girlfriend was the ultimate shangri-la. I understand that it's his choice if he wants a hearing girl.. my beef is that it seemed imo, that he was putting hearing girls- heck, all hearing girls on a pedestal simply cuz they are hearing.:roll: In his defense, he is just 16 years old and obviously has alot of growing up to do.

I'm sure that I'm reading waaaay too deep into this thing. Anyway, as a hearing person, I can't pass judgement. Just my two cents.:whistle:

Just read on his ex's blog that the two of them are no longer together. View it here:

I wonder if the relationship floundered because of communication "issues" (prolonged back and forth pen and paper writing can't be fun).
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I dunno, lots of teenage relationships just like... die... Like a lot of times from past experience, it just... stops. Although it probably was really hard to communicate.
MTV's True Life ~~ "I'm Deaf".

Got e.mail...

Thought I would share this announcement. I watched MTV's True Life on this past Sunday and the topic of the episode was "I'm Deaf". MTV's True Life shows documentaries of young people based on their backgrounds and interests. The episode, "I'm Deaf" aired on this past Sunday and it was an interesting episode. The episode will re-air on this Thursday 7/24 at 12pm EST and also on Saturday 7/26 at 7pm

True Life | Episode 67: I'm Deaf | Video, Photos | MTV

thanks for info! I'm definitely going to watch it!
I'll record it. This should be interesting to see the young deaf's perspectives in high school now that it seems decades ago since I have been in high school.
<--- wont watch it. Ok maybe id watch it if i was channel surfing but i already know what its gonna be about....

its just going to be some SOB story that will just try to make it seem like being deaf is such a depressing obsticle thats supposed to generate sympathy and inspiration. Pleeeeeease.

I mean cmon its MTV produced. What a joke.
wow.. i will watch on july 26 with my hubby cuz of he is off that day.. thanks share with us